Eric Théobald

Eric Théobald

프로필 사진

Eric Théobald

참여 작품

Sandrine Sarroche aux Folies Bergère
A scathing decoder of the news, Sandrine Sarroche is the rising humorist of the PAF. With her sharp eye on her time, Sandrine tells her story and delivers her very personal version of feminism by mixing sketches, stand-up and songs. The tone is still bloody, but the intention remains tender.
À mon tour
Philippe Lamache
Chateauneuf-sur-Valone, Mayor Félix de Ponte is preparing for his re-election, hoping to beat the far-right candidate Jean-Luc Molment Martinez. But when a video revealing his extra-marital affair is broadcast on the networks, Félix's life will be turned upside down. Devastated, betrayed and humiliated, his wife, Rose, decides to react and runs against him in the elections.
1942년 모로코 카사블랑카, 영국의 정보국 장교 맥스 바탄(브래드 피트)과 프랑스 비밀요원 마리안 부세주르(마리옹 꼬띠아르)는 독일 대사를 암살해야 하는 임무를 맡게 된다. 작전을 수행하던 맥스는 치명적인 매력의 마리안과 운명적인 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 임무를 마친 두 사람은 런던으로 돌아와 결혼해 딸과 함께 행복한 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 어느날 맥스는 상부로부터 아내에 관한 충격적인 말을 듣게 된다. 마리안이 스파이라는 정황이 포착됐다는 이야기를 듣게 된 맥스는 72시간 내에 아내의 무고함을 밝히지 못하면 자신의 손으로 아내를 죽여야 하는 상황에 처하게 된다.
La dernière échappée
In July 2010, Laurent Fignon, the great cycling legend, commented on the Tour de France. Although the two-time tour winner of the 80s has incurable cancer, he follows as a reporter day by day the entire race. His doctor should treat him medically during the tour. After facing each other in disgust, the two men develop more understanding for each other from stage to stage. For Laurent, ending this tour means upholding life, even though broadcasting efforts are reducing the chances of a successful life-prolonging therapy.
C'est pas de l'amour
The Anonymous
A counterterrorism task force investigates the 1998 Ajaccio assassination of Claude Érignac, the prefect of Corsica. Based on true events.
True Friends
Jean-François Herman
The bonds of a 30-year friendship are tested when Walter's 20-year-old daughter, Clemence, falls in love with his friend Paul.
Dame de carreau
A young woman, Véronique Legat, was kidnapped, sequestered, undressed ... then released. As a result of her complaint, Jeanette, a police officer at the PJ, discovers that six other women resembling the first disappeared without a trace in the last five years. Jeanette and her colleague Martin start their investigation ...
Melting Love
Brice Lemareuil
The paths of Sophie and Gerard cross following a traffic accident; as for their children, they meet during a school outing. Two encounters, two love stories.
Adam et Eve, ce n’est pas du tout ce que vous croyez!
Roue de secours
Guy Môquet, un amour fusillé
Jean-Pierre Timbaud