A futuristic sci-fi adventure begins after the destruction of their Universe. With a militaristic race of modified humans in hot pursuit Colonel Mara Shryyke finds herself stranded on an inhospitable planet and discovers a weapon of mass destruction set to destroy her home planet in less then 42 hours!
북한내 무기 밀매 현장에 위장 잠입한 제임스 본드는 그곳에서 강경파 일원인 문대령과 자오를 만나게 된다. 그러나 자오에 의해 정체가 발각되고, 대결 도중 문대령이 숨지자 본드는 북한군에 붙잡히게 된다. 수개월 후, 본드는 포로협상으로 풀려나지만 누명을 쓰고 모든 지위를 박탈당한다. 그는 배후에 자오의 음모가 도사리고 있음을 직감하고 혼자서 사건 해결에 나선다. 한편 본드는 자오의 행방을 추적하던 중 신비의 여인 징크스와 베일에 쌓인 백만장자 구스타프를 만나게 된다. 본드는 구스타프와 자오 사이에 숨겨진 음모를 밝혀내기 위해 아이슬랜드로 향하는데...
Rough Magik is about The Night Scholars, a clandestine organization setup to monitor the ancient cult of Cthulhu. After decades of compiling an enormous database of arcane information, they have come to a single, incontrovertible conclusion: the Sleeping God is waking.
The Doctor and Peri arrive on Karfel, a planet ruled by fear where the enemies of its ruler, the despotic Borad, are banished into a time tunnel known as the Timelash.
A scrying glass puts an antiques exporter in the path of a woman fleeing from devil worshipers and the evil hypnotist who leads them. Originally an episode of British horror anthology TV series, Hammer House of Horror, that later received a feature release in the United States.
Bruce Pritchard is paralysed in a soccer game and is confined to a wheelchair in a convalescence home. But this doesn't slow his lust for life. Then he meets Jill and has to think about the effects of disability.
Con man Dudley Jerico sets out to rob corrupt millionaire Victor Rosso of his legendary Gemini diamond, but there's another operator in town who is out to con the con.