Kazuhiro Ochi

참여 작품

Butt Detective the Movie: Shiriarty
Storyboard Artist
A baffling series of crimes turns out to be the work of Shiriarty, a villain who seeks to steal a mysterious treasure known as the "O-PARTS". Oshiri Tantei along with his assistant, Brown, enlist the aid of Audrey, an investigator from the international police organization Wanterpol, in an effort to prevent the "O-PARTS" from falling into the wrong hands while Shiriarty strives to plunge the world into darkness.
나데시코 더 무비: 더 프린스 오브 다크니스
Key Animation
초대 나데시코의 함장이었던 미스마르 유리카와 텐카와 아키토가 신혼여행 중의 사고로 사망한지 2년... 서기 2201년. 우주각지를 ‘보손 점프’로 연결시키는 꿈의 네트워크 히사고 플랜의 건설이 진행되고 있던 그 때, 터미널 콜로니가 파괴되는 사건이 연속하여 발생한다. 이 사건의 조사를 위하여 지구연합 우주군은 기동전함 나데시코 B를 메인 터미널 콜로니인 아마테라스에 파견한다. 기동전함 나데시코 B의 함장은 초대 나데시코의 오퍼레이터를 담당했던 16살의 미소녀 호시노 루리. 그녀가 아마테라스의 조사를 시작했을 때 이변이 일어난다. 콜로니의 모든 컴퓨터 윈도우에 [OTIKA]라는 문자가 표시되면서 조작 불능이 된다. 여 함장, 호시노 루리. 그녀에게 내려진 새로운 특명?! 사랑하는 이들을 찾아 떠나는 그녀의 여정이 지금 시작된다.
Gekiganger 3 - The Movie
Key Animation
If you have watched Nadesico, you know what Gekiganger is. This is a great show to watch at a convention with a lot of people. I can not explain how cool it was to sing the opening theme and cry when Joe die with hundreds of other people. It not only makes fun of classic giant robot shows, but the movies as well. The first half is compilation of all the clips from Nadesico, while the second half is a new story. This show even has a cameo appearance from the Nadesico crew.
Animation Director
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.
미소녀 전사 세일러 문 S - 가구야 공주의 연인
Key Animation
고양이 ‘루나’는 교통사고를 당할 뻔한 자신을 구해준 청년에게 사랑에 빠진다. 어느 날 그 청년은 해변에서 수수께끼의 수정을 줍게 되는데, 그 수정의 정체는 45억년만에 지구에 접근한 혜성 ‘스노우 가구야’ 본체의 일부였다. 수정을 주운 이후로 청년의 지병이 점점 악화되는데…
Cosmic Fantasy: Galaxy Cougar's Trap
Yuu and Saya are two of the top Cosmic Hunters in the galaxy, and Yuu is enjoying a bit of fame after his most recent adventure. The two are on a date when they are interrupted from a distress signal from their "ally", the feline pervert Nyan. In the meantime, the space pirate Belga begins attacking space freighters in an attempt to lure out Yuu, so she can take him to bed with her. Of course, when he spurns her, she decides that if she can't have him, then no one can.
Cosmic Fantasy: Galaxy Cougar's Trap
Yuu and Saya are two of the top Cosmic Hunters in the galaxy, and Yuu is enjoying a bit of fame after his most recent adventure. The two are on a date when they are interrupted from a distress signal from their "ally", the feline pervert Nyan. In the meantime, the space pirate Belga begins attacking space freighters in an attempt to lure out Yuu, so she can take him to bed with her. Of course, when he spurns her, she decides that if she can't have him, then no one can.
Lady Lady!! The Movie
Animation Director
When Lynn's mother dies, she makes the promise that some day she will become a Lady, and travels to England to meet the rest of the family. She is not very welcomed (specially at the start by her stepsister Sara), but after some time they are all a happy family. Lynn is also very interested in horses and racing, and she wins a nice share of contests.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Animation Director
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Character Designer
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
오딘 - 광자 범선 스트레이트
Key Animation
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Arei's Mirror ~ Way to Virgin Space
Key Animation
Meguru and Mayu are two future-wanderers hoping to find the mythical Mirror of Arei that is said to allow all who glimpse it to pass beyond the edge if the universe. Highjacked by renegade android Zero, the trio joins forces when they realise that they are all searching for the same thing.
우주전사 발디오스
Key Animation
감독 - 토리우미 히사유키(鳥海永行) 당시 발디오스 TV판의 결말이후 팬들의 성화가 대단하여 결국 극장판으로 제작된게 바로 이 작품이다. 특히 이 극장판에 주로 다루는 스토리는 TV판에서 미흡했던 로자와 마린의 로맨스 이야기가 주된 부분이라 사실상 로봇아니메 보다는 SF드라마에 가까웠던 발디오스에게는 최고의 선택이었다. 미방영분 중 내용은 소설판으로 나와있으며 이 과격한 내용을 조금 수정하고 마린 레이건과 로자 아프로디아의 비극적 애증을 집중적으로 조명한 극장판이 팬들의 요망으로 제작되었다. 하지만 극장판은 성우가 원판과 굉장히 다른데다 TV판의 총집편적 내용을 제한된 시간에 우겨넣은 영향으로 원작의 세심한 심리묘사가 제대로 나오지 않아 추가 결말부의 의의 외에 높은 평가는 받지 못하고 있다. 등장하는 로봇은 슈퍼로봇이지만 내용의 밀도로 생각해보면 리얼계에 가까운 작품. 아니 어떤 의미에선 진정한 리얼 로봇 애니메이션. 주역 메카인 발디오스는 면상이 건담이랑 비슷하다(사실 발디오스의 디자인을 한 사람이 후일 SD건담을 디자인한 사토 켄이었다.). 심지어 작품 중 S-1별 군복 중에서는 아무리 생각해도 지온 군복이랑 비슷한 게 있는 등 당시 히트작이었던 건담에서 일부 베껴온 듯한 디자인이 상당히 많다. 해서 별명이 얼굴은 건담이요 몸은 다이탄. 하드하고 비극적이지만 이데온과같은 작품을 좋아한다면 충분히 재미있게 감상 가능할거라 본다.