Pia Getty

참여 작품

히어 비포
Executive Producer
Haunted by the death of her young daughter, a distraught woman develops an all-consuming obsession with a girl she believes is her reincarnated child.
카운티 라인스
Executive Producer
취약한 아동을 착취하고 영국 전역으로 인신매매하는 전국 마약 판매 기업인 '카운티 라인'에 가담한 엄마와 14세 소년에 대한 이야기
Night Bus
Executive Producer
Driving through the nocturnal streets of London on the eve of her 30th birthday, a night bus driver discovers a supernatural entity who has boarded her vehicle, and threatens to stay.
China Power: Art Now After Mao
A dynamic film about a vibrant art scene, at a time when the world is looking east. Chinese Art has caught the world's attention. Once considered obscure and exotic, it now commands millions at international auction. China's contemporary artists are the rock stars-of the art world, living a lifestyle more synonymous with New York than the Peoples Republic of China. 'China Power' charts the history of contemporary art through its key movements and events since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1979. A reflection of modern China by its artists, filmmakers, and curators.