Slava Se

Slava Se

출생 : 1969-01-01, Riga, USSR (Latvia)

프로필 사진

Slava Se

참여 작품

People who are very different in social origin, material capabilities, occupation and outlook on life are involved in a curious situation. Wealthy businessman Igor and his girlfriend Olga - a socialite who dreams of a career as a designer; tired from work as a physiotherapist Andrey and his wife, a pharmacist, Irina. The thrill seeking in one case and the desire to find a way out of the family dead end in the other lead these couples to a New Year's Eve swinger party. A sexual experiment in both couples, initiated by only one of the partners, turns into a series of incidents and ends in failure. To the surprise of themselves and their "legitimate" halves, the heroes reveal real feelings and strong mutual affection.
로빈슨의 언더워터 어드벤처
국왕의 노여움을 산 ‘로빈슨’은 병사들에게 쫓기다 마녀의 저주가 걸린 바닷속 왕궁에 떨어지게 된다. 육지에서 온 전설의 기사만이 포세이돈의 저주를 풀 수 있다는 말을 들은 ‘메리다’는 마녀에게 잡힌 ‘로빈슨’을 구해주게 되고, 마녀의 저주로 평생 잠든 ‘포세이돈’을 깨워 달라고 부탁을 하는데… 과연, 로빈슨은 마녀의 저주에 걸린 포세이돈을 구하고 무사히 바닷속 왕국을 구할 수 있을까? 11월, 바닷속을 발칵 뒤집을 전설의 기사 로빈슨과 아찔한 모험의 세계로 출발~!
오즈: 신기한 마법가루
어느 날, 몰래 들어간 할머니의 방에서 마법 구두를 발견한 ‘도로시’! 구두를 세 번 부딪히자 동화 속 ‘에메랄드 시티’에 불시착하는데…! 한편, 그곳에는 사악한 목수 ‘어핀’이 생명을 불어넣는 마법가루로 에메랄드 시티 정복을 꿈꾸고 있는데… ‘도로시’와 현명해진 ‘허수아비’, 따뜻한 마음을 갖게 된 ‘양철나무꾼’, 용감해진 ‘사자’는 과연 에메랄드 시티를 무사히 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Three Heroes and the King of the Sea
There is family trouble for the knights. To get out of trouble’s way, they decide to whizz off to China for a dragon tooth, the symbol of wisdom and power. At that time the Prince of Kiev is on a journey with his horse Julius; he is after the treasures of the Sea tsar to fill his coffers and “patch up the budget”. And the Sea tsar has decided to marry – and therefore drown Kiev. What is to be done? What will help our heroes? Friendship, boldness and, of course, love.
Three Heroes and Julius Caesar
The court horse Gaius Julius Caesar to his misfortune overhears boyars and learns about a conspiracy against the prince. What to do? Protect a prince no one! Heroes away - catch a robber Potanyu, Dragon on vacation, the army on maneuvers ... But if the bad guys are going to take over the world, to someone it is necessary to save him? Who is he, a hero who will come to the rescue? Of course, the horse Julius! This Strategy and the "grand strategist". He would save all, but if you do not save, then at least try. Most importantly, to the rescue of the world did not turn a complete disaster.
Three Heroes on Distant Shores
This time, Alyosha Popovich Dobrinya and Ilya Muromets, thanks insidious wiles of Baba Yaga, are the seven seas on the island where the natives live and terrible Gomuma. In their absence, the merchant Kolyvan decide together with Baba-Yaga take the kingdom, and the power to take away from the prince of Kiev. To help the hapless governor comes horse Julius and wife heroes and their extended family. In short, the heroes and the audience for adventures on distant shores, ordinary and extraordinary.
Gentlemen, Good Luck!‎
The remake of the soviet classic with a modern setting. Troshkin, a children's party entertainer, uncannily resembles the notorious criminal "Smilik". After the thief steals a valuable artifact, Troshkin is forced to act as his dead ringer in order to restore his reputation and good name.