Xie Fang

Xie Fang

출생 : 1935-11-01, Hubei, China

프로필 사진

Xie Fang
Xie Fang

참여 작품

Oath of Dachen Island
This film tells about the youth and passion in the reclamation of Dachen Island; singing and romance; storm and struggle. The vivid characters and touching deeds of the film convey to a feeling: the times are changing, but the spirit of pioneering will not change.
For Love with You
The original intention of the film was that there were four young people who used the lens to record the real life of their grandparents. During the creation process, they learned about the current aging situation in China. There are too many elderly people who lack company. So they decided Use what I have learned to shoot this movie "Everything is Like You". From the perspective of young people, it tells ten stories about "old care, filial piety and respect for the elderly". Their actions have been strongly supported by the older generation of film artists. This shooting is an unforgettable creative journey and a cultural heritage with a mission.
언더 파이어
Aunt Li
1942년, 진주만 공격의 보복으로 미국은 일본을 대공습한다. 도쿄를 폭격한 파일럿 ‘잭’은 연료 부족으로 중국에 추락하고 딸과 함께 사는 미망인 ‘영자’가 그를 구해주고 숨겨준다. 그들은 말도 통하지 않지만 서로를 도우며 조금씩 마음을 여는데 일본군의 끈질긴 수색으로 절체절명의 위기가 닥쳐온다. 중국 저항군은 ‘잭’과 ‘영자’를 탈출시키는데… 불가능한 대탈출이 시작된다!
Doctor's Mind
Zhou Yulian
As the party’s 19th National Gifts Film, he actively responded to the call of “There is no comprehensive well-being without the health of the whole people”. With full of sincerity, he tells the story of the “White Angel” sowing love, Pan Feng (Bao Jianfeng), chief physician of the emergency department, The appearance is rigorous and unsmiling, but the heart is warm and there is a fiery "healer's benevolence." "As long as there is one percent of hope, we have to pay 100% of the effort." This is the longest words of the warmhearted doctor Pan Feng.
Nankou in 1937
Professor Luo
The famous Nankou Battle is a glorious page in the history of China's war of resistance. Faced with the Japanese army, the Chinese army mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers and fought tenaciously. Countless anti-Japanese soldiers fought on the battlefield and wrote a heroic song of "one inch of mountains and rivers and one inch of blood".
The Queen of Tibet
A ring of deaf pickpockets led by Heung gather at a fast food restaurant to celebrate the prison release of Panther. There they encounter Kelly Mak, who also recently completed his prison sentence. When a gang comes storming in to settle scores with Heung, she manages to escape thanks to Mak who steps up to fight the gang. This is only the beginning of the many heartwrenching trials Heung and Mak will have to face together.
Lucky People
Qu Wenjing
About the role of intellectuals during the reform era and their relationships with party cadre.
My Name Ain't Suzie
Deng Liang Mei's mother
The Suzie in the title refers to The World Of Suzy Wong, a great novel by British author Richard Mason which was made into a terrible Hollywood movie in 1960. Like Suzy, Shu Mei goes to work in a bar in Wanchai around the late 1950s, where sailors and foreign money are plentiful. But there isn't much similarity beyond this.
This Man Is Dangerous
Cheng Tzu-hao and Kao Ying-wei, both wooing the same girl Ah Tzu, are transferred to the same Action Squad to help crack a number of robberies committed by a notorious robber/killer Ku Lung from Shantung. They inadvertently offend their immediate superior Beast King, and land themselves in a tight spot…
Dong Xuan
An outstanding college student who lost his sight accidentally has no faith to live on until he meet an encouraging girl who is also blind. But the girl leaves him when his sight is recovered and tells him not to treat promise as shackles.
Fresh Water Bay
Xiang Ping
When Gu Tingting, a young worker in a silk factory in Suzhou, is suddenly notified by a court in Shanghai that she will inherit a large sum of money from her aunt as her adopted daughter, her cousin Feng files a lawsuit against her backed by a forgery. Judge Ping senses foul play, and meets with Tingting, who begins recounting her past.
The Poetess Li Qingzhao
Biography of famous ancient Chinese poetess Li Qingzhao who lived in the Song Dynasty.
The Second Handshake
Movie adaptation of a wildly popular hand-copied unpublished novel by Zhang Yang during the Cultural Revolution that was later rehabilitated and officially published in 1979.
Tear Stain
After the downfall of the Gang of Four, Zhu Keshi is assigned the post of county party secretary, due to the illness of the acting secretary after the suicide of the previous secretary.
Shan hua
Two Stage Sisters
Zhu Chunhua
In pre-revolutionary China, two young girls, Chunhua and Yuehong Xing, rise through the ranks of Chinese opera, but with their artistic success comes a new series of personal and social challenges. After they're sold to a Shanghai opera and the revolution dawns, Yuehong radicalizes and devotes her career to politically progressive performances, while Chunhua flees to avoid turmoil. As the world changes around them, they fight to maintain their friendship.
이른 봄 2월에
Tao Lan
1926년 방황하던 청년 교사 초윤추는 절강성 동부에 있는 부용진 중학교에서 교사로 일한다. 그는 진(鎭)에 사는 가난한 과부 문씨를 동정하여 경제적인 도움을 주고 그녀의 딸 채련을 학교에 보내준다. 그는 채련을 매일 다리까지 바래다주고 마중을 나간다. 또한 그는 학장 도모간의 여동생 도남을 사랑하였다. 문씨의 어린 아들이 병으로 죽고 큰 슬픔에 빠져 의지할 사람이 없는 문씨를 불쌍히 여긴 초윤추는 그녀를 끝까지 보살펴주려고 아내로 삼기로 결심하고 도남과의 사랑을 포기한다. 그 일은 사람들로부터 비난을 받게 되었고 문씨는 크게 수치심을 느껴 강물에 뛰어들어 자살로 생을 마감한다. 초윤추는 어떻게 해야 할 바를 모르고 고뇌에 빠진다. 그러던 어느 날 그는 자신이 부용진에 들어선 날부터 시비의 소용돌이에 휘말린 것 같았고 문씨가 자살하고, 왕복생이 퇴학한 사건들이 자신을 어지럽게 만든 한편으로 머리를 맑게 해주었다고 밝히면서 이제 방황을 끝내고 나아가야 할 길을 찾았으며 시대의 큰 흐름에 뛰어들기로 결심하였다고 도남에게 편지를 쓴다. 그는 '우리에게는 기나긴 미래가 있다'는 희망을 안고 부용진을 떠나고 도남은 그가 남긴 편지를 읽고 감명을 받아 황급히 그의 뒤를 따라간다.
Song of Youth
Adapted from a novel of the same title, this film depicts a young woman’s transformation from housewife to loyal Communist. This process is presented as “natural” – possessed of inherent logic rather than merely “incidental”. Hence, the film is really about Communist revolution that won over the hearts and minds of Chinese youth.