Catrinel Marlon

Catrinel Marlon

출생 : 1985-10-01, Iași, Romania


Catrinel Marlon is born in Iasi (Romania) October 1, 1985. Footsteps of her father, champion in the 400 meters hurdles Olympic, Catrinel becomes an athlete before being discovered at the age of sixteen from a local agent during a school trip to Bucharest. After six months she moves to the capital of Romania where she started her career as a model. The Italian-Romanian origins captured the attention of many major maison including Giorgio Armani and Lise Charmel. Catrinel began her acting career by participating in various films, including La città ideale directed by Luigi Lo Cascio and Tutti i rumori del mare directed by Federico Brugia. Cinema, theater and television, after reciting the next steps are photography and painting. Her passion for painting led Catrinel to open an art gallery at Studios in Rome, a studio for film productions that have seen some of the most important groups in the history of international cinema, a synergy that incorporates the magic of cinema and the unpredictability of painting. In 2013 Catrinel launched Catherinelle, a line of handbags inspired by memories, childhood, ideas that the cinema and Rome involve her continuously. Each bag is a story, a film that belongs to us, concealed by a door but spied through a keyhole. Fashion, acting, photography and painting are the means by which Catrinel expresses herself, inspired by everything that is art and involves everything that surrounds her.

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Catrinel Marlon

참여 작품

1963. The young nurse Anna begins working in the juvenile ward of a mental hospital. There she meets Lucia, a fifteen-year-old schizophrenic. Against the backdrop of a struggle between Dr. Marie and the rigid Dr. Oreste to reform patient treatment, a relationship between Anna and Lucia develops, forcing them to make decisive choices for their respective lives.
1963. The young nurse Anna begins working in the juvenile ward of a mental hospital. There she meets Lucia, a fifteen-year-old schizophrenic. Against the backdrop of a struggle between Dr. Marie and the rigid Dr. Oreste to reform patient treatment, a relationship between Anna and Lucia develops, forcing them to make decisive choices for their respective lives.
Tutti per 1 - 1 per tutti
Now without Aramis, the Musketeers embark on a new mission.
The Whistlers
A Romanian police officer, determined to free from prison a crooked businessman who knows where a mobster's money is hidden, must learn the difficult ancestral whistling language (Silbo Gomero) used on the island of Gomera.
더 플로이
In the summer of '75 Pier Paolo Pasolini's film, "Salò", is stolen from the lab where he is editing it. This is just the first step of an intricate plan that will bring the great poet to his violent death.
Leone nel basilico
Maria Celeste is a widow that lives in a retirement home. She is stingy, unpleasant, solitary and looks down on people. Every Sunday Maria sits alone on the park bench, though she tells everyone that she goes to her son's to cook a lovely meal. But on that Sunday, while dozing on the bench, a young girl places a ten month old baby in her arms and runs away leaving Maria stunned and confused. Finally the girl comes back and they start to know each other. The girl asks Maria to take the baby for a second, crosses the street and a tram hits her. She dies without a reason on a warm summer morning. Maria is alone with the baby. Her Maria Celeste's story begins.
Them Who?
David loses his white collar job, his fiancée and his house after one night with con man Marcello. He tracks him down to exact revenge, but ends up becoming his disciple in order to win back everything.
테일 오브 테일즈
2nd Maid of Honour
욕망에 휩싸인 세 여인이 있다. 영화의 시작을 여는 건 아기를 갖기 위해 영혼이라도 팔겠다는 왕비(샐마 헤이엑) 이야기다. 왕비는 풍문에 따라 처녀가 요리한 바다괴물의 심장을 먹고 아들을 얻는다. 아이는 같은 날 태어난 처녀의 아이에게 집착에 관심을 보이며 성장한다. 두 번째는 왕의 사랑을 얻기 위해 젊음을 탐하는 노파와 그 동생의 이야기다. 도라는 우연한 계기로 젊음을 얻는다. 이를 시기한 동생 이마는 도라의 말만 믿고 피부를 깎아내 젊음을 되찾으려 한다. 마지막은 거인에게 잡혀간 공주(비비 케이브)의 이야기다. 공주는 벼룩에 정신이 팔린 아버지를 원망하며 호시탐탐 탈출할 기회만 노린다.
Three Touches
Several actors are members of a amateur soccer team. They followed in their preparations for a particular audition and in their personal life. With about 6 actors this delivers a broad picture of Italian life in which the question what it means to be a man is posed in the challenging circumstances of familily life, sex relationships, sport, cross gender roles and mafia.
The Ideal City
Actor turned director Luigi Lo Cascio stars as the talented architect and fervent environmentalist Michele who has moved from Palermo to his ideal city, Siena. He holds a successful job and is living out a dream experiment of functioning one year without running water or electricity. Not surprisingly, he also displays a passionate opposition to cars and driving. One evening, after being forced to borrow his boss’ car in order to collect a colleague for a work function, Michele’s life takes an unexpected turn. In the blinding rain Michele hits something he cannot identify. After leaving a note on a parked car he believes he damaged, he continues down the road only to come across a dead body a few miles down which he later discovers belongs to one of Siena’s most important luminaries. Michele immediately calls the police, but in doing so, he unwittingly brings intense suspicion on himself as his uncertainty raises more questions than he has answers for.
Tutti i rumori del mare
Set in the bleak underworld of the Hungarian and Italian human trafficking business, the story follows Nora, a young girl taken from an orphanage in Budapest to be sold on the streets of Italy as a prostitute. It becomes a violent race against time, as the authorities fail to track her down, Nora is taken on a nightmarish journey of fear and betrayal. Soon becoming live bate caught in the midst of two warring Mafia families. Her mysterious "transporter" may become her only friend and her only way out.