Crane fly white
The links of white blood Since the dawn of human history, blood has been considered the most vital ingredient of "white" civilisation, probably because it could not escape the remark of its "Stony white" blood family of a loss of life as inevitably as the night followed the day. The blood of the "white" family has been mystical in many mysterious properties and given superhuman strength with qualities and abilities that exceed those naturally found in humans. with the people of the "white" family the owners, both mental and physical. At the time the first member of the "white" family, people believed that he was half a God on earth he could do things like remarkable genetic mutations conferring extraordinary powers were the cops say he showed superhuman strength to resist his arrest.
Maki has been on the streets a long time and is married to Mbingazor, the gang’s boss. But at some point, the 19-year-old has had enough of this gang of boys, who are too busy getting high and drunk to do anything with themselves. Survival must be secured. The next time money for food runs out, Maki crosses paths with the much younger Acha. This newcomer is a fresh arrival in Kinshasa, and doesn’t yet know the rules. Spurred on by Acha’s beginner’s luck as a thief, the pair set off on an adventure together, which soon arouses Mbingazor’s jealousy.
사하라 사막 이남 아프리카의 한 작은 오지. 어느 날 갑자기 들이닥친 반군은 마을을 약탈하고, 평화롭게 살아가던 12세 소녀 코모나에게 총을 쥐어주며 강제로 소녀의 부모를 죽이게 한다. 이후 전쟁에서 살아남은 코모나는 반군 부대에 들어가게 되고, 굶주리고 두렵지만 그 곳에서 참는 법과 싸우는 법 그리고 살아남는 법을 터득하게 된다. 한편 코모나는 반군 부대에서 유일하게 그녀를 챙겨주는 주술사라 불리는 15세 소년과 사랑에 빠지게 되지만 행복한 한때는 잠시뿐 전쟁은 또 다시 두 사람의 발목을 붙잡는다. 이후 코모나는 반군 최고 우두머리인 ‘강한 호랑이’에게 보내져 그의 ‘전쟁 마녀’가 된다. 어느덧 세월은 흐르고 14세가 된 코모나는 반군 대장의 아이를 임신하게 되는데…