Manon Blom

참여 작품

Costume Designer
브뤼셀에서 건설노동자로 살고 있는 루마니아 출신의 스테판은 고향으로 휴가를 떠나기 전 정성껏 끓인 수프를 들고 가까운 지인들을 만나러 다닌다. 그러다가 우연히 이끼를 연구하는 중국계 여성 선태학자 슈시우와 만나게 되고, 숲속에서 깊은 교감의 순간을 경험한다.
Costume Design
When the volatile Bo travels to Georgia to visit the grave of her father, a well-known trumpeter, she runs into his former childhood friend Levan. In search of her roots and a better understanding of her father, she decides to hitchhike in Levan's truck. Despite the age difference, they gently give in to the love they feel for each other. The melancholy trumpet playing of Bo's father accompanies their journey through the breathtaking Georgian landscape. In the end, they dare to trust each other to the point where both Bo and Levan share their darkest secrets.
The Judgement
Costume Design
A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial 1999 Deventer murder case.
그물에 걸린 남자
Costume Design
증거불충분으로 석방된 조나단은 따뜻한 마음을 가진 젊은이다. 모래언덕 근처 어머니의 작은 집으로 돌아가 모든 것을 잊고 새로운 시작을 꿈꾼다. 모든 규칙을 철저히 지키며 착실하게 지내지만, 한 젊은 여자가 어린 딸과 함께 옆집으로 이사 오면서 조나단의 선한 의도가 시험대에 오른다.
Ghost Tropic
Costume Design
After a long day at work, fiftyeight-year-old Khadija falls asleep on the last subway train. When she wakes up at the end of the line, she has no choice but to make her way home on foot. On her nocturnal journey she finds herself compelled to ask for and give help to the other inhabitants of the night.
전혀 다른 세 사람이 브뤼셀의 2016년 5월 벌어진 테러 이후의 삶을 겪어 나간다. 플랑드르 출신의 의사, 알제리 혈통의 젊은 남자 그리고 유럽 기관들의 중심부에서 근무하는 이탈리아계 여자가 이 세계에 드리운 어둠에 맞선다. 도시 전체에 감도는 하나의 질문은 이들의 삶에도 어렴풋이 밀려들기 시작한다. “우리는 여기서부터 어디로 향해야 하는가?”
Costume Design
Cobain (15) tries to get his pregnant mother Mia to quit her self-destructive lifestyle. When she refuses to clean up her act, Cobain takes over.
Life Is Wonderful
Costume Design
Life Is Wonderful is a feel-good movie about love and longing. Best friends Mees and Boelie are spending a beautiful spring day in Amsterdam's Vondelpark. It seems like just a normal day, until they meet the young and attractive Panda. While the heat rises in the park, it's nowhere to be found between the long-married couple Etta and Ernst-Jan. Ernst-Jan suspects Etta of cheating and has his own ideas of how to catch her in the act. We also meet Rosa and Kees, old lovers whose paths cross after decades of not seeing each other. On this spring day in Amsterdam, their love starts blooming again.
The Fury
Costume Design
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Costume Design
일에 빠져 사는 남편 ‘에릭’과 두 아이 사이에서 지쳐가던 ‘시몬’은 어머니가 유산으로 남긴 프랑스 시골마을의 대저택으로 이사하게 된다. ‘시몬’과 ‘에릭’은 프렌치드림을 기대하지만 어떤 이유에서인지 마을 사람들은 그들을 경계한다. 이유를 알 수 없는 냉대와 고립된 분위기에 힘겨워하던 두 사람 앞에 나타난 ‘피터’. 그의 도움으로 낯선 환경에 점차 적응해 가던 중, ‘시몬’은 마을 주민에게 ‘피터’를 가까이 하지 말라는 경고를 듣고 혼란에 빠진다. 그런 그녀 앞에 나타난 매혹적인 청년 ‘미쉘’로 인해 예상치 못한 위기가 닥쳐오는데...
Costume Design
The film tells the story of sixteen-year-old Nena, who is confronted with the suicide attempt of her handicapped father. At the same time she falls head over heels in love for the first time in her life with Carlo, whose father has just outed himself. Away from prying eyes of the adults - who struggle with failed marriages, blossoming love and insufferable physical decline - they push the boundaries of their friendship, love and sexuality. But while discovering her own lust for life, Nena realizes that her father's existence is becoming more and more unbearable.
Costume Design
Three teenagers appear to have a lot of fun on the children's oncology department on the fourth floor of a large hospital. Nick and Iwan both lost a leg as a result of bone cancer. For their friend Olivier, an amputation may be the next phase. The fourth of the bunch, Pepijn, is so ill and weak that he often stays in his room. Friendship and a deep desire to live keeps the guys mentally balanced. Their friendship changes when Gina arrives. Sickos is a humorous drama that deals with adolescence and chemotherapy.
It's All So Quiet
Costume Design
The story of a farmer, Helmer, who realizes that his life has been influenced to an unhealthy extent by his aging father.
The Gang of Oss
Costume Design
Johanna wants to change her life and quit the criminal gangs of the town of Oss in the 1930s. The harder she tries, the more she is involved.
Two Eyes Staring
Costume Design
Nine-year-old Lisa discovers her sinister new friend is the ghost of the dead twin of Lisa's mother. Then Lisa's father also begins to suspect his wife of hiding a terrible secret, resulting in deadly consequences…
Costume Design
In the late Seventies, a Dutch teenager named Frankie, who is the son of a holocaust survivor, lives in a working class area in Holland. Frankie’s mother is taken to hospital in a terminal condition, causing a bigger rift between him and his father. This leads to Frankie becoming the interest of the local Nazi skinhead group.