Georges Lechaptois

참여 작품

Icon of French Cinema
Director of Photography
Judith Godrèche, who plays her fictional alter ego, returns to Paris after ten years of exile in Hollywood with the intention of making a comeback. Haunted by her past, Judith must confront the realities of her personal ambition and maternal angst with humor and disillusionment.
Soul Mates
Director of Photography
Lieutenant of the French forces engaged in Mali, David Faber is seriously burned during the explosion of his armored vehicle. Repatriated to France for intensive care, he must begin a long convalescence, under the worried but devoted gaze of his sister Jeanne. They meet again in the family house in the Alps, between mountains, lake and forests. Jeanne tries to reconnect her brother with the past, but David, who suffers from amnesia after the accident, does not seem to be interested in reconciling with the man he used to be.
And Yet We Were All Blind
Director of Photography
Who has never heard of pregnancy denial? This condition, often caused by miscellaneous circumstances, escapes our understanding and even science. How can the mind of a pregnant woman hide a child growing in her body?
Too Close to the Sun
When he leaves hospital, 30-something Basil moves in with his younger sister and closest confidant, Sarah. Living with a psychiatric disorder, Basil tries his best to re-establish a sense of normality in both his work and his love life. But, whilst hiding his illness from his new relatives, how long can he maintain this fragile stability?
그, 그리고 그들의 아이들
Director of Photography
라셸(비르지니 에피라)은 우연히 만난 알리와 사랑에 빠진다. 아이를 원하지만 이뤄지지 않고, 라셸은 그의 딸 레일라에게 깊은 유대를 느낀다. 아이의 엄마, 주변의 출산과 죽음은 라셀에게 조급함을 안겨준다.
Director of Photography
It’s summer, the heat is overwhelming and the weather is out of whack. A group of friends are enjoying their yearly holiday in their favorite little village, wedged between the sea and the mountains. As usual, they are bored and eat and drink a lot. They do not pay attention to the fire which progresses on the mountain nearby, nor to the world around them. But this year, a mysterious man arrives from the sea and shakes up their seemingly balanced existence...
It’s summer, the heat is overwhelming and the weather is out of whack. A group of friends are enjoying their yearly holiday in their favorite little village, wedged between the sea and the mountains. As usual, they are bored and eat and drink a lot. They do not pay attention to the fire which progresses on the mountain nearby, nor to the world around them. But this year, a mysterious man arrives from the sea and shakes up their seemingly balanced existence...
Director of Photography
Esther is at the end of her career as Head Seamstress at Dior Avenue Montaigne workshop. One day, she gets her handbag stolen in the metro by a 20 years old girl, Jade. Instead of calling the police she decides to take care of Jade. She sees in her the opportunity to pass on her skills, the craft of dressmaking, her only wealth. In the frenetic world of Haute Couture, Esther will give Jade la beauté du geste, a way to reach beyond herself.
붉은 땅
Director of Photography
간호사 누르는 아버지가 일하는 화학 공장으로 이직하게 된다. 회사는 노동자의 건강과 지역 사회의 안전을 무릅쓰고 독성 폐기물을 방출해 왔는데, 그녀는 진실 앞에서 갈등한다. 영화는 진실과 사회 시스템이 충돌할 때 미디어로서 영화가 어떻게 반응해야 하는지 보여주는 예다. 환경 보호는 자명한 명제지만, 가족이라는 끈과 직장이 제공하는 생존의 조건을 무시하기란 힘들다. 거기에 고용 안정과 지역경제, 정치적 이해관계까지 개입하면 더욱 복잡해진다. 병원에서 근무할 당시, 누르는 의료 사고의 피해자 앞에서 “최선을 다했다”고 답했다.
프록시마 프로젝트
Director of Photography
유럽우주국 ‘프록시마’ 프로젝트의 대원으로 선발되어 평생의 소원이던 우주비행사가 된 사라. 우주비행은 남성이 적합하다는 고정관념도, 여성이므로 나약할 것이라는 편견도 이겨낼 수 있지만 아직은 엄마가 필요한 일곱살 딸, 스텔라만큼은 눈에 밟힌다.
Director of Photography
A successful top manager of an investment company, Ivanov, is fleeing the harassment of security officials from Moscow to Kiev, a city without rules, and is trying to find a place for himself there. He discovers the opportunity for easy money, as everything around can be stolen. In Kiev, Ivanov, with his friend and business partner Spitsin, goes to night clubs, visits the gallery of modern art and prepares a deal to buy shipwrecks from a local scam. "Ivanov", shot in Kiev before the Maidan, is based on real events, it is a strange and bewitching tragicomedy about corruption, infidelity and loneliness.
이지 걸
Director of Photography
사랑 따위, 난 관심 없어. 숨 쉬듯이 남자를 바꾸며 원하는 걸 얻어내는 사촌 언니. 그녀 덕에 칸에서 호화로운 여름을 맛본 나이마의 가치관이 흔들린다. 명품과 화려한 삶을 누리려면 언니처럼 부자를 만나면 되는 걸까.
무릎 꿇어 너희 다!
Director of Photography
남친에게 속아 얼떨결에 언니의 남자친구 ‘마지드’에게 은밀한 위로(?)를 해주게 된 ‘야스미나’는 몰래 카메라까지 찍혀 남친에게 협박까지 받게 되고, 점점 도가 지나치는 남친의 협박에 그녀는 자신의 둘도 없는 절친이자 친언니 ‘림’과 함께 ‘눈에는 눈 이에는 이!’ 맞불 작전을 시작하는데…… 세상 다시 없을 유쾌한 한 방! 카메라를 멈춰!
Los perros
Director of Photography
Mariana, an upper-class Chilean, feels a strange attraction towards her riding teacher, Juan, a former colonel with a shady past.
Director of Photography
러시아에서 발레를 전공한 소녀가 프랑스에서 현대 무용수와 사랑에 빠짐으로써 생기게 되는 변화를 그린다.
Director of Photography
영혼을 부르는 능력을 지닌 미국인 자매가 교령회를 위해 파리에 왔다가 자신들의 이야기를 영화로 찍고 싶다는 제안을 받으며 벌어지는 신비로운 이야기를 그린 미스터리 판타지
Director of Photography
아프가니스탄 전투에 참전한 뒤부터 외상 후 스트레스성 장애에 시달리던 ‘뱅상’(마티아스 쇼에나에츠)은 증상이 더욱 악화되자 치료를 위한 휴가를 얻게 된다. 집에 돌아온 ‘뱅상’에게 친구 ‘드니스’(폴 하미)는 거물급들이 모이는 파티에 경호를 맡아달라는 제안을 하게 되고, 무기 로비스트 ‘왈리드’ 소유의 매릴랜드라는 대저택으로 향한다. 그 곳에서 ‘왈리드’의 아내 ‘제시’(다이앤 크루거)의 매혹적인 모습에 묘한 끌림을 느끼게 된 ‘뱅상’. ‘왈리드’가 출장 중 신변에 위협을 받게 되고 ‘제시’와 그의 아들을 경호하던 ‘뱅상’은 매릴랜드 역시 위기에 처해있음을 직감하게 되는데...
Voyage en Chine
Director of Photography
Summer Nights
Director of Photography
Michele and Helene seem to be the perfect couple. However, on weekends, Michele steps into a secret life, as a transvestite, Mylene, in a hidden French forest. There, Mylene meets with a lover, Flavia, another transvestite who once fought alongside Michele in war. Michele works to balance his double life, but soon, Helene becomes concerned with her husband's mysterious trips.
그랜드 센트럴
Director of Photography
변변한 직장도 없이 방황하던 갸리는 큰 돈을 벌기 위해 원자력발전소 계약직 노동자로 일을 시작한다. 단 한 번의 실수도 용납하지 않은 이 곳에서 갸리는 매 순간 자신은 물론 동료들의 삶을 위협하는 위험천만한 순간들과 마주하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 갸리는 동료들과의 술자리에서 토니의 약혼녀 카롤의 도발에 마음이 흔들리고 결국 그녀와 비밀스럽고 위험한 사랑에 빠진다. 돈과 사랑 어느 것도 포기 할 수 없는 갸리는 더 큰 위험을 감수하게 되는데… 과연 원전에서 울려 퍼지는 사이렌은 누구를 향한 경고일까?
Director of Photography
Set in Belle Époque France, the story follows nineteen-year-old "hysteria" patient Augustine, the star of Professor Charcot's experiments in hypnosis, as she transitions from object of study to object of desire.
Director of Photography
A real estate agent from Paris arrives in Los Angeles to settle his late mother's estate, but a found photograph sends him on an impromptu journey to Mexico to find a woman named Lola.
Belle épine
Director of Photography
After the death of her mother, 17-year-old Prudence finds herself living alone in her Paris apartment. Then she meets Maryline, a rebel of her own age, who introduces her to the thrills of motorcycle racing on the biker circuit at Rungis. Prudence’s newfound lease of freedom becomes complicated when she falls for a boy Franck who wastes no time in taking advantage of her naivety...
The Passenger
Director of Photography
Yakuza Naoki Sando (Yosuke Natsuki) discovers his daughter Hiroko (Kumi Kaneko) in bed with his adopted son Kohji (Yusuke Iseya). Three years later, Kohji is working the streets as a hustler, still yearning for a way to earn his estranged father's approval to continue his borderline incestuous relationship. Hiroko sees a way back to her brother's arms when Sando's shady colleague Marc Tanner (François Trottier) absconds to Canada with gambling funds destined for the big boss. Presumably with her father's permission, she calls Kohji and tells him to hurry to Montréal, recover the money and kill Tanner.
Voisins, voisines
Director of Photography
트웬티나인 팜스
Director of Photography
자동차로 여행을 하던 사진작가 데이빗과 실직자 카티아는 로스앤젤레스를 떠나 남캘리포니아 사막으로 여행을 떠난다. 트웬티나인 팜스 마을 모텔에 머물며 조슈아 트리 사막을 찾아다니는데, 길을 찾는 도중 말다툼이 벌어진다.
The Ceiling
Director of Photography
In his small apartment, a middle-aged man has reached the end of his tether. He has become indifferent, even to his only true passion, classical music. He decides to end it all. But his plans are thwarted by the jarring sounds from his new neighbor above, a novice celloist. They end up trading selected musical pieces in a ruthless duell...
Sweet And Bitter
Barely relieved from a serious depression and against the advice of his psychiatrist, Slah, theater director, mentally weakened by his career, announces to his wife Amel, a rich woman who finances his projects, his decision to mount the famous play Essoud (The Dam) of Mahmoud Messadi renowned for its complexity. But the same evening, driving his car, Slah overthrows a young woman named Aisha. At first distraught, he then experiences a strange fascination for this beautiful young girl contrarian who becomes his friend and his muse. Amel, her husband's moral, emotional and financial support, convinced the director of the theater to program Le Barrage. Although suffering in silence of the presence of Aisha, Amel decides for love for her husband to invite the young woman near them, in the field of her parents, in an oasis of the south of Tunisia. A strange three-way household is formed when doubts and suspicions, desires and temptations, love and complexities are revealed.
The Girl
Director of Photography
A torrid affair between two women, a struggling artist and a flame-haired blues singer, upsets a man who has a thing for the girl.
Living in Paradise
Director of Photography
Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
Director of Photography
In Kabylie, rude mountain region in the north of Algeria. Arezki finds the young Larbi exhausted, buried under the snow. He takes him in and nurses him until he's recovered. The host seduces Arezki's daughter. She is pregnant. This is an unsupportable shame to the father of the female sinner. Arezki claims vengeance. He leaves his house and takes the oath not to come back before having killed Larbi who betrayed him under his own roof.
Wittig, Yes!
Director of Photography
Madame de Sévigné
Director of Photography
In the middle of the 17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné wanted to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter then experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion. A major work of French literature is born from this devastation.