Tsui Siu-Ming

출생 : 1953-01-01, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

참여 작품

천룡팔부: 교봉전
Jiu Mozhi
북송 초기 송나라와 거란족의 요나라가 갈등을 겪던 시기를 배경으로, 거지 패거리 개방에 들어가 우두머리인 방주가 된 ‘교봉(견자단)’이 음모에 휩싸여 살인 누명을 쓰고 개방을 스스로 떠나면서 새롭게 시작되는 여정을 담은 정통 무협 액션
A woman is revisited by the ghost of her ex-boyfriend, three years after a car crash took his life.
Set in 1930s China, the film details the trials of a group of athletes who desire to compete in the Olympic Games. There’s a snag, however. The full amount required to send them abroad for the games is 600,000 dollars, and the government is only sponsoring half. It falls to the athletes to raise the rest themselves, and they start by saving every last penny they earn. They also attempt to raise the money through a variety of fund-raising activities, including street performances, networking for donations, and probably a bake sale, too. After deciding to fund their own way to the games, the athletes take to the streets to perform all manner of athletic demonstrations and martial arts moves in an energetic and impromptu street fair.
천공의 눈
[미션], [흑사회]를 포함하여 많은 두기봉 감독 영화의 각본을 썼던 유내해의 감독 데뷔작이다. 홍콩 영화 황금시대를 이끌었던 양가휘가 범죄 조직의 리더로, 임달화가 경찰 반장으로 출연했다. 특별 감시 임무를 수행하는 홍콩 경찰 내 비밀 조직 범죄정보국의 요원들과 무장 강도 조직 간의 긴장감 넘치는 두뇌 싸움을 볼 수 있다. [감시자들]의 원작. (2007년 제8회 전주국제영화제)
류희(오경 분), 길상(홍금보 분)을 비롯한 라마승들은 죽은 이도 살린다는 천주를 전시하기 위해 홍콩으로 운반하던 중, 의문의 습격으로 천주를 강탈당한다. 단서를 쫓던 류희와 길상은 없어진 줄 알았던 쌍둥이파의 짓임을 알게 되고 옛 쌍둥이파의 수장(원화 분)을 찾아간다. 이제 천주를 차지하기 위한 신구 쌍둥이파와 라마승 간의 삼파전이 시작된다!
류희(오경 분), 길상(홍금보 분)을 비롯한 라마승들은 죽은 이도 살린다는 천주를 전시하기 위해 홍콩으로 운반하던 중, 의문의 습격으로 천주를 강탈당한다. 단서를 쫓던 류희와 길상은 없어진 줄 알았던 쌍둥이파의 짓임을 알게 되고 옛 쌍둥이파의 수장(원화 분)을 찾아간다. 이제 천주를 차지하기 위한 신구 쌍둥이파와 라마승 간의 삼파전이 시작된다!
Dragon Get Angry
A national feud and the philosophy of martial arts cause a conflict between two big families, one from China and one from Japan, which forced a mixed couple to separate. Their love stirred up bloody fighting between the Chinese and Japanese in the ancient martial world. Rong Hoi Shan, a kung fu genius, settled the disputes with his high martial arts skills. Lignite your sensations with a series of true kung fu fighting scenes, and it’s the essence of Chinese martial arts.
Dragon Get Angry
A national feud and the philosophy of martial arts cause a conflict between two big families, one from China and one from Japan, which forced a mixed couple to separate. Their love stirred up bloody fighting between the Chinese and Japanese in the ancient martial world. Rong Hoi Shan, a kung fu genius, settled the disputes with his high martial arts skills. Lignite your sensations with a series of true kung fu fighting scenes, and it’s the essence of Chinese martial arts.
Betelnut Beauty
A cute coed leaves her mother's home and gets involved with a pastry chef who has links to the local criminal element.
Miracle 90 Days
Action Director
In a battle over a magical egg, Sandra Ng and her evil uncle accidentally turn a monkey into a human.
Miracle 90 Days
In a battle over a magical egg, Sandra Ng and her evil uncle accidentally turn a monkey into a human.
Miracle 90 Days
In a battle over a magical egg, Sandra Ng and her evil uncle accidentally turn a monkey into a human.
쌍동이지만 어릴 때 헤어져 서로 다른 환경에서 자라게 된 마우와 완명(John Ma/Boomer: 성룡 분). 그들에게는 각각 아름다운 애인이 있다. 그러던 어느날 그들은 서로의 닮은 꼴을 발견하게 되고 그때부터 그들의 삶은 뒤죽박죽 정신없이 뒤엉키기 시작한다. 30년전에 홍콩의 병원에서 쌍둥이로 태어나지만 동생 실베스타는 경찰에 쫓기고 있는 잔혹한 갱단에게 납치되어 길거리에 버려진다. 그후 클럽 무희가 그를 발견해서 키우는데 그가 12살이 되었을때 이 무희마저 죽는다. 그래서 혼자 길거리로 쫓겨나게 되고 그때부터는 날치기도 했다가 카지노에서 일하기도 하고 자동차수리공이 되기도 하는 등 그날 벌어먹고 사는 도박꾼이 된다. 한편 요요마는 부자인 부모 슬하에서 소중하게 성장하여 미국에서 교육을 받은후 지휘자로 명성을 떨치게 된다. 그리고 현재 실베스타는 동료인 타잔과 함께 갱의 빅죤과 대립하고 있는 몸이다. 타잔이 짝사랑하는 미모의 여가수 바바라를 만나기 위해 카바레에 갔다가 빅죤과 한판 싸움이 붙어 열세에 몰리자 도망친다. 그무렵 요요마는 월드 콘서트 여행으로 홍콩에 들르게 된다. 그를 반갑게 맞아주는 이들은 자신의 딸 하니와 요요마를 결혼시켜 부를 수중에 넣으려고 노리는 엉클 톰이다. 우여곡절끝에 갓난 아기때 헤어져 30년이 지나 비로 소 재회하게 된 쌍둥이 형제. 혼란한 틈을 타서 요요마 대신에 실베스타가 지휘봉을 잡게 되고 하니의 마음도 사로잡게 된다. 한편 요요마는 실베스타가 지휘봉을 잡게 되고 하니의 마음도 사로잡게된다. 한편 요요마는 실베스타대신에 위험한 처지에 몰리게 되고 바바라와 사랑을 나누게 된다. 결국 모든일이 잘 해결되어 두 쌍이 한꺼번에 결혼식을 올리게 되는데 이번엔 또 한사람이 식장에서 도망쳐 버리는 불상사가 생긴다.
서로 양숙이던 증사장과 홍사장은 미스터 장의 잔꾀에 속아 호텔업을 동업한다. 그러던 어느날, 증사장은 백억짜리 쿠웨이트 제건공사를 따기 위해 십여년간 찾아보지도 않은 아버지를 수소문해서 겨우 찾아낸다. 효성이 지극한 사람에게 약한 리바바 왕자를 감동시키려 했던 것. 그러나 아버지다 완강히 거절하자 증사장은 위암에 걸려 몇달 못산다고 거짓말을 한다. 마침내 성공한 증사장은 거대한 생일파티를 열기로 하고 여윈 아버지르 살찌게 만들기 위해 온갖 운동을 강요하고 하루에 5번씩 보약을 다린다. 며칠 후, 생일 파티장. 벼락부자가 되는 순간이었다. 드디어 기다리던 쿠웨이트 왕자가 온다. 증사장의 음모를 알아차린 홍사장은 옆건물에서 파티를 열어 손님에게 금화를 주며 가로 챈 것었다. 더군다나 그 주범은 미스터 장 이었다.분노를 삭이며 홍사장과 협상한 끝에 손님을 끌어 모아 거대한 파티를 연다. 그 순간 홍사장은 또 방해를 하기 시작하는데.
완령옥은 1910년 상해에서 태어나 16세에 영화계에 데뷔, 19세에 상해의 영화사 연화에 입사했다. 그녀의 섹시한 매력과 기품있는 미모는 감독들의 눈에 띄었으며 영화에 출연 후 스타덤에 올랐다. 그녀는 비극의 여주인공 역을 주로 맡았다. 그러나 인기가 절정에 달했을 때인 25세에 자살하고 말았다. 그리고 그녀는 절설적인 존재가 되고 만다. 완령옥은 자산가의 아들 장달민과 친밀한 관계였다. 그러나 달민 부모의 반대로 결혼은 하지 못했다. 전쟁의 불안과 긴장이 중국일대에 널리 펴져 있을 때 홍콩에 연화촬영소 일행과 함께 있던 완령옥은 상해에서 기다리고 있는 모친과 양녀 소옥을 걱정했다. 그때 그녀를 위로 해 주었던 사람이 당계산 이었다. 완령옥은 자신이 하고싶은 배역이 있으면 어떻게 해서든지 하고마는 끈질긴 성격을 가지고 있었다. "3개 마등여성"도 그녀의 끈질긴 교섭으로 배역을 얻어내었던 것이다. 완령옥은 자신이 연기했던 배역과는 대조적으로 여려서 상처받기 쉬운 성격이었다. 그녀는 당계산을 사랑하고 그에게 의지했지만 그가 그녀를 사랑하면서도 부인과는 이혼할 의사가 없다는 것을 알고 절망했다. 그녀는 당과 동거생활을 시작한지 1년만에 자살하고, 당은 후년 대만에서 사업에 실패하고 노쇠하여 죽는다.
Bury Me High
Action Director
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
Bury Me High
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
Bury Me High
Prof. Chen Chang Ching
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
Bury Me High
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
Bury Me High
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
The Nocturnal Demon
Tow truck driver Tin bears an uncanny resemblance to a psychotic, serial killer, taxi driver -- and now the cops are chasing the wrong man. He and his cousin Wawa must catch the killer on their own to prove their innocence.
The Revenge of Angel
Moon Lee plays a beautiful actress named Angel who is killed in a brutal fashion after she refuses the advances of a gangster. Twenty years later, a struggling young actor (Lau Chi-Wai) comes upon Angel's ghost, who teaches him some new moves which gain him the starring role in the local production, as well as the affection of one of the other stars of the show (Alvina Kong). In return, he and his uncle (Wu Ma) set out to help Angel gain her revenge on the gangster that took her life.
Coup De Grace
Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?
Mistaken Identity
Stunt Coordinator
Mistaken Identity is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy directed by Tsui Siu-Ming and starring Richard Ng.
Mistaken Identity
Executive Producer
Mistaken Identity is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy directed by Tsui Siu-Ming and starring Richard Ng.
Mistaken Identity
Mistaken Identity is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy directed by Tsui Siu-Ming and starring Richard Ng.
Martial Arts Choreographer
팔년에 걸친 일본과의 전쟁에서 승리한 중국의 쇼우쓰는 종전 후, 퇴역한 전우 장향을 찾아 청도로 간다. 청도에서 쇼우쓰는 미군함에서 휴가나온 미해군들과 충돌, 빠 안으로 피신했다가 도박꾼 베리의 돈내기 격투에 응전하여 승리한다. 배리는 동료인 거한 한쓰를 내세워 복수하려 하나, 장의 딸인 윤의 도움으로 구출된다. 윤락녀인 윤이 장의 딸임을 알게 된 쇼우쓰는 장에게 간청하여 결혼승락을 얻는다. 그러나 과거를 청산한 윤은 거리에서 배리와 재회하게 되고, 그의희롱에서 윤을 구출하려고 장과 쇼우쓰가 달려온다. 격투 끝에 쇼우쓰는 출동한 경찰 앞에 손을 들게 된다.
Scenario Writer
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
Mao Da Wei
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
The Scalper
Assistant Director
The 'scalper' is a cinema ticket-tout skirting the law and police harassment to make a living for herself and her three children in downtown Taipei.
Assistant Director
소년의 성장기를 통해 1950~60년대의 대만을 그려낸 작품. 중국에서 태어난 아하는 대만으로 이주하는 과정에서 비극적인 사건들을 잇달아 겪는다. 폐렴에 걸린 아버지와 중국으로 돌아가겠다는 할머니, 병에 걸린 어머니와 함께 살아가면서 아하는 삶의 슬픔과 세상의 폭력을 직접 목격한다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 허우 샤오시엔 전작전)
명나라 말기 금병총관 왕등은 무력으로 소림사를 장악한다. 그는 기천원에게 주지 자리를 주기 위해 주지승 원혜대사에게 중상을 입힌다. 원혜대사의 제자인 혜능과 혜자는 주지의 상징인 달마대사의 "목면기사"를 화법사의 사숙에게 전하기 위해 가던 중, 기천원 일당에게 포위를 당하고 만다. 혜자는 목면기사를 가지고 도피하나, 혜능은 중상을 입고 북부지방으로 피신하다 사막에서 쓰러져 유목민인 임영 일가에서 구출되는데...
명나라 말기 금병총관 왕등은 무력으로 소림사를 장악한다. 그는 기천원에게 주지 자리를 주기 위해 주지승 원혜대사에게 중상을 입힌다. 원혜대사의 제자인 혜능과 혜자는 주지의 상징인 달마대사의 "목면기사"를 화법사의 사숙에게 전하기 위해 가던 중, 기천원 일당에게 포위를 당하고 만다. 혜자는 목면기사를 가지고 도피하나, 혜능은 중상을 입고 북부지방으로 피신하다 사막에서 쓰러져 유목민인 임영 일가에서 구출되는데...
The Fung-shui Master
Hong Kong fantasy comedy film.
The Fung-shui Master
Hong Kong fantasy comedy film.
Gang Master
It has to do with a young clan member, Zhong Yuan, who is promoted to chief of the Dragon Gang after his adoptive father dies, only to be expelled when a letter arrives revealing him to be of Mongol birth, an awkward bit of news at a time when the Dragon Gang is actively fighting Mongol occupiers. In fact, Zhong soon learns that the Mongol general leading the anti-rebel campaign is actually his real father. Still, he persists in trying to get back into the good graces of the clan, eventually helping to ferret out a traitor in their midst.
Gang Master
It has to do with a young clan member, Zhong Yuan, who is promoted to chief of the Dragon Gang after his adoptive father dies, only to be expelled when a letter arrives revealing him to be of Mongol birth, an awkward bit of news at a time when the Dragon Gang is actively fighting Mongol occupiers. In fact, Zhong soon learns that the Mongol general leading the anti-rebel campaign is actually his real father. Still, he persists in trying to get back into the good graces of the clan, eventually helping to ferret out a traitor in their midst.
The Buddhist Fist
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
The Buddhist Fist
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
The Buddhist Fist
Si Ming
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
The Angry Dragon
Li Hung-An (Youngster 2)
A dandy fop who just happens to be great at Kung-Fu, is traveling the countryside in the Hong Kong of old. He has to negotiate a treacherous landscape filled with tricksters and tough guys, and fight a lot of battles in hand-to-hand martial arts combat, in order to be reunited with his lost love. In order to do this, he teams up with a ragtag bunch of orphans.
Purple Night
One stormy night, a poor music student (Patrick Tse) meets a famous dancer (Josephine Siao). In one night, he composes for her the musical of her dreams: A Purple Stormy Night. The management of her dance company is divided on the musical, but the dancer manages to dispel all their doubts and the musical becomes a great success. The student and the dancer fall in love, but there is a shadow side to happiness: corrupted by success, the next musical they make is superficial. "Purple Night" shows the dangerous influence commerce can have on artistic integrity and is also about themes such as love and friendship, the relationship between art and life and the conflict between rich and poor.
Return of Lady Bond
In protecting a group of children from bullying and gang violence, the gallant 'Lady Bond' Kong Yin stays with the family of driver Lee Pak in order to give classes in self-defence to Pak's younger brother Calf and neighbours Tak, Ah-ling as well as the young woman Sheung, drilling them in the moves and techniques. Startled by her striking resemblance to his kidnapped girlfriend Tong Ching-yee, Tse Tsi-ming pleads with and convinces Kong to pose as the missing girl to visit her bedridden grandfather Chung-sau. The masterminds behind the abduction, Tong's stepmother and her nephew Chan Chi-biu capture also Tse and the children. Tse brilliantly manages to alert Kong. Fighting and apprehending her opponents, Kong frees the hostages and hands the criminals over to the authorities.
Lady Spy No. 1
Guerrilla fighter Lam Suet-fan is in charge of the operation which succeeds in crippling the traitorous activities of Ting Chuen. An infuriated Ting strikes back, swamping the occupied territory with spies and exposes the singer disguise of Lam's comrade Laura who is made his mistress. Through the discreet help from Ting's cousin Sai-kit who goes undercover as the traitor's house guest, a series of offensives are launched, resulting in heavy casualties in the Japanese camp. With pressure mounting on both sides, guerrilla leader Lady Spy No.1 entrusts the mission of bombing Ting's signal tower to Lam who will then lead the troop in retreat. The mission fails, leading to the arrest of Lam and Sai-kit. Laura puts her life at stake in order to accomplish the mission and before she expires, reveals herself to be their leader and names Lam her successor to lead the troop to its stronghold in the north. (Synopsis based on audiovisual materials)
As Time Goes By
Siu Wah
Yuk Yin's father dies and her mother remarries to settle the debts. Yuk Yin lives with Auntie Wong. From then on, Chi Hung, Auntie Wong's son and Yuk Yin live and play together. But the Wongs move away. Yuk Yin stays with her mother. Her stepfather is mercenary. When Yuk Yin grows up, he pushes her to get married to get money. Considering her daughter's future, Yuk Yin's mother sends her away. Yuk Yin works in a restaurant. When she learns that her mother is ill, she marries a dying rich young man to get money for her mother's treatment. After her mother's death, Yuk Yin gets married immediately, but her husband dies on the wedding night. Her mother-in-law sees this as unauspicious and expels Yuk Yin. Later, Yuk Yin chances upon Chi Hung. They are still in love. They married and have a son Kwok Wah. But Chi Hung dies. Yuk Yin works as a dance girl to support their living. Kwok Wah grows up and cannot accept his mother's job. But soon he understands that she is respectable.
The Notorious Woman Thief
Lam Ming-Chai
The woman thief Pak Siu-yin was discharged from prison and Inspector Chan has set a trap for Bak to lure the head of the gangster Yim Fong, who used to threaten Pak to commit crime for his gang.