Michael Finger
출생 : 1975-01-01, Zürich, Switzerland
It's 10:47 pm on a bus somewhere in a city. A few teenagers are listening to music and talking loudly. The other passengers look languidly out the window or at their cell phones. A drunk man gets in and joins the teenagers; the mood starts to shift.
Felix Manz
The life story of church reformer Ulrich Zwingli
Habsburger peasant
Is the solution to Switzerland's future to integrate Germany into the confederation? After all, like Michael Ringier, CEO of the Ringier media group, says, blithely ignoring all minorities, we're very close in culture and language. Oskar Freysinger takes out his guitar and sings his answer. Politicians from French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino think expanding will help the country survive. The former German foreign minister thinks the two countries' traditions are too different. The banker Oswald Grübel is worried about Germany's debts, although he'd be prepared to take over its assets. With serious interviews interspersed with gags (boat people on Lake Constance, the last Habsburger as a peasant), Giaccobbo gathers off-the-cuff reactions which reveal a lot about the different mentalities. The movie laughs at preconceived notions, redefines neutrality and reflects on what designates a nation. Switzerland, which loves to teach the world a lesson, will soon helvetize the planet, oder?
Claudio Vespucci
밀폐된 우주선 이곳에 다른 누군가 있다!
유토피아로 가는 마지막 우주선,
누군가 우리의 목숨을 노린다! 지구 종말 이후, 인류의 마지막 희망은 새로운 행성 ‘레아’로 떠나는 것. 레아로 갈 차비를 마련하기 위해 의사 ‘라우라’는 우주선 카산드라호에 지원한다. 함께 탑승한 선원들은 모두 동면 상태에 들어가고, 라우라만이 우주선을 지키며 깨어 있길 4개월 째. 어느 날, 화물칸 근처에서 괴상한 소리와 함께 누군가의 침입 흔적이 발견된다. 두려움에 라우라는 다급히 함장 라크르와를 깨우고 화물칸 곳곳을 탐색한다. 아무도 없다고 안심하려던 찰나, 함장이 갑자기 추락하여 목숨을 잃는 사고가 발생하고, 라우라와 선원들은 큰 충격과 공포에 휩싸이게 되는데…! 탈출구도, 도망칠 곳도 없다! 남은 방법은 단 하나, 놈과의 정면 승부 뿐…!
Through a stroke of fate, the young farmer Leachim, the doctor Biela, and Elena, a single mother, lose someone close to them. What they all have in common is their inability to accept the loss and deal with the pain.
Through a stroke of fate, the young farmer Leachim, the doctor Biela, and Elena, a single mother, lose someone close to them. What they all have in common is their inability to accept the loss and deal with the pain.
Through a stroke of fate, the young farmer Leachim, the doctor Biela, and Elena, a single mother, lose someone close to them. What they all have in common is their inability to accept the loss and deal with the pain.
Alfons Zimmerli
A crime comedy directed by Urs Egger.
Rex, Martin's boyfriend
Upon learning that his deceased ex-lover has willed him a substantial sum of money after succumbing to AIDS, a young Swiss man finds his life endlessly complicated by the deceased man's homophobic mother and headstrong recent boyfriend in director Christof Vorster's heart-rending drama. Steff and his ex-lover Martin Hilder had some great times together before parting ways, and when Steff learns that Martin has named him as the sole beneficiary to his substantial fortune, Steff finally begins to consider fulfilling his lifelong dream of starting his own business. It's not going to be as easy as it sounds, though, because in order to get the money, Steff is going to have to go through Martin's controlling, vehemently anti-gay mother. Add to that the fact that Martin's most recent ex-boyfriend, Rex, is determined to fulfill the deceased's wishes of having his ashes scattered in the Atlantic and Steff soon finds himself forced to reexamine his life and reassess his priorities.
Raffael Hasler