Oskar Thunberg

출생 : 1976-08-25, Brännkyrka, Sweden

참여 작품

Beck 38 - The Devil's Advocate
Ulf Persson
The murder of a restaurant owner who is gunned down in front of a diner full of customers has unexpected repercussions for Alex, whose brother, Paul, represented two men expected of involvement in the killing. Meanwhile, Steinar, amidst tension with Alex and the breakdown of his marriage, accepts the offer of a transfer from Klas.
My Future Love
Helpful train passenger
In 1973, the 20-year-old Svante has a heart condition that the doctors cannot fix. When he has a breakdown on a subway platform, a strange train suddenly appears. He steps into the subway car filled with wonder, without knowing that the destination is the future. In the future he meets Elsa and together they must solve Svante's problems and figure out how to live together when they are from two different eras.
The Confessions of Thomas Quick
Thomas Quick
A loner from an early age, Thomas Quick went on to become Sweden's most notorious serial killer, openly confessing to the gruesome murders of more than 30 people. Held for decades in a psychiatric institute, Quick's confessions emerged after years working with a group of touchy feely therapists, convinced that the recovery of memories would cure patients of their criminality. In a country with a low crime rate, the nation watched with horror as Quick's confessions mounted, accounting for many of the country's unsolved murders. With testimonials from a range of people whose lives have been dominated by this story - including Quick himself - and dramatic reenactment, Brian Hill weaves a stylish noir thriller that works a treat on the big screen. What appears at first to be a tale of unimaginable evil evolves into something much more layered as Hill digs deep into the motivations behind those working closely with Quick.
Tillbaka till Bromma
Anders, Kenneth and Steven went to high school together. Today they are 38, still living in the Swedish suburb but now in completely different stages of life. This warm mockumentary covers the lives of these 3 men.
왈츠 포 모니카
Vilgot Sjöman
스웨덴의 작은 마을 출신인 모니카는 어린 딸과 가족의 품을 떠나 재즈 가수의 꿈을 키운다. 아름답고 매력적인 그녀는 마침내 스톡홀름에서 성공적인 데뷔로 재즈 가수의 길에 들어서고 유명 가수들과 배우들에 둘러싸여 화려한 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 유명세와 성공의 이면에 도사리고 있는 어두운 현실을 직시하게 되면서 일상이 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다. 알코올로 하루하루를 버티던 그녀는 어느 날, 다량의 수면제 복용 후 깨진 유리잔에 발을 베인 채 쓰러져있는 모니카가 발견되는데… 그녀는 다시 예전의 모습으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
Arne Dahl: The Blinded Man
Niklas Grundström
Arne Dahl - Misterioso A failed robbery attempt at Sydbanken outside Avesta leaves one robber lying dead with a dart through his eye, but there are no witnesses to the incident and no perpetrator is ever identified. In Stockholm, three high-profile businessmen are assassinated in a short period of time, and Jenny Hultin of National CID is assigned the task of putting together a special team to solve the case before the assassin strikes again.
Vägen hem
Pastor Peter Gembäck
"Skotten i Knutby - The Road Home" is entirely based on real events surrounding the drama in Knutby where the pastor Helge Fossmo manipulated nanny Sara Svensson to commit murder. The film also contains authentic interviews with former members of the church, which is still active.