Cathinka Nicolaysen

참여 작품

Origin of Man
The story of how humans are immigrants from another place, a planet square as a box from which we had to evacuate. We no longer remember the square planet, but keep building square boxes here on Earth. Nora is a rebellious teen-aged girl struggling to find a sense of identity, she is searching for some-one that will understand.
1980년대 초, 북해에서 엄청난 양의 원유와 천연가스가 발견되자 노르웨이 정부는 이를 해안까지 옮겨오기 위해 수심 500미터 깊이에 송유관을 건설하려 한다. 전문 다이버 페터(엑셀 헨니)는 동생 크누트와 함께 가장 중요하고도 위험한 임무에 투입된다. 하지만 송유관 건설 탐사 중 갑작스러운 사고로 크누트가 목숨을 잃게 되면서 모든 것이 한 순간에 뒤바뀐다. 갈피를 잡지 못하던 페터는 실체를 알 수 없는 거대한 음모 속에서 자신의 목숨 또한 위험에 처한 것을 직시하게 되는데...
The Last Norwegian Troll
In the old days, Norway used to be a safe haven for Trolls, but not anymore. One day three young goats decide to get rid of an old Troll who lives under a bridge. Little do they know that he is the last survivor of his species, the very last Troll of Norway...
Oh, My God!
Oh My God! is a humorous observation of children´s interpretations and experiences of sexuality. The film also looks back through grown-up eyes at the reality of being part of the "in-crowd" and the lengths to which one is prepared to go to become a respected member. But first and foremost Oh my God! is a film about peer pressure. And about the mysteries of orgasm.