Lee Pooi-Kuen

참여 작품

The 82 Tenants
In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.
마작의 세계엔 두 가지 유형만 있다. 고수 아니면 사기꾼. 물론 여럿이 얼기설기 엮여 있지만. 어쨌든 선과 악 혹은 고수와 사기꾼이 나름 살벌한 대결을 펼치며 다양한 군상의 진면목을 보여주는 코미디 영화, 그 깨알 재미를 느껴보시라.
Avengers from Hell
Three macabre short stories about gambling, vengeance and homicide.
The Ghosts and I
Comedy / fantasy involving ghosts.