Noah Yap

참여 작품

23:59: The Haunting Hour
Recruit Tommy - a socially awkward individual, is the subject of teasing and bullying by his army mates. He seeks comfort from the compliments left by his readers on his blog that features fictitious army horror stories he writes in his free time. Tommy’s articles were well-received by his readers, from the story of a sinister spirit that haunts the pioneer batch of National Service cadets enlisted in 1967; to the strange encounters of a commando unit in 1983, believed to be the doings of a vengeful, seductive python spirit… Among the messages received, an attractive reader who praised Tommy for his article caught his eyes. Mesmerized by her looks, Tommy imagines being in a relationship with her and even doctored pictures of them together. One day, he received a text message from her and things started to go awry…
Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei
Liang Xi Mei (Jack Neo) is finally back! Having retired, Liang Xi Mei spends her time looking after her two obedient grandsons. However, Liang Xi Mei still leads a colorful life thanks to her absent-minded BFF Guang Dong Po (Wang Lei), who frequently muddles things up, leaving Liang Xi Mei to resolve the mess; and Lion King (Henry Thia) who is now diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s, causing confusion and frustrations for everyone. Robert (Mark Lee), Liang Xi Mei’s eldest son also adds to her woes. Robert is a dreamer who often schemes to get rich quick. This causes Liang Xi Mei to find him unreliable and puts all her hopes on her youngest son Albert (Benjamin Josiah Tan). Her favoritism stirs up jealousy within Robert, who vows to strike it rich to win back Liang Xi Mei’s approval.
Ah Boys to Men 4
CFC Man In Ping / IP Man
The fourth addition to the franchise sees the return of the army boys including Sergeant Ong, Lobang, Ken Chow and Aloysius, joined by a new female officer, as they are called back for in-camp training under the Armoured Formation of the Singapore Armed Forces. Hilarious situations happen when they are back training together and their military roles reversed. Their brotherhood is also put to the test when new enemy threats arise.
The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown
Zhang Bu Da
Lion Men 2 picks up after Mikey’s superb performance. Shi Shen becomes jealous of Mikey, especially after he discovers Mikey’s feelings for Xiao Yu. Determined to succeed, Shi Shen spends more time training, neglecting Xiao Yu. Situation worsens when Xiao Yu is kidnapped, forcing Shi Shen and Mikey to choose between the competition and their love for Xiao Yu. Who will step up to save her?
The Lion Men
Zhang Bu Da
Shi Shen is the top performer in the Tiger Crane Lion Dance Association, but feels restricted by Master He's traditional mindset. He decides to form his own lion dance troupe, which fuses hip hop and rock with lion dance movements. A major Lion Dance Competition is coming up and Mikey is groomed to be Shi Shen's successor, but he is plagued by a fear of heights. The situation worsens when both Mikey and Shi Shen fall for the Tiger Crane master's daughter, Xiaoyu.
Ah Boys To Men 2
REC Man In Ping / IP Man
After realising his foolishness in malingering, Ken returns to Tekong to continue his Basic Military Training, and reforms himself as a model recruit. However, this draws dislike and mockery from his section mates, led by the street-smart Lobang.
Ah Boys To Men
REC Man In Ping / IP Man
A privileged and impulsive young man attempts to escape mandatory service in his nation's army so he could study abroad with his girlfriend.
The Fatekeepers
Starring Richie Koh, Julie Tan, Andie Chen and Noah Yap, this action-adventure work tells the story of five young people who possess feng shui powers that can defend Singapore from dark forces.