Till Nowak

참여 작품

블랙 팬서: 와칸다 포에버
Concept Artist
국왕이자 블랙 팬서인 티찰라의 죽음 이후 수많은 강대국으로부터 위협을 받게 된 와칸다. 라몬다, 슈리 그리고 나키아, 오코예, 음바쿠는 각자 사명감을 갖고 와칸다를 지키기 위해 외로운 싸움을 이어간다. 한편, 비브라늄의 패권을 둘러싼 미스터리한 음모와 함께 깊은 해저에서 모습을 드러낸 최강의 적 네이머와 탈로칸의 전사들은 와칸다를 향해 무차별 공격을 퍼붓기 시작하는데…
고장난 론
Art Direction
최첨단 소셜 AI 로봇 비봇이 모든 아이들의 친구가 되는 세상. 비봇을 갖는 것이 유일한 소원인 소심한 소년 바니에게도 드디어 론이라는 비봇이 생겼다. 그러나 첨단 디지털 기능과 소셜 미디어로 연결된 다른 비봇들과는 달리, 네트워크 접속이 불가능한 고장난 론. 자유분방하고 엉뚱한 론으로 인해 벌어지는 엉망진창, 스릴 넘치는 모험을 함께하며 바니는 진실한 우정이 무엇인지 점점 깨닫게 되는데..
클레오: 시간을 되돌리는 기적
1989년 11월 9일, 베를린 장벽이 무너진 역사적인 순간 어머니의 죽음과 함께 태어난 `클레오`. `클레오`는 영혼과 대화할 수 있는 능력을 타고난 덕에 아인슈타인, 슐리만 등 독일의 위인들과 친구로 지내며 특별한 어린 시절을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날, 시간을 되돌릴 수 있는 마법 시계의 존재를 알게 된 `클레오`는 시계를 찾아 모험에 나서고, 그곳에서 순간의 실수로 아버지마저 잃게 된다.마음의 문을 닫은 채 삭막한 어른으로 성장한 ‘클레오’ 앞에 어느 날 보물지도를 가진 탐험가 ‘파울’이 나타난다. 마법 시계를 찾을 기회임을 직감한 ‘클레오’는 과거로 돌아가 모든 것을 바로잡기 위해 베를린 곳곳을 누비는 드라마틱한 여정을 시작하게 되는데…
블랙 팬서
Conceptual Illustrator
유엔 폭탄 테러로 아버지를 잃은 와칸다의 왕자 티찰라는 시빌 워 이후 고국 와칸다로 돌아가 왕좌에 오른다. 와칸다의 새로운 지도자 블랙팬서가 된 그는 옛 연인이자 와칸다의 스파이 나키아, 호위 무사 오코예와 함께 최강 희귀 금속 비브라늄 폭탄 거래가 이뤄지는 부산을 찾는다. 폭탄 거래의 배후에 있는 인물은 와칸다와 묘종의 연이 있는 정체불명의 남자, 에릭 킬몽거. 그는 놀라운 위력으로 티찰라를 제압하고 와칸다의 새로운 왕이 되려 하고, 이에 블랙 팬서는 피할 수 없는 전쟁에 나서는데...
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
Visual Effects
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.
The Centrifuge Brain Project
Based on his childhood fascination for the strange atmosphere of amusement parks Till Nowak created the fictional documentary 'The Centrifuge Brain Project'. He collected footage and used digital animation to create a series of non-existing thrill rides. Dr. Laslowicz is convinced: Making his machines more powerful brings him comes closer to the solution for all our problems. An obvious mistake or just typical human?
The Centrifuge Brain Project
Visual Effects
Based on his childhood fascination for the strange atmosphere of amusement parks Till Nowak created the fictional documentary 'The Centrifuge Brain Project'. He collected footage and used digital animation to create a series of non-existing thrill rides. Dr. Laslowicz is convinced: Making his machines more powerful brings him comes closer to the solution for all our problems. An obvious mistake or just typical human?
The Centrifuge Brain Project
Executive Producer
Based on his childhood fascination for the strange atmosphere of amusement parks Till Nowak created the fictional documentary 'The Centrifuge Brain Project'. He collected footage and used digital animation to create a series of non-existing thrill rides. Dr. Laslowicz is convinced: Making his machines more powerful brings him comes closer to the solution for all our problems. An obvious mistake or just typical human?
The Centrifuge Brain Project
Based on his childhood fascination for the strange atmosphere of amusement parks Till Nowak created the fictional documentary 'The Centrifuge Brain Project'. He collected footage and used digital animation to create a series of non-existing thrill rides. Dr. Laslowicz is convinced: Making his machines more powerful brings him comes closer to the solution for all our problems. An obvious mistake or just typical human?
The Centrifuge Brain Project
Based on his childhood fascination for the strange atmosphere of amusement parks Till Nowak created the fictional documentary 'The Centrifuge Brain Project'. He collected footage and used digital animation to create a series of non-existing thrill rides. Dr. Laslowicz is convinced: Making his machines more powerful brings him comes closer to the solution for all our problems. An obvious mistake or just typical human?
아더 크리스마스
Visual Development
광활한 북극, 거대한 빙산 아래 1,000년의 역사를 이어온 산타 왕국. 할아버지의 할아버지 때부터 이어져 내려온 산타의 임무는 바로 크리스마스 이브 단 하루 동안 전세계로 20억 개의 선물을 배달하는 것. 하지만 올 겨울, 실수로 한 아이의 선물이 배달되지 못하는 사고가 벌어지고, 산타 가족의 막내 ‘아더’가 이 사실을 알게 된다. ‘크리스마스 아침이 오기 전 마지막 선물을 배달하라!’ 는 미션아래, 눈과 사슴 알러지, 고소공포증까지 가진 ‘허당 산타’ 아더와 은퇴한 지 오래지만 여전히 팔팔한 ‘왕산타’ 할배, 그리고 160만 요정군단 중 최정예 ‘포장의 달인’ 브라이오니의 선물 배달 미션 임파서블이 시작 되는데…
The Eylandt Investigation
Visual Effects Supervisor
The New York lawyer Willam Singer receives three letters, that his father's cousin from Germany wrote to him over the last 5 decades, describing, that she hosted three people in her cellar for more than 60 years. Singer tries to find out, if she wrote the truth.
An old man lives a lonely life under the dark shadows of industrial smog. One day he receives a mysterious package which gives him the ability to change his environment.
An old man lives a lonely life under the dark shadows of industrial smog. One day he receives a mysterious package which gives him the ability to change his environment.
An old man lives a lonely life under the dark shadows of industrial smog. One day he receives a mysterious package which gives him the ability to change his environment.
An old man lives a lonely life under the dark shadows of industrial smog. One day he receives a mysterious package which gives him the ability to change his environment.