Marian Glinka

Marian Glinka

출생 : 1943-07-01, Warsaw, Poland

사망 : 2008-06-23

프로필 사진

Marian Glinka

참여 작품

Prezes KS Tęcza Ryszard Ochódzki (Stanisław Tym), omyłkowo ścigany przez szefa mafii Kredę (Marek Kondrat), musi mu oddać dwa miliony euro. Niezawodna Maria Wafel (Zofia Merle) radzi, aby zdobył pieniądze, sprzedając ziemię na Suwalszczyźnie księdzu Pudrowi (Krzysztof Globisz). Jednak znacznie łatwiejszym sposobem pozyskania tej sumy okazuje się szwindel bankowy, który Ochódzki organizuje do spółki z prezesem banku ? Koziczkiem (Janusz Rewiński). Uciekając z forsą, niespodziewanie spotyka żonę Molibdena i ląduje w jej małżeńskim łóżku. Przy okazji, w domu Molibdenów (Anna Korcz i Krzysztof Kowalewski) ukrywa pieniądze. Wkrótce zostaje posłem, ale nadal próbuje odebrać skarb z pilnie strzeżonej willi policjanta. Gdy wreszcie, z pomocą trenera Jarząbka (Jerzy Turek), udaje mu się odzyskać kasę, jest już za późno. Na jego trop wpada bowiem płatny zabójca Dukan (Eryk Lubos)?
Jak to sie robi z dziewczynami
Czesław, ojciec Ady
Bohaterami filmu są dwaj przyjaciele, 18-latkowie Bogo i Rychu, postawieni przed wyborami okresu dojrzewania. Obaj mają kłopoty z kobietami. Bogo jest typem "twardziela", który - przekonany o własnej skuteczności w podrywaniu dziewczyn - nie zwraca uwagi na stosowane środki. Rychu to marzyciel, zagubiona ofiara losu; nigdy dotąd nie miał dziewczyny. Bogo postanawia mu pomóc.
Ojciec Laury
Two friends make a bet. One of them - an A student and a computer genius Marcin - under the terms of the dispute must be received five days of complete submission to his clever friend Turbo - and he, in turn, guarantees him the easy money and attention to a long-legged beauty.
gangster Andrzej G. "Dziąsło"
An independent film critic is commissioned to write a blockbuster screenplay in which the girlfriend of an influential gangster is to play. Criticising is easier than creating. The critic tries to save his skin with the help of a girl, a proofreader from the editorial office.
The Witcher
Rębacz Boholt
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
The Yellow Scarf
The main character - a man who suffers from alcoholism - wants to change his tumultuous life. The day before Christmas Eve he receives a gift from his son - a yellow scarf. A gift is a kind of talisman he receives from loved ones, and every time he loses it. When after another banquet he falls into delirium, his ex-wife and secretary bring him to his mother. She helps him to sober up and arranges holiday celebration for two of them. She gives her son another yellow scarf, in belief that it will help him break the pernicious habit.
Killer 2
President's Security Chief
Jurek Kiler (see the prequel to this movie, "Kiler") has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, and stuff. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations, and problems in his love life...
The Story About Master Twardowski
diabeł Barkalas, prezydent warsztatów smołowych
Kraj świata
TV movie directed by Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz.
쉰들러 리스트
DEF SS Officer
2차 세계대전 당시 독일군이 점령한 폴란드. 시류에 맞춰 자신의 성공을 추구하는 기회주의자 쉰들러는 유태인이 경영하는 그릇 공장을 인수한다. 그는 공장을 인수하기 위해 나찌 당원이 되고 독일군에게 뇌물을 바치는 등 갖은 방법을 동원한다. 그러나 냉혹한 기회주의자였던 쉰들러는 유태인 회계사인 스턴과 친분을 맺으면서 냉혹한 유태인 학살에 대한 양심의 소리를 듣기 시작한다. 마침내 그는 강제 수용소로 끌려가 죽음을 맞게될 유태인들을 구해내기로 결심하고, 독일군 장교에게 빼내는 사람 숫자대로 뇌물을 주는 방법으로 유태인들을 구해내려는 계획을 세우는데...
The Twenties, the Thirties
On the way to Warsaw after a crude oil fraud in southern Poland, conman Adam Deren meets singer Liza. He decides to invest his money in a venture deemed to be a failure - a small cabaret where Liza could perform.
Thursdays for the Poor
A young doctor has been assigned to a hospital in the provinces, in the lakes district of northern Poland. The area is a playground with hunting lodges for the priviledged, the local politicians cover up any leaks to the public. The doctor discovers a case of drunken driving but is silenced by blackmail in the court. He tries to fight back but has a love affair with the unfaithful wife of the town's Mayor.
Filip z konopi
kolega Leskiego z pracy (nie występuje w napisach)
Hello, Fred the Beard
aktor II
The Spiral
In what appears to be an inexplicable incident, a man drives up to a resort hotel in midwinter, throws away his car keys, enters, and proceeds to agitate everyone he meets with his urgency -- a message he is somehow unable to communicate. Then he leaves, disappearing in the snow. Later, the people he appeared to have upset have gathered to search for him and find him frostbitten, but alive. Visiting him at the sanatorium to which he has been taken, they gradually discover what was really happening.
언어학을 공부하는 대학생들이 작은 별장에 모여 여름 방학 캠프에서 토론을 나눈다. 학생들을 지도하는 26살의 젊은 교수 야로스와프는 학생들의 창의적인 접근을 북돋지만 그의 자유분방한 태도는 동료 교수인 야쿱과 번번히 충돌을 빚는다. 이들의 대립은 야로스와프의 학생인 야렉이 제출한 논문을 두고 정점을 찍는다. 1977년 폴란드영화제 황금사자상, 각본상, 남우주연상(즈비그뉴 자파시에비츠) 수상. 1978년 로테르담영화제 연출상 수상
약속의 땅
Wilhelm Müller
안제이 바이다 감독의 약속의 땅은 특정 시대, 특정 장소의 폴란드에 대한 다층적인 탐구를 담은 찰스 디킨스풍의 묘사가 두드러진 영화다. 19세기 말 우츠 시는 유럽 섬유 산업의 중심지로, 전세계에서 가장 큰 유대인 집단이 장악하고 있었다. 이곳은 수천 명에 달하는 실업가들의 탐욕을 채워줄 무한한 기회가 제공되는 초기 자본주의자들의 땅이다. 안제이 바이다 감독은 의욕에 찬 세 명의 친구들에 초점을 맞춰 이야기를 전개하지만 동시에 수많은 인물들에 대한 세밀한 관찰도 놓치지 않는다. 사회 내부에서의 계급 갈등, 인간의 어두운 면, 자본주의 체제의 본질 등에 대한 완벽한 묘사가 눈에 띄는 작품이다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)