David Bredin

David Bredin

출생 : 1973-12-21, Lüneburg, Germany

프로필 사진

David Bredin

참여 작품

Die Toten am Meer - Der Wikinger
Yall Peder Sörensen
The Path
Fleeing from the Nazis, two children, a journalist father, and a dog must make their way through the hazardous Pyrenees mountain range.
The Peppercorns and the Secret of the Deep Sea
As soon as Jaswinder, the mother of Alice's friend Tarun, discovered a way to avoid plastic, it is attacked and the documents about it, which are also top secret, stolen. Shortly thereafter, it also disappears without a trace. Alice, as the remaining peppercorn, searches for clues and comes across toxic waste companies who want to prevent the documents from being published at all costs. Will you take Alice to Jaswinder ...?
앙팡 테리블
When 22-year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder storms the stage of a small, progressive theatre in Munich 1967, and seizes the production without further ado, nobody suspects this brazen young rebel to become one of the most important post-war German filmmakers. Despite early setbacks, many of his films breakout at the most renowned films festivals and polarise audience, critics and filmmakers alike. His radical views and self-exploitation, as well as his longing for love, have made him one of the most fascinating film directors of this time.
Based on Buñuels Exterminating Angel (1962), this experimental feature film tells the story of five actors, stuck between fiction and seeming reality of a studio filmset. After the whole crew disappears and a boozy night in the studio, the left behind find themselves in the archaic equivalent of the scenery: a secluded cottage in the mountains of tuscany. Set back to themseslves, their roles and without catering „being professional“ turns out to be no adequate survival strategy…
캥거루 연대기
A communist kangaroo moves in with an artist in Berlin.
Professor Wall im Bordell
Hanns Zischler embarks on a walk to Canossa in "Prof. Wall in the brothel": A law professor desperately wants to make amends, that through his guilt an outstanding student has broken off and now works as a prostitute. With targeted provocations Emilia Schüle as Aurelie takes apart his self-righteousness. Director Stefan Krohmer focuses on the psycho-duo of the excellent leading actor in his chamber-like staging: The longer the dispute lasts, the more the original balance of power between the prostitute and her unusual client turns upside down.
Familie Wöhler auf Mallorca
It's double trouble when fate and an ill-executed diamond robbery throw Mel and Franny together in a race and chase against time.
Lotte Jäger und die Tote im Dorf
Jan Stober
Mission: Love
Hans calls his girlfriend Heinz, which tells you everything you need to know about their relationship. They're a typical couple who're stuck in a rut after eight years. Hans works at a copy shop and Heinz is an actress relegated to voicing a cartoon stoplight. On their anniversary, they go to the movies. It's a romance. But the spark on screen just doesn't strike them. When Hans gives Heinz's ex her phone number instead of putting up a fight over her, Heinz' alarm bells go off: How can this be love? They decided to make a list of everything than makes up a real love: Romance, desire, passion, jealousy, drama – deep feelings, in other words. Hans and Heinz methodically start checking off their list and realize: Real life is nothing like the movies.
Freddy Eddy
Türsteher Moritz
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...
Marie, her father and her little brother live in an underground bunker hidden deep in the woods. The World as we knew it no longer exists. When the father accidentally shoots a stranger while on a hunt, he sees himself faced with only two options. At home, Marie tends the wounds of the unconscious man. While the father distrusts the stranger, Marie is drawn to him. For her, the bunker feels not like a home but a prison from which she yearns to break free. Can this stranger be her long awaited hope? But when a group of marauders invade the bunker, Marie is not sure who her new friend really is.
Hausbau mit Hindernissen
Der Gutachter: Ein Mord zu viel
마운틴 미라클
Pit Reuer
스스로를 대도시의 터프한 악동이라 여기는 13살 소녀 아멜리에는 실제로 베를린에서 가장 고집 센 아이이다. 어느 누구의 말도 듣지 않는 아멜리에게 천식 발작 이후 산 속 치료시설로 보내려는 부모님의 말이 귀에 들릴 리 없다. 시설로 가는 건 바로 아멜리에가 가장 원치 않는 일이기 때문이다. 그래서 아멜리에는 진료소에 입원하는 대신 아무도 자신을 찾을 수 없게 산 정상으로 도망쳐 숨는다. 하지만 이내 치료시설과 부모님 모두 아멜리에가 도망갔다는 사실을 알게 되고, 소녀를 찾는 대대적인 수색작업이 시작된다. 한편 산 속에 들어가 숨을 곳을 찾던 아멜리에는 바트라는 이름의 별난 소년을 만나게 된다. 그리고 바트가 자신의 목숨을 구해준 순간, 아멜리에는 바트가 첫인상에서 느꼈던 것보다 훨씬 멋진 소년이라는 것을 깨닫는다. 아멜리에가 아프다는 알게 된 바트는 아멜리에에게 일 년에 한 번 있는 오래된 전통 의식인 ‘알프스 파이어’에 대해 이야기해준다. 알프스 파이어는 사람이든 동물이든 병을 치료하는 데 도움이 된다고 알려져 있는 기적 같은 의식이다. 이제 시간에 맞춰 불을 피우기 위해 아멜리에와 바트는 희망과 진정한 우정의 모험을 시작한다. (2017년 제12회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제)
Jürgen - Heute wird gelebt
"Jürgen - Heute wird gelebt" is about two lonely middle age men that crush together, searching for the woman of their dreams, on the way to Poland.
Ich werde nicht schweigen
TV post-war drama about a gruesome chapter of the Nazi era. Nadja Uhl reveals "wild" euthanasia in psychiatry. Oldenburg, 1948: For Margaret Oelkers (Uhl) and her two little sons, the pension is not enough as a war-wittwe behind and in front. But the authorities are working hard, not even because of their lack of credentials on the employment of their killed in the war. After an energetic appearance at the office, she is briefly put into the psychiatry of the Wehnen nursing home as a trainee. The consequences are bitter: one attests to their schizophrenia, takes away the children and brings them to the sister in the country. For a year, Margarete was kept in the hospital against her will, and forced to do so with electric shocks. After her release, she was placed under the guardianship of her neighbor Erich Windhorst (Martin Wuttke), a man with an SS past...
Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt
Heinz-Rüdiger Bartels
Under the auspicious name "Magical Mystery" the Berlin techno label BummBumm Records wants to go on a rave tour. Karl Schmidt aka Charly himself was once an aspiring artist on the scene, until he retired after a nervous breakdown five years ago. Since then he lives in a supervised withdrawal WG in Hamburg. Now, as a driver and custodian for the party-loving DJs and their producers, he becomes part of "Magical Mystery", trying to lead a self-determined life after years of patronizing and well-intentioned advice.
Mann im Spagat
Molle Kalinowski
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden to approve Cowboy's proposal. She demands results and he de­cides to stage a charity bicycle rally featuring a roster of two-wheeled Berlin misfits. Meanwhile Cowboy's neighbor kills his mother's budgie and sets the Devil of Hermannplatz on him to sabotage his plans. Pretty bad timing considering that he also has to rescue his stubborn mother from a shady retirement home. Torn between Cowboy's budding crush on Fey of Sweden, his hot neighbor Angel and his innate drive towards chaos, the rally soon turns into a race against time. Soon his mother will be taken away from him and the rally racers are doing anything other than what they should: cycling.
더 큐어
Volmer Institute Staff
야심 많은 젊은 간부 ‘록하트’는 의문의 편지를 남긴 채 떠나버린 CEO를 찾아 스위스 알프스에 위치한 ‘웰니스 센터’로 향한다. 고풍스러우면서 비밀스러운 기운이 느껴지는 ‘웰니스 센터’. '록하트’는 그곳의 특별한 치료법을 의심스럽게 여긴다. 예상치 못한 사고로 ‘웰니스 센터’에 머무르게 된 ‘록하트’는 그곳에서의 치료가 필요하다는 진단을 받게 되고, 비밀을 파헤치려 할수록 알 수 없는 일들이 벌어지는데…
The two war-photographers Chris and Samuel are stuck in the transit area of an international airport. Long time they have worked as a team, not only as professional photographers who risk their life for journalism. They are also close friends, depending on each other. All that is about to break apart, when Samuel confesses that he won't go back to war anymore. Chris not only loses his partner, he is about to loose his friend.
Wir sind die Rosinskis
Sin & Illy still alive
Sin and Illy have a plan: on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.
제 2차 세계 대전 기간 중 나치가 유럽의 전역을 함락하고 있을 무렵 체코의 통치자이자 홀로 코스트 계획을 추진하고 있던 라인하르트 하이드리히를 제거하기 위해 영국과 체코 슬로바키아 망명 정부가 극비리에 계획을 수립한다. 낙하산을 타고 체코 인근에 침투하는데 성공한 두 명의 최정예 특수요원 요셉 (킬리언 머피)과 얀 (제이미 도넌)은 마침내 체코 레지스탕스와 손을 잡고 작전에 돌입한다. 2차 세계 대전 중 히틀러의 명령을 받고 체코에 주둔 하고 있던 하이드리히 장군을 암살하기 위해 연합군이 특수 작전을 펼친다. 일명 앤트로포이드(유인원) 작전이다. 1979년에 개봉했던 의 리메이크 작이며 체코 라이언스 필름 어워즈의 13개 부문에 노미네이트 되었다.
The Missing Woman
An award-winning performer trio and a sophisticated story characterize the thrilling TV thriller "The Missing Woman". From the naive betrayed to the tough revenge angel Corinna Harfouch turns into the lead role. At her side, Ulrich Matthes silently plays a professional killer, who does not look at the cards. Never laying an excuse, is the Dortmund crime scene commissar Jörg Hartmann in the role of a shameless swindler. Because all three want to cash in on the life insurance, begins a game of fraud and extortion, in which also the red light milieu interferes.
Der Himmel zwischen den Welten
Hausmeister Kovac
Winnetous Sohn
Schurke Bob
Von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen
Prinz Ludo von Gundlingen
Once Upon a Time there lived a brave man, Michael, who was unaware what fear is. At the same time, Princess Elisabeth lived with her father, the king, in a makeshift tent city, because their castle was uninhabitable and haunted by ghosts, its treasure cursed. If he wants to know how to shudder, he should visit this Haunted Castle.
Torsten wasn't looking for anything. He just bought the lottery ticket to keep the peace with his lotto-enthusiastic co-workers. Eventually, he's forced to think about what to do with such a big win, when his ticket hits the jackpot. And he soon realizes, that he is the only one not having an answer to that question. His wife Susanne already knows what to do with their new found wealth. His son Lutz also makes plans. The shock-wave of this "lottobomb" tears Torsten's orderly world apart and leaves him with the question of who he really is.
Stufe 3
The Weekend
Based on a novel by Bernard Schlink (The Reader), The Weekend follows Jens as he leaves prison 18 years after being arrested as an RAF terrorist in Germany. Back with his family, friends, and ex-comrades, including his former lover Inga, Jens’ unexpected arrival disrupts their lives, forcing them to re-examine the violent idealism of their youth, especially as he insists on learning who had betrayed him to the police years before in this intense, gripping drama
Klappe Cowboy!
Making of 'Süsse Stuten 7'
Nick Waldowski
안나 성당의 기적
Nazi Soldier
2차 세계대전 당시 이탈리아 투산 지역을 지나던, 전원 흑인으로 구성된 92 보병부대에 대한 이야기. 영화는 부대원 중 한명이 위험에 빠진 이탈리아 소년의 목숨을 구함으로써 적에 노출돼 전원이 마을에 갇히는 것으로 시작한다.