Mimmo Mancini

Mimmo Mancini

프로필 사진

Mimmo Mancini

참여 작품

The Braid
Padre Giulia
Three women Smita, Giulia and Sarah from different parts of the world who have never met but they are bound by something intimate and unique.
Arnoldo Mondadori - I libri per cambiare il mondo
ambulante di Ostiglia
Tutto per mio figlio
Anima bella
Gioia has just turned 18. She lives with her father Bruno in a small country village where she works as a shepherdess. They live very simply yet harmoniously with the villagers. Their lives are disrupted when Bruno gives in once again and once too many to his gambling addiction, in spite of his efforts to quit. Gioia will have to follow him to a faraway town, where he will be treated in a specialized center. This will radically change her existence, forcing her to abandon the safety of the village, her friends and her habits. She will be all by herself to support her father, in his journey for a better life.
Prof. Carpi
Vittorio Bodini
지긋지긋한 생활에서 벗어나 한탕만을 노리는 우체국 운전사 ‘메로니’ 가난의 늪에 허덕이며 아득바득 성질을 죽이며 사는 집배원 ‘자고’ 퇴물로 전락한 밑바닥 인생의 전직 복싱 선수 ‘니콜라’(a.k.a ‘울프’) 마지막 한탕을 노린 완전범죄를 계획한 그들은 서로 다른 속내를 숨긴 채 한배에 올라타게 되는데…
Direttore Rotocalco
The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.
Renata Fonte - Una Donna Contro Tutti
Sindaco Benedetto Leuzzi
Them Who?
Gerardo 'Kurosawa'
David loses his white collar job, his fiancée and his house after one night with con man Marcello. He tracks him down to exact revenge, but ends up becoming his disciple in order to win back everything.
Amici come noi
Loan shark
Amiche da morire
Il commissario
Three very different women who are hiding a secret are forced to work together to save their own skin.
Faccio un salto all'Avana
Colonnello Esteban
Il Sorteggio
L'uomo che cavalcava nel buio
B급 영화의 프로듀서인 브루노 보노모는 차기작의 제작비를 마련하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 경제적인 파산과 가정문제로 곤경에 처해있던 브루노는 한 젊은 감독이 쓴 시나리오를 읽고, 거기에 빠져든다. 처음에 브루노는 평범한 스릴러라고 생각했지만, 곧 거기에 베르루스코니 정부에 대한 비평적인 폭로가 내재되어 있음을 알게 된다.
Tutto in quella notte
A Donatello award winning short film about the Archangel Tarturro who declares that he will learn to play the cymbals - a skill he acquires, even if he is not quite as good as the other members of his band.
La guerra è finita
The investigations of the Italian Police antimafia Branch searching the murderers of judge Giovanni Falcone.
See You
Capucci #1
15-year-old Andrea lives in a world of his own, where an innocent friendship with a pretty girl becomes a full-blown romance. He invites her to a motor show in nearby Bologna, but she fails to show up at the bus station. Instead, Andrea is joined by his older sister Stefania–who's planning a runaway with her boyfriend Angelo.
Man (segment "Sul mare luccica")
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
Marching in Darkness
Maresciallo Carabinieri
A young recruit to the Italian army discovers and rejects the seedy world of soldiers who prostitute themselves to supplement their income. But before leaving this world he is raped by a highly-respected senior officer and must decide whether to risk bringing proceedings against him.
Moon Shadow
Arriva la bufera
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
Boys on the Outside
Agente Guardia di Finanza (non accreditato)
Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile detention in Naples and he's met by Vita, a girl who's come from home to run away with him. Where can they go? A young dad, whose potato stall at the market is shut down because he has no permit, takes his two small children to the beach and yells at them. Mario, gay, a prostitute in drag, gets a visit from his mom; he offers tea, then finds the water to his apartment is shut off. Social workers drop by, parole officers file reports. What hope is there? What options besides crime?