Krzysztof Litwin

Krzysztof Litwin

출생 : 1935-06-19, Kraków, małopolskie, Polska

사망 : 2000-11-08

프로필 사진

Krzysztof Litwin

참여 작품

The Twenties, the Thirties
On the way to Warsaw after a crude oil fraud in southern Poland, conman Adam Deren meets singer Liza. He decides to invest his money in a venture deemed to be a failure - a small cabaret where Liza could perform.
Aria for an Athlete
przyjaciel Messaliniego
Set at the turn of the century it presents a story of a famous Polish athlete, Zbyszko Cyganiewicz. It begins in a small town where a traveling circus attracts a shy boy into a phony wrestling game to please the crowds. The youth, however, takes his strength seriously, eventually defeating a name wrestler in a fair match. Angered circus manager fires him; he leaves happily due to two wrestler brothers who were harassing him. The wrestler goes on to fame, performing in the world's top arenas, and one day is serenaded by a tenor from the crowd. Fame brings him women and admirers but he is uncompromising on his profession. He has his revenge on one of his tormentors defeating him in the ring. One day, attending a game in a tuxedo, he is challenged by another of the brothers and drawn into a brutal game, in course of which he kills his opponent. Thus his career ends.
Wolna sobota
Sierżant MO
Bezkresne łąki
kierowca samochodu pogrzebowego
Sędziowie. Tragedya
An old man appears in Samuel's inn and seek revenge on the owner.
Heaven on Earth
The Neighbours
A soldier
A day before the beginning of the Second World War, a young resident of Bydgoszcz falls in love with a German teenager.
Rzeczpospolita babska
Człowiek z M-3
Doktor Henryk Milewski, przyjaciel Piechockiego
Jak zdobyć pieniądze, kobietę i sławę
Three ironic episodes showing how to get what every man dreams of - money, woman and fame.
Weekend z dziewczyną
Drogerzysta Kacper Pabiś
The Doll
Set in the 19th century Warsaw. The indolence of aristocrats who, secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his "help" (in secret) to "the doll's" impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection.
The Siding
pasażer z bukietem
A journalist is preparing to take a train trip, when he is confronted by the spirit of professor Ryszpans who tells what happened to him. When he boarded a train standing on a siding, he encountered trackman Wiór with a newspaper informing about the crash of the train and the death of several passengers, including professor Ryszpans. The professor is joined by engineer Zniesławski, who has also heard of the impending disaster and is interested in it from the technical side. On hearing the news of an approaching catastrophe, other passengers leave the train in panic at the next station. However, trackman Wiór manages to hypnotize several travelers who continue with the journey. Ryszpans hears a roar and sees objects crumbling around him, and then turns into a shadow. After hearing the story, the journalist resigns from his train trip.
Stajnia na Salvatorze
Jurek, kolega Teresy
WWII. Zyga, one of the Resistance soldiers in Kraków (Poland), is arrested by Gestapo. Soon later with new arrestings comes out that Germans must have received some new informations. Zyga is suspected to become an informator.
The Killer Leaves a Trace
In the last days of WW2, Polish military looks for the murderer of prosecutor responsible for storing Gestapo files.
Full Ahead
Chłopak / Marynarz na "Rosicie" / Steward na statku / Sługa w haremie
Two friends from army meet in a harbour and start to reminisce about their adventures.
Ściana czarownic
konduktor kolejki linowej na Kasprowy Wierch
kelner; nie występuje w napisach
한 무리의 청년들이 이상한 의식을 시도하며 사회의 낡은 관습과 기성 세대를 비판한다. 이 중 한 명인 주인공은 마치 연극 무대처럼 텅빈 거리로 나와 이곳저곳을 돌아다닌다. 그러는 동안 주류 사회의 위선과 경직성, 사람들의 공허와 외로움이 초현실적인 분위기 속에서 드러난다. 현실의 문제를 다루면서도 핍진성의 요소를 의도적으로 빗겨가는 실험적 연출이 돋보이는 작품.
Franek, brat Karola
Cooked Doves
Leopold Górski
The Moment of Peace
The movie "L'instant de la paix" consists of three segments: 1. "Les rideaux blancs" (France) 2. "Berlin N 65" (West Germany) 3. "Matura" (Poland)
The Ashes
malarz, kompan księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego
Set in the time of Napoleon wars, shows how the wars swept over the unfortunate Polish country at the beginning of the XIX-th century. Story revolves around the Polish legion under command of General Dabrowski, who then fought on Napoleon's side with the hopes of Poland's revival.
가난하고 나이 든 복서, 앤드류는 젊은 복서들만이 나갈 수 있는 경기에서 파이널 라운드까지 진출하게 되고 강력한 우승 후보인 상대 복서는 경기에 나타나지 않는다. 마치 주술에 홀린 듯 “아직 그렇게 늦지 않았다!”라는 환청을 듣는 늙은 복서의 모습에서 늙어감에 대한 두려움이 초현실적으로 드러난다. 스콜리모프스키 감독의 초기작으로 주인공을 끈질기게 따라가는 롱테이크 기법이 돋보이며, 1966년 프랑스의 영화전문지 「카이에 뒤 시네마」에서 선정한 걸작 10편에 선정되기도 했다.
Wyspa złoczyńców
사라고사 매뉴스크립트
Don Lopez Soarez
나폴레옹 전쟁 시대, 스페인의 사라고사에서 전투가 벌어진다. 허름한 여인숙에 들어갔던 한 군인이 기괴한 그림이 그려진 커다란 책을 발견한다. 그를 붙잡으려던 적군의 대위는 이 책이 바로 자신의 할아버지에 대한 이야기임을 알게 된다. 두 사람은 현실을 잊은 채 책에 빠져든다. 이야기를 따라 주인공은 스페인 곳곳을 떠돌며 무어인 공주들, 술탄, 집시 등 기이한 인물들과 조우한다. 다재다능한 폴란드의 귀족 얀 포토키가 쓴 소설을 바탕으로 했다. 예측을 뒤엎는 상상력과 모험으로 현실과 환상을 오가는 작품으로 폴란드 컬트 영화의 걸작으로 꼽힌다.
Avatar: The Exchange of Souls
Alfred, przyjaciel Oktawiusza
Count Olgierd Łabiński lives with his beloved wife in Paris in a beautiful palace. The Countess recalls her stay in Florence and her insistent admirer Octavius ​​de Saville. Soon, Octavius, arrives in Paris and calls for the famous Dr. Cherbonneau, suspected of being a charlatan. Citing the teachings of the East, Cherbonneau offers the patient an "avatar", a reincarnation of the soul, which takes a different body...
Zacne grzechy
strażnik (nie występuje w napisach)
Mrs. Hanka's Diary
The young and beautiful wife of a prominent diplomat complains of boredom. To change her monotonous life, she has an affair, through which she gets entangled in intrigues and espionage affairs. (
사랑받는 방법
Student in a cafe
카지미에시 브란디스의 동명의 소설을 원작으로 만든 작품. 우아한 차림의 한 여성이 1939년 파리에서 보낸 시간을 떠올린다. 촉망받는 배우였던 그녀는 나치 점령 하의 파리에서 연기 활동을 하기 싫어 다른 직업을 구하고, 그때부터 그녀의 삶은 예측할 수 없는 방향으로 흘러간다. 1963년 칸영화제 경쟁부문 상영. 1963년 샌프란시스코국제영화제 작품상, 각색상(카지미에시 브란디스), 여우주연상(바르바라 크라프토프나) 수상. (2019 한-폴 수교 30주년 기념 폴란드 영화제)
Gold Dreams
The inability of a truck driver to relate to normal life after an accident for which he feels himself responsible.
One Room Tenants
A subjective adaptation of a well-known autobiographical novel by Zbigniew Unilowski (screenplay by Wojciech Jerzy Has with dialogues by Stanislaw Dygat). The adventures of the tenants of a sublet room in a Warsaw townhouse inhabited mostly by students and novice writers, presented against the social context of the 1930s.