A short film about the actress Black-Eyed Susan
Minnie the Shrimp
This musical is based on four short stories by Damon Runyon. In one tale, gambler Feet Samuels sells his body to science just as he realizes that Hortense loves him and that he would rather live than die. In another story, Harriet's parrot is killed, and she has problems dealing with her loss. Then, there is a gambler, "Regret", who has bloodhounds on his trail when he becomes a murder suspect. Finally, "The Brain" is bleeding profusely, and his friends search for a way to save his life through a blood transfusion.
1938년 뉴욕, 올버니. 거리의 부랑자 프란시스(Francis Phelan: 잭 니콜슨 분)는 22년전, 태어난지 13일 밖에 안되는 아들을 실수로 죽게 하자 그 죄책감 때문에 집을 나와 떠돌이 생활을 한다. 그러던 중 과거에 피아니스트이자 가수였던 헬렌(Helen: 메릴 스트립 분)을 만나 서로의 상처를 보듬고 살아간다. 때는 살을 에이는 듯한 혹한의 겨울. 프란시스는 어느날 묘지 청소하는 일을 맡아 자신의 죽은 아들 제랄드의 무덤 앞에서 통곡한다. 그날 저녁 선교관을 찾아갔던 프란시스는 목사에게서 고물장수 로스캠의 조수직을 추천 받는다. 마차를 타고 이집저집을 돌아다니던 프란시스는 과거의 상념에 빠져들게 되고 전부인의 집을 방문한다. 걱정하던 것과는 달리 전부인 애니(Annie Phelan: 캐롤 베이커 분)는 프란시스를 반갑게 맞이한다. 이에 프란시스는 22년전 자신의 실수를 가족은 물론 아무한테도 말하지 않고 비밀을 지켜온 애니의 속깊은 정에 가슴이 뭉클해진다. 한편 헬렌은 프란시스가 집을 방문하는 동안 도서관, 교회, 카페 등을 전전하다 마치 지친 삶의 끝에 맞는 휴식처럼 편안하게 고질병으로 인한 죽음을 맞이한다. 가족과 눈물겨운 재회를 프란시스는 뜻하지 않은 헬렌과 친구 루디(Rudy: 톰 웨이츠 분)의 죽음을 통해 따뜻한 방 한 개의 소중함을 절실히 깨닫는다.
Gorilla Girl
Film recounts the madcap tale of sweet Dolores who, after being tortured by her sadistic mother, is thrown into the harsh city environs, innocent and alone. Chased by villains, abducted into white slavery, and ravaged by monstrous beasts, Dolores spirals deep into the underworld unable to find redemption.
Couple on TV
“A witty send-up and a wise abstraction of the melodrama, combining elements of romantic mythology – songs, images, words and movements – to ask the question: where does myth end and life begin? Bill Rice ‘stars’ as a frustrated professor of romantic literature who reaches the end of his rope and resolves to be reunited with his deceased true love. When his attempt to hang himself fails, he finds renewed hope in the form of a nurse at his doctor’s office; newly married and still in love, she is nevertheless intrigued by his morbid romanticism. The action takes place on gigantic, expressionistic sets painted by artists Amy Sillman and Pamela Wilson; movements are exaggerated by being reduced to a minimum, and the dialogue, written by James Neu, calls up the romantic phraseology of the ages – from literature to TV – strung together into a musical refrain and set to Evan Lurie’s score.” –PACIFIC FILM ARCHIVE
Adapted from an obscure Guy de Maupassant novella, lifted from a paperback bought by Meaney as an undergrad for 99 cents. What’s evident is Horn’s fascination for squared-off blocking and choreography, including a glimpse at a performance of Orpheus and Eurydice in minature. Star Adam Macadam brought on other members of Charles Ludlam’s Ridiculous Theater Company, many of whom would return to work on DOOMED LOVE. Featuring ancient costumes on loan from the Metropolitan Opera (repurposed from early twentieth century productions of Tosca and La Traviata), ELAINE aspires to high gothic on a shoestring budget. Horn and Meaney shot at locations including the Morris-Jumel Mansion in Washington Heights, the Frick, and the Carnegie Hall Cinema, then operated by Sid Geffen and Jackie Raynal – the programmers responsible for hosting the first-ever New York City screenings of films by Marguerite Duras, an influence on the filmmakers (alongside Daniel Schmid, Douglas Sirk and Alain Resnais.)