Production Design
'걱정 없는'이란 뜻을 담고 있는 덴마크 중산층이 모여 사는 한적한 주택가 '소르겐프리'. 여느 때와 같이 가든 파티를 즐기며 여유로운 시간을 보내던 디노 가족은 왠지 모를 불길한 기운을 느낀다. 마을 사람들 사이에 하나 둘씩 의문의 독감 증세가 나타나며 열과 기침이 번져가고, TV에서는 원인불명의 전염병으로 마을이 제한구역으로 지정되었음을 알린다. 그 순간 예고도 없이 들이닥친 무장 군인들.. 최소한의 물과 식량만을 제공하며 문밖 출입마저 저지 당한 채 집안에 갇힌 사람들. 점점 식량은 바닥나고, 더는 버틸 수 없는 지경에 이른다. 봉쇄된 창문 틈으로 무장한 군인들에 의해 어디론가 급박하게 끌려가기 시작하는 사람들이 보이는데.... 그리고 마침내, 죽은 자들이 돌아오기 시작했다!…
Production Design
When Elisabeth dramatically collapses at her own party, secrets are revealed and new desires spring to life for the residents of Park Road. The signal has been given for anything from swinger sex to family rows to organ theft. "Park Road – The Movie" is a comedy that celebrates life and reveals till now unknown sides of the residents on the popular road.
Production Design
The 38-year-old bodybuilder Dennis would really like to find true love. He has never had a girlfriend and lives alone with his mother in a suburb of Copenhagen. When his uncle marries a girl from Thailand, Dennis decides to try his own luck on a trip to Pattaya, as it seems that love is easier to find in Thailand. He knows that his mother would never accept another woman in his life, so he lies and tells her that he is going to Germany. Dennis has never been out traveling before and the hectic Pattaya is a huge cultural shock for him. The intrusive Thai girls give big bruises to Dennis' naive picture of what love should be like, and he is about to lose hope when he unexpectedly meets the Thai woman Toi.
Production Design
Mads moves into a house with his lovely girlfriend Marie when a sudden pang of doubt strikes him. Is this the meaning of life? Has he lived out all his dreams? He drops everything, moves away from his girlfriend and throws himself into a desperate quest to live out his greatest dreams; a quest to find the meaning of life and the one and only.