Juliusz Krzysztof Warunek

Juliusz Krzysztof Warunek

출생 : 1955-01-01, Kraków, Poland


1983 Wykształcenie - rok ukończenia studiów PWST w Krakowie 1983. 09. 24 Debiut teatralny 1992 Nagroda wyróżnienie za rolę Johnniego w "Dzień dobry i do widzenia" Fugarda na XXVII Ogólnopolskim Przeglądzie Teatrów Małych Form w Szczecinie 1997 Nagroda "Złota Maska" za rolę Walpurga w "Wariacie i zakonnicy" w Teatrze im. Wyspiańskiego 1997 Nagroda wyróżnienie za rolę Mefistofela w spektaklu"Ballady i romanse" na XXII Opolskich Konfrontacjach Teatralnych "Klasyka Polska" Od 1994 aktor Teatru Śląskiego im. Wyspiańskiego w Katowicach. Jego droga do śląskiej sceny wiodła przez Teatr Dramatyczny w Warszawie, Teatr im. Słowackiego w Krakowie i Teatr Polski w Bydgoszczy. Od 1994 aktor Teatru Śląskiego im. Wyspiańskiego w Katowicach. Jego droga do śląskiej sceny wiodła przez Teatr Dramatyczny w Warszawie, Teatr im. Słowackiego w Krakowie i Teatr Polski w Bydgoszczy.

프로필 사진

Juliusz Krzysztof Warunek

참여 작품

Marusarz. Tatrzański Orzeł
Ski Jumping Hill Guardian
Stanislaw Marusarz, a well-known Polish jumper, including: the 1938 world vice-champion in Lahti, four-time Olympian, seven-time participant in the ski world championships, as well as a second lieutenant of the Home Army, a Tatra courier. From the first months of the occupation, he was active in the underground as a courier of the Underground State to Hungary. In 1940, he jumped from the second floor and escaped from the Gestapo prison in Krakow. After the war, he was one of the longest active ski jumping athletes in the world. Marusarz became the guest of honor at the 4-Hills-Tournament in the 1965-66 season. He stood on the famous Gross-Titlis-Schanze at the age of 53 - his jump in a suit and tie has made his legacy. Marusarz's spectacular jump in a suit during the Four Hills Tournament '66 became a pretext to tell his fate, as well as the story of his sister Helena - a talented skier, participant of the Resistance Movement, murdered by the Nazis in 1941.
Hitler's Aunt
두셰이코는 은퇴한 괴짜 건축기사이자 점성술사이며 채식주의자로, 체코와 폴란드 경계에 위치한 작은 산골 마을에 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 그녀는 밀렵꾼으로 활동하던 이웃의 시체를 발견하게 되는데, 이 불가사의한 죽음을 해결할 단서라고는 집 주변에 남겨진 노루 발자국뿐이다. 시간이 흐르고 소름 끼치는 살인이 몇 건 더 발생한다. 희생자들은 모두 지역 상류층에 속하는 사냥꾼이다. 아무리 경찰 조사를 진행해도 아무런 소득이 없자, 두셰이코는 이 모든 살인이 야생 동물의 짓이라는 가설을 세우게 된다.
1943년 폴란드, 기관사보조인 로멕은 살균탑승구로 불리우는 유태인학살캠프행 333선로의 운행을 지시받는다. 그곳에는 독일군 유태인처형부대가 주둔중인데, 그들은 평범한 군인들로 보이나 유태인 및 빨치산 처형을 서슴없이 저지르는 잔인한 독일군들이다. 기관사 로멕은 독일군신병 귀도와 어색한 관계를 갖게 되는데, 그들의 운명은…
The Mole
Roman, właściciel ciucholandu
Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand clothing from the North of France to Southern Poland. On his way back from one of regular "business trips", Pawel is shocked to discover his father's picture on the cover of a Polish tabloid newspaper. The headline "traitor" is written next to his name. Zygmunt is a genuine hero of the struggle against totalitarianism and a recognized member of the "Solidarnosc" labor movement of the 80s. But now, Zygmunt is suddenly accused by the paper of having acted as a secret informer called THE MOLE by the communist regime.
기득권층에는 증오의 대상이었고 평민들에게는 의적이었던 야노식의 일대기. 잔혹하고 혹세무민의 시대였던 17세기 동유럽에서 압제에 대한 저항의 상징이었던 야노식의 일대기를 보여주며 비록 그는 처참하게 처형당했지만 민중에게 남았던 그의 정신을 기리기 위해 만들어진 영화.
The Collector
Lucjan Bohme is a ruthless debt collector working in a post-industrial Silesian town. In the land of unemployment and misery, he's got a lot of work and no mercy at all. Until something happens.
Father's Law
When the ex-racing driver's teenage daughter is brutally raped, her father seeks justice on his own.
With Fire and Sword
kozak nad Dnieprem
In the mid-17th century, Poland was the largest, most democratic, and most tolerant country in Europe. However, a tragic civil war brought about the gradual decline of the once glorious republic...