Inspired by true events of 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash in Smolensk, the film tells the partially fictional story of crash and various people affected by the tragedy. The protagonist is a journalist Nina, who refuses to accept the official version of the story and pursues her own independent investigation.
A young writer in 1939 Warsaw faces the conflict of acting his age or relapsing into childhood during the brink of World War II. Based on the famous novel Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz.
December, 1981. World-class champion Ewa Jaskólska is looking forward to a cruise around the world with her yacht. At her farewell party, several people are present that are connected to the new Solidarnośc movement. The guests are filmed by a TV journalist. The introduction of the martial law in Poland leads to problems for all people involved. Can Ewa go back to her home country after these dramatic changes in Poland?
Pawlak and Kargul - neighbors, frenemies, and grandfathers to Ania- both receive invitation to America from Pawlak's brother- John. All three of them travel to Chicago, where they discover John has passed away, and they arrived just in time for his funeral. But first- they need to find his illegitimate daughter. Set in late 70's story of two, charming, Polish villagers' adventures in Chicago is a third installment of Pawlak and Kargul adventures.