Pamela Green

Pamela Green

출생 : 1929-03-28, Kingston upon Thames, England, UK

사망 : 2010-05-07


Pamela Green was a wonderful woman who began as an artist, spending seven years studying art and painting, including the last four years at St. Martin's School of Art in London. During the late 1950s, when the magazine "Kamera" created by Pamela and George Harrison Marks became hugely successful, Pamela would be busy finding and training other models to appear in the magazine. Later in her career, she would advise other models and actresses about using make-up, lighting, and costumes. She would often work behind the scenes with her life partner Doug Webb on British films and TV.

프로필 사진

Pamela Green

참여 작품

A Very British Psycho
A documentary film examining Michael Powell's 1960 film "Peeping Tom," the controversy surrounding its release, and the life of its screenwriter, Leo Marks.
Doing Rude Things
A light-hearted celebration of British sex films from the 1950s to the early 1980s. Presented by Angus Deayton, the programme includes interviews with movie veterans Robin Askwith and Pamela Green, as well as featuring clips from popular X-rated movies like “Come Play with Me” (1977). (IMDb)
Legend of the Werewolf
Still Photographer
A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.
Legend of the Werewolf
A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.
완벽한 금요일
Still Photographer
The deputy manager of a London bank has worked out a way to rob the branch of £200,000. When he becomes involved with the attractive Lady Dorset he decides to go ahead with his plan. He needs her help and that of her philandering spendthrift husband. It all comes down to a matter of trust.
The Virgin and the Gypsy
Still Photographer
Film adaptation from the novel by D.H. Lawrence, discovered after the celebrated author's death in 1930, a romantic love story tells of a prim young English girl who is sexually attracted to a seductively virile gypsy. The climatic dam burst is linked with the consummation of her desire.
Otto und die nackte Welle
007 카지노 로얄
Still Photographer
원래 007 시리즈 5편이지만, 영화 007에는 포함하지 않는게 일반적이다. 작가 이안 플레밍은 자신의 데뷔작 '카지노 로얄'을 너무 아껴서 007의 영화화 판권을 넘길 때 이것만은 제외시켰다. 그러나 그가 죽은 후 유족들로부터 미국의 다른 제작자에게 권리가 넘겨졌고, 완전히 다른 엉뚱한 코미디 영화로 만들어졌다. 연출도 존 휴스턴을 비롯해서 5명에 이르고, 출연진도 우디앨런, 데이빗 니븐, 데보라 카, 오손웰즈, 윌리엄 홀덴, 장 폴 벨몽도 등 각국의 유명 배우들이 나온다. 내용은 엄청난 제작비에도 불구하고 전체적으로 말이 안된다. 경쾌한 멜로디의 테마곡 'Casino Royale'과 'The Look of Love'는 대중들의 인기를 얻었다.
As Nature Intended
Three girls on a tour of the English countryside meet up with two young women who introduce them to the joys of life in a nudist camp.
지구가 불타는 날
Nurse at Laundrette (uncredited)
핵무기로 인해 지구가 멸망하는 과정을 담은 드라마
저주받은 카메라
마크는 현재 영화 스튜디오에서 일하는 카메라맨이다. 그는 과외 시간을 이용해서 옐로우 잡지나 신문 등에 암거래하는 누드 사진을 찍는 부업도 하고 있다. 그러나 그는 어린 시절 아버지의 이상 실험에 영향을 받아 연속적으로 살인을 저지르는 살인자. 거리의 여인들을 촬영하고는 잔인하게 살인을 저지르고 피해자의 얼굴에 장난을 치는등 미친 짓을 계속한다. 드디어 경찰은 조사를 시작하고 마크의 방에서 엄청난 필름들을 발견하기에 이르는데...