Henry Hallam

Henry Hallam

출생 : 1950-08-07, London, England, UK

사망 : 1921-11-11


English born actor who worked in, among other acting jobs, silent films.

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Henry Hallam

참여 작품

Tol'able David
The Doctor
Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mail carrier for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
College President
A feisty, independent young woman, Damophilia Illington ("Phil" for short, hence the title), the daughter of a progressive university professor, is devastated by the sudden death of her father. The town's banker, an arrogant stuffed shirt, wants to marry Phil and has himself declared her guardian. Not wanting to marry him, she quickly leaves town and lands a job at a nearby university as an assistant to a professor of Greek literature (an area in which her father trained her) who is bitter and resentful after the breakup of his engagement to a woman who, it turned out, had been lying to him. "Phil", however, is determined to win him over.
Help! Help! Police!
Judson Pendleton
While vacationing with his father Edward at a Palm Beach hotel, George Welston becomes smitten with Eve Pendleton, the daughter of Edward's business rival Judson. After George prevents Pendleton from getting an option on a deal by racing in his car with his father's $100,000 deposit, Pendleton favors Eve's other suitor, Arthur Trask, whose gentlemanly manner conceals his intent to rob Eve and her wealthy friends.
Just for Tonight
Major Blackburn
How Could You, Caroline?
Mr. Rogers
Caroline Rogers, a spirited young girl with a taste for highly romantic novels, comes home from boarding school to attend her sister Ethel's wedding. Having read a particularly lurid novel entitled Twin Souls recently, she arrives at the rehearsal wearing a daring gown in the hope of ensnaring a "soul mate." Because of his poetic name, Caroline becomes involved with Reginald Van Alden, a married fortune-seeker. On the morning of the wedding, she abandons her old sweetheart, Bob Worth, to take a ride with Reginald, but when he takes her to a disreputable roadhouse, she escapes and then tries to commit suicide by drinking cologne.
Blue Jeans
Colonel Henry Clay Risener
June a young orphan is befriended by Perry Boscam when he shares his lunch with her on the road to Rising Sun to take over his father's saw mill. The soon fall in love and marry only to find out that a women in Perry's past has come to town to make trouble. Teaming up with the local political bully they set out to make Perry's life miserable.. but June sticks by her husband to the end.
The Girl Without a Soul
Dominic Beaumont
The story of two young sisters, one a somewhat demure musician who is in love with a scoundrel who's no good for her, and the other a wild, free spirit who is the object of a shy young carpenter's affections.
The Evil Thereof
Her Father
A manicurist gives up the honest love of a barberr to become the mistress of a wealthy broker. But she comes to hate the man who has caused her downfall, and her loathing peaks during a dinner party he is holding. Other guests include three other men and their mistresses. Each young lady gets a $100 bill as a party favor, tucked away in one of the meal's several courses. The broker proudly brags about how each bill was obtained by giving the screws to the lower classes.
Gloria's Romance
An adventurous young girl in Florida gets herself lost in the Everglades and finds terror and excitement, as well as the rivalry of two men in love with her.
The Girl Telegrapher's Nerve
Sheriff James Ogden
Steve Nelson, a clever crook, arrives at the little station where Helen is operator. He lives quietly at the village's little boarding house preparing for a coup when Helen receives instructions that lead her to suspect Steve.
The Black Crook
Count Wolfenstein
A Faust-like meringue involving a wealthy Count who enters into a deal with the Devil: for every soul he delivers to Satan, the count will be granted an extra year of life. One of the count's victims, an artist named Rodolphe, dedicates his life to punishing the nobleman, a mission he accomplishes with the help of the beautiful Fairy Queen.
The Maker of Dreams
Daddy Greene
It is Mrs. Merwin's desire that her son, Harold, marry Rena, an heiress. To this end, she gives a week-end party in the heiress's honor. Harold, of a studious nature, finds himself unable to stand the chatter of the guests and strikes out towards the woods. Attracted by the music, Lorna approaches the mansion.
The Crooked Path
Father Deering - Prison Chaplain
Lynn and Alan both love Mary. Because he deems it his duty to support his widowed mother, Lynn hides his love although he is the favored suitor. Piqued, Mary becomes Alan's wife. Both boys work in the village bank. Lynn comes upon Alan while the latter is intoxicated and helps him home. Thus Lynn meets Mary for the first time since her marriage. Alan witnesses this meeting. His jealousy aroused, the man orders Lynn from his house. Obsessed by a desire for revenge, Alan steals a sum of money from the bank and falsifies Lynn's books so as to make it appear that the latter had committed the crime.
Honor Thy Father
John Dayton - the Father
Although it means the mortgaging of their home, Roger Dayton's parents send him to law school. Selfish and ungrateful, the boy forgets all about the old folks after his graduation.
The Haunting Fear
Father Richard
Lured by Diana, Katherine runs away from home. The foolish girl is soon drawn into the whirlpool. She meets Mace, a notorious man-about-town, and is fascinated by him. Doctor Busby, an insane physician, recognizes in Mace the man who had caused his daughter's death. Shortly afterward, Katherine discovers Mace's real character. Wild with rage, she stabs him.
A Sister's Burden
Hensley - a Widower
Compelled to keep house for her father and her younger sister and brother, Martha is deprived of all the pleasures of youth. Ned, who loves her, begs her to elope with him. Martha yields, but while on the way to the minister, decides that her duty lies back home with her father. Heart-broken, Ned leaves for the city.
The Destroyer
Wentworth - Dick's Father
An actress weaves her web, like a disgusting spider, around a susceptible young man, lures him away from his sweetheart, and eventually destroys him.
The Siren's Reign
Hardy - a Faithful Employee
An upright young man marries a siren, a drunken, unfaithful woman, who mothers his child, and then ruins him financially and morally.
The Night Operator at Buxton
Rice - Express Superintendent
Bob's daughter is sick, so Helen volunteers to take his place on the night run, unaware that the Blackhall gang intends to rob the train which carries a valuable gold shipment. Learning of Helen's peril, Bob and Tracy pursue the train by automobile, arriving just as the hijackers are about to explode a charge of dynamite under the rails.
The Stolen Ruby
Patrolman Killegren
Patrolman Killegren, seated alone in his home, is startled by the sound of shooting. Rushing outside, he meets several officers who inform him that two thieves, attempting to escape, had entered his cottage. Positive that no one had entered the house, Killegren conducts the policemen through the building. The father is startled, upon entering his son Alex's room, to find the boy at home. Knowing that his son could not have been in the room more than five minutes, Killegren is filled with a terrible suspicion.
The Scorpion's Sting
Marston - the Father
Discovered by Marston in the act of robbing the safe, Mann, the crook, shoots and slays him. The murderer escapes, carrying with him a casket containing jewels. So strongly do circumstances point to Lyda, Marston's daughter, as the slayer, that she is tried for the crime. Despite the evidence of the butler and other servants, who tell of a violent quarrel between Lyda and her father just prior to the shooting, the girl is acquitted.
The Mystery of the Yellow Sunbonnet
Major Maynard - a Foreign Spy
George Cathcart, a young naval officer, arrives home on leave of absence after months of mine planting service. Major Maynard, a foreign spy, occupies the adjoining estate. With the assistance of Jessica, an adventuress, Maynard plans to obtain the maps in Cathcart's possession.
The Man of Iron
Lucius Stanley - the Man of Iron
A hard man is Lucius Stanley. Uncompromisingly upright, he lacks sympathy for characters weaker than his own. Thus, when his son John asks for money with which to some debts, the stern father refuses the boy's request. John is to inherit a fortune on his twenty-fifth birthday. Hard pressed, the boy takes money from his father's safe
A Midnight Tragedy
Doctor Blackman
Dr. Warren, engaged to Marjory, gives the girl her freedom when his negligence brings about his dismissal from the hospital staff. Warren disappears. Despairing of ever hearing from him, Marjorie weds Priestman, an elderly scientist who has been blinded as the result of an accident. Years later Warren and Marjory meet. Warren has won prominence as a bacteriologist. The old love springs up anew.
The Menace of Fate
Richard Wilton
Ethel, the young daughter of the wealthy Wiltons, is stolen by Effie Sprout, a woman of the slums. Fifteen years later the girl has succumbed to her environment.
The False Guardian
Butts - Graham' s Valet
Just as he is appointed guardian of his niece, Helen, aged John Graham dies. Butts, his valet, conceives the idea of assuming Graham's identity. Aided by Stone, the rascally butler, Butts plans to send Helen to an insane asylum and seize her fortune.
Into the Depths
Stanford - the Husband
Neglected by her husband, Beth Stanford becomes interested in Arthur, his friend. Although their friendship is an innocent one. Stanford becomes intensely jealous. Arthur presents Beth with a diamond brooch upon her birthday. Later, when Stanford faces ruin, he compels Beth to pawn her jewels. The money thus secured proves insufficient for his needs. The man drinks heavily in his desperation and falls into a drunken stupor. When Stanford returns home, he meets Arthur. The husband cedes Beth to Arthur for a sum sufficient to settle his obligations.
The Mystery of the Sleeping Death
A mystery film in which two people fall into a mysterious sleep coma; an Oriental hypnotist then tries to reawaken them.
The Brand
John Halleck - Mary's Father
Mary's lot. always hard, becomes doubly so upon her father's death. Desiring to re-marry, the girl's stepmother conspires to get her out of the way.
Through the Flames
Mr. Rogers - Milly's Father
Donald Hall discovers that his wife is engaged in a flirtation with Major Humphreys. The husband forbids Marion to see the man again. Despite this injunction, the woman accompanies Humphries to a road house with a party of friends, while Donald is at a directors' meeting. A fire breaks out and destroys the road house. Marion and Humphreys barely escape. Fearing to return home, the woman heeds Humphreys' pleas and elopes with him. Her handbag is found in the ruins of the building. Donald is led to believe his wife dead.
The Swamp Fox
Jacques Videau - Mary's Father
Long before he was the subject of a Walt Disney TV miniseries, Revolutionary-era guerilla leader Francis Marion, aka the Swamp Fox, was the "star" of this three-reel Kalem costume drama. The first part of the film ends as Marion and his followers capture English general Gates right from under the noses of the "Redcoats." The closing scenes find Marion and company emerging victorious from a battle between the British and the Colonials at the DeMotte farm.
The Chest of Fortune
Ward - a Banker (parts one and two)
Just when we think that this movie will be about a Southern family in Civil War days, the action jumps to modern-day 1914, still in the southern United States. Handsome Jack (Guy Coombs) is in love with the fair lady played by Marguerite Clayton.
The Shadow
Thomas Dean
Driven to desperation by the enmity of Jane, her step-daughter, Sarah, Dean's second wife, turns to Ware, a friend of the family and a former suitor, for advice. Jane learns that her stepmother has gone to call upon Ware. Realizing the unhappiness her conduct has caused, the girl is stricken with remorse. Knowing that her father would misconstrue Sarah's visit to Ware, the girl hastens to the man's home to meet her stepmother. Sarah is fallen aback when Jane finds her with Ware, but is filled with happiness when the girl announces her desire for a reconciliation.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom
Uncle Tom and Eliza's child are sold to Haley, a slave dealer. When Eliza learns that her son is to be taken from her, she steals the boy and runs away.
Primitive Man
Doctor Sturgis
Allan loves Betty, a mountain girl. Not sure that she loves the boy. Betty declines to marry him. Dan, a rough mountaineer, lives a secluded life, with only his dog as companion. The man sees Betty bathing in a mountain stream. He falls madly in love with her. Later, Dan woos her in his rough way.
Our New Minister
Hannibal Chapman - an Unscrupulous Lawyer
Lem Ransom, the village drunkard, steals the Widow Huggins' bonds while under the influence of liquor, at the instigation of Hannibal Chapman, an unscrupulous lawyer. After taking the stolen bonds from his catspaw, Chapman treacherously arranges to have suspicion fall upon Lem.
The Vampire
The story hinges on the redemption of a country boy, an artist, who has fallen among evil companions, and is an outcast.
A Virginia Feud
McDonald - Rose's Father
When Rose McDonald and Frank Mosby became engaged it appears that the deadly feud which has long existed between the families has come to an end. The betrothal is held at the McDonald cabin. All seem willing to forget past differences save McDonald, the bride's father and Joe, the groom's young brother. The day of the wedding arrives. Frank prevails upon the family to leave all weapons at home. He sends them ahead. Joe has informed Frank that he no longer regards him as a brother.
The Lost Diamond
John Holden
John Holden discovers a burglar in his house and shoots at the escaping thief. Warding, a detective, and the officer on the beat hear the shot and hurry to the scene. The detective finds a large diamond set on the library rug and concludes it has been lost from the thief's ring.
A Stolen Identity
Hodges - a Valet
Steve Carnes, the son of a wealthy manufacturer, leads a useless life and is disowned by his father. After a night of gambling he returns, penniless, to his apartment. He is on the point of ending everything when his bell rings and he finds an abandoned baby on his doorstep. Steve and his valet, Hodges, attempt to pacify the child. The distracted mother, who has hoped to place the little one in a comfortable home, repents her act and comes to Steve's house, begging that the child be returned. Steve complies with her request and secretly follows her home. He sees that she lives in a disreputable tenement and finds a note from her husband's father, in which the latter states that the marriage was against his wishes and that the young woman has no claim upon him.
General Haverhill
An American Civil War melodrama.
The Scimitar of the Prophet
While touring Egypt, Harris and his wife visit an old temple and are fascinated by a sacred scimitar, which, at the corner of a shrine, is religiously guarded by Hadjji, a Mohammedan priest. The wife is a curio fiend, and demands that Harris secure the scimitar, but the husband, having read in his guidebook that the scimitar was supposedly presented to the prophet in a vision and that the vengeance of Allah will follow whosoever disturbs it, begs her to abandon the foolish idea. She insists. That night Harris enters the temple with a rope ladder, steals the scimitar and escapes.
A Mississippi Tragedy
Calhoun - the Planter
Calhoun, a planter, lives with his son and daughter, James and Martha. He strongly objects to young Gordon, who has been paying court to Martha and who has the reputation of being a gambler. Calhoun forbids Gordon from entering the house. One day as Gordon is traveling up the river he sees Calhoun who is returning from the sale of his cotton crop and is counting his money on the deck. Meredith, an unscrupulous gambler, also notices Calhoun and determines to relieve him of his money.
The Wartime Siren
Colonel Ashby
When the Civil War breaks out Eric Warren, a young physician, enlists and is commissioned captain. In the field of action his clever maneuvers constantly harass the Confederates and Colonel Ashby, chafing under many defeats at the hands of the young officer, decides to capture him through a subterfuge.
The War Correspondent
The Editor
Jack Fisher secures a position as reporter on a metropolitan daily and incurs the enmity of Martin, the star reporter, because of friendly relations which he establishes with Myrtle, a young lady in the office. Martin secretly changes the copy which Jack has prepared for an important story and places the young man in such a position that he is discharged. Some time later Jack learns of an opening in Central America. He bids goodbye to Myrtle, who has never lost faith in him, and leaves for his new field. Shortly after his departure war is declared in a Central American republic and Martin is sent to the scene as war correspondent.
The Message of the Palms
Colonel Carlton
Henry Strong, a young civil engineer, is placed in charge of a party which makes a preliminary survey for a railroad. In their work they enter the property of Colonel Carlton who objects decidedly to the invasion of his ancestral land. Henry secures the aid of the sheriff, who convinces Carlton that the young engineer is acting within his rights but the Colonel develops a spirit of animosity toward the surveyor.
The Darling of the CSA
Maj. Gen. Prentiss, U.S.A.
Anna Q. Nilsson is the title character, Agnes Lane, a daring spy for the South during the Civil War. She delivers an important message regarding an attack on a Yankee fort, then infiltrates the fort and turns herself in, only to change into a Union soldier’s clothes and escape with more confidential information. The Confederate soldiers love her, and treat her with respect, despite her un-ladylike profession. During the attack, morale appears to flag, but she sneaks out a message that she has been captured by the Yankees and is due to be executed, urging the boys to greater heroism. As they capture the fort, she again infiltrates and pretends to be grateful to her “rescuers.”