Yûko Fueki
출생 : 1979-06-06, Tokyo, Japan
Yûko Fueki (笛木優子) is a Japanese actress. She is also active in South Korea, where she uses the name Yoo Min (유민).
Miharu Yuki
When a new employee from a well-off family begins working for the first she had understood that she is walking into a fabulous working environment. This is what they call a 'white company.' Instead, she is in for a rude shock when the employer turns out to be a 'black company,' which is one with a negative environment, a rude boss, problematic co-workers, abuse and low pay. The employee's father runs a company that happens to go broke. She herself is not a model employee exactly however.
Mari Morita
길고 길었던 싸움과 긴장의 연속이었던 나날. 힐링이 필요한 시간이다.
이제 DTC 삼인조는 여행을 떠나 청춘을 만끽하려 한다.
이때 우연히 들른 한 온천 여관. 이곳에서 모락모락 피어오르는 것은 수증기일까, 사랑의 예감일까?
Osaka loan shark Ginjiro Manda becomes entangled in an elaborate divorce scheme targeting a hard-working waitress at his cafe.
Kyoko Yoneyama
Takako Sugita
Rieko Sugita, a young and beautiful hairdresser who happens to visit a bedding shop owned by Yoshitaro (Emoto) and the latter becomes so besotted with her that they begin an affair without his wife's knowledge. On the other hand, Rieko hates her late mother (Fueki Yuko) for sleeping around with other men but is actually following in her footsteps by sleeping with men for money. One day, she reunites with her first love Naoki (Ozawa) who has become an assistant professor and shares a dark secret with her. Soon, the romance between them is rekindled. However, Yoshitaro who has lost his fortune and is about to lose Rieko, becomes consumed by jealousy which brings Rieko, Naoki and him to the point of no return. -- Dorama World
Based on the novel "Tsuyoki Ari" by Seicho Matsumoto In her past, Isako Sawada ran a restaurant. She then met Nobuhiro who is 31 years older than her and an executive of a corporation. They eventually married. Nobuhiro owns a large mansion and his money is managed by housekeeper Saki Tsubaki. Isako Sawada doesn't like that arrangement, but she hides her contempt because she has a plan. Her plan is to become a widow in 3 years and inherit one billion yen from her husband. Isako Sawada schemes to have Nobuhiro die in an apparent natural manner and she is having a relationship with another man.
Japanese announcer
기업의 성공에 심취해 안일한 생활을 보내던 홍회장 일가는 난생처음 출국금지 해제 소식에 첫 해외 여행을 준비하는데. 조폭정신으로 기업과 가문을 이끄는 카리스마 대모, 홍회장. 살림의 달인으로 거듭난 구 백호파의 1인자, 장인재. 넘치는 바람기를 주체하지 못하는 가문의 첫 이혼남, 장석재. 사소한 일에도 크게 흥분하는 가문의 쌈닭, 장경재. 웃자고 떠난 여행, 죽도록 쫓고 쫓기는 사연! 과연 이들은 무사히 집으로 돌아올 수 있을까…
Osaka Love & Soul (TV film) Drama 2010, 75 min
이곳은 서울특별시. 우뚝 솟은 고층 빌딩 옆 판자촌에는 아버지와 4남매가 살아가고 있다. 재개발 소문이 돌고 장남이 집을 팔자고 제안하자, 화목했던 가정에 먹구름이 드리우기 시작한다.
A lowly but academically diligent warrior named Bessho Hikoshiro finds himself unable to move up in the world due to the stifling caste system of the Bakumatsu era. After being expelled from the household into which he was adopted through marriage and separated from his wife and son, he moves in with his disapproving elder brother and his wife. He meets his old class rival Enomoto Takeaki, now a commander of a naval ship, and is later told by a kindly noodle shop owner that Enomoto's rise in social status came about after he prayed at a shrine in Mukojima. Stumbling home drunk one night, Hikoshiro falls down a riverbank and comes across a small run-down shrine which he is convinced is affiliated to the one in Mukojima. Pressing his hands together in prayer, he unwittingly invites the unwanted attentions of the gods of poverty, pestilence and death..
Masako Gibe
어릴 적부터 하늘을 나는 것이 꿈이었던 ‘경원’은 언덕에서 커다란 새(비행기)를 처음 보던 날, 비행사가 되기로 결심한다. 경원은 비행사가 되기 위해 일본으로 건너가 비행학교를 다니게 되고, 학비를 마련하기 위해 택시 운전을 하면서 돈을 번다. 그러던 어느 날 우연히 택시 손님으로 태운 한국인 유학생 ‘지혁’을 만나게 된다. 지혁은 당당하고 자신의 꿈을 위해 노력하는 경원에게 끌리지만, 아버지의 호통으로 어쩔 수 없이 군에 입대한다.
Miharu Nagumo
An ordinary salary man, Junosuke, goes in search of his lover, Miharu, who disappeared one night when she handed him the key to her room, and promised to be back in five minutes. She had only gone out to buy apples at the nearby convenience store, because Junosuke has one for breakfast every morning. Slightly drunk from the cocktail he had had earlier, Junosuke falls asleep, and wakes up the next morning to find that Miharu had never returned.
Geisha Moeko
눈앞에 다가오는 순백의 세계, 온 마을이 눈으로 뒤덮인 절경 츠키오카(月岡)에 한 남자가 눈에 끌리듯 찾아 들어온다. 중년의 실업가 시바노 쿠니오(오쿠다 에이지 분)는 선조부터 이어온 사업에 실패하고 가족에게도 외면당한체 생의 마지막을 이곳에서 마무리 하려 한다. 쉴 곳을 찾는 그에게 인근온천의 젊은 게이샤인 모에코(유민-일본명 후에키 유우코)가 다가오고 둘의 운명적인 만남이 시작된다. 나이에 비해 당차고 직선적인 게이샤 모에코에게 은근히 온정을 느끼는 쿠니오. 그는 자신의 마지막 전재산 2백만엔을 그녀에게 맡기며 “내가 죽을때까지 곁을 지켜달라”고 말한다. 짙은 죽음의 냄새를 느낀 모에코는 남자의 상처를 끌어안으며 자신의 온정으로 비극적인 사랑을 끌어안는다. “ 쌓인 눈은 겨울만 지나면 없어지잖아요.
하지만 내 슬픔은… 없어지지 않았어요 ” 모에코의 애정어린 손길로 차츰 삶에 대한 희망을 찾아가는 쿠니오. 그런 그의 앞에 한 여자가 나타나 모에코와 떨어질 것을 경고한다. 모에코를 가까이하면 똑같이 파멸을 맞이할 것이라 저주하는 여자. 그리고 쿠니오는 모에코에 대한 애정이 깊어갈수록 그녀의 속에 감춰진 절망의 빛을 발견하게 되는데...
Young Tomoko Yamaoka
Japanese film icon Ken Takakura, who has starred in over 100 films, stars in this elegiac look at war and remembrance. Hideji Yamaoka (Takakura) was a suicide pilot during the war who somehow survived Japan's surrender. After decades of working as a fisherman in Kumamoto, a provincial seaside city in southern Kyushu, Yamaoka remains reluctant to discuss his wartime experiences with anyone, much less an intrusive reporter looking for a feature story. Then a series of events shake Yamaoka to the core, forcing him to re-evaluate his past.