Steven Hooper

참여 작품

Zombie Scumbags
A 10.000-year-old caveman is found preserved in ice, the army loses a sample from the caveman that contains a zombie illness. Soon a sleepy Norfolk village is overrun with zombies
랭캐스터 스카이
James Parker
영국 폭격단은 공습작전으로 많은 사상자를 낸다. 전투기 파일럿 밀러 대위는 비밀 폭격단으로 배치되고 대원들의 나태한 군기 때문에 사사건건 충돌한다. 드디어 베를린 공습 작전이 떨어지고 출 격하지만 독일군의 저항으로 대규모 공중전이 벌어지는데… 진정한 전쟁 영웅을 만난다!
Going For Golden Eye
Max Beagle
A mockumentary following a small group of elite players preparing for the world championships of GoldenEye in a world which has forgotten all about the classic Nintendo 64 game.
I Am Nasrine
Leigh Hall
When you change where you are do you change who you are? I Am Nasrine is an intimate journey of self-discovery and ultimately reveals the unfolding of a soul. Set in modern day Tehran, and the UK, the film follows the paths of Nasrine and Ali, sister and brother in a comfortable, middle class Iranian home. When Nasrine has a run-in with the police, the punishment is more than she bargained for. At her father's bidding, Nasrine and Ali set out for the UK, torn about leaving behind their home and all that they know, embarking on a reluctant exile.