Charly Braun

Charly Braun

프로필 사진

Charly Braun

참여 작품

Russian Red
Marta and Manu are two Brazilian actresses that decide to move to Moscow to study the Stanislavski method. There, wrapped around a complex love triangle, they must overcome their differences to survive in a different country.
Russian Red
Marta and Manu are two Brazilian actresses that decide to move to Moscow to study the Stanislavski method. There, wrapped around a complex love triangle, they must overcome their differences to survive in a different country.
Russian Red
Marta and Manu are two Brazilian actresses that decide to move to Moscow to study the Stanislavski method. There, wrapped around a complex love triangle, they must overcome their differences to survive in a different country.
마이 힌두 프렌드
Dream's Youth
Diego is a film director who, when he is told that he has a malignant disease which could be fatal, marries his girlfriend of many years, says goodbye to his friends and begins a routine of long days of treatment in hospital. While learning to live with the pain and also conversing with death, he meets a Hindu boy who is a fellow patient and who becomes his friend. But one day the boy disappears. Diego is discharged, but his life has changed forever. His marriage fails and, living alone, he begins to wonder whether he may in fact be dying and no one has told him. He tries to find out what happened to his Hindu friend, and eventually meets another woman...
Corretor de Imóveis
학교에서는 왕따, 집안에서는 찬밥 신세를 면치 못하는 17살의 소녀 라켈은 지겨운 일상을 벗어날 파격적인 결심을 한다. 바로 거리의 콜걸이 되기로 한 것! 라켈은 브루나라는 가명으로 콜걸 일을 시작하고 다혈질의 제닌, 친절한 가비와 친해지며 콜걸로서 자신만의 새로운 사업을 시작하게 된다. 브루나 서피스티나란 이름으로 블로그를 시작하게 된 라켈은 콜걸로서 겪는 자신의 일상을 솔직하게 글로 풀어내고, 곧 라켈의 블로그는 대중들의 인기를 끌며 유명세를 얻게 된다. 점차 그녀를 찾는 고객과 돈, 명성이 늘어가고 순식간에 브라질 최고의 유명인사가 된 라켈! 하지만 마약과 사치로 방탕한 생활에 빠져든 라켈은 최고의 자리에서 점차 내리막길을 걷고, 마약 중독자가 된 그녀를 멀리하는 고객들로 인해 돈까지 바닥나는데…… 과연 그녀는 진정한 자신을 되찾을 수 있을까.
Beyond the Road
Santiago, a twenty-something Argentinean, takes a boat to Montevideo to claim land willed to him by his parents. On his way out of the capitol, he notices Juliette, a young Belgian woman who was also on the boat. After discovering they're heading in the same direction, the two travelers hit the road together.
Beyond the Road
Santiago, a twenty-something Argentinean, takes a boat to Montevideo to claim land willed to him by his parents. On his way out of the capitol, he notices Juliette, a young Belgian woman who was also on the boat. After discovering they're heading in the same direction, the two travelers hit the road together.
Beyond the Road
Santiago, a twenty-something Argentinean, takes a boat to Montevideo to claim land willed to him by his parents. On his way out of the capitol, he notices Juliette, a young Belgian woman who was also on the boat. After discovering they're heading in the same direction, the two travelers hit the road together.
I Wanna Be Jack White
Meeting the girl from your school in a record store, going to her house and losing your virginity? Everyone went through something similar in adolescence... Didn't you? Would it be because you're not Jack White?
I Wanna Be Jack White
Meeting the girl from your school in a record store, going to her house and losing your virginity? Everyone went through something similar in adolescence... Didn't you? Would it be because you're not Jack White?