Leonid Lebedev
출생 : 1956-05-02, Moscow, USSR (Russia)
Executive Producer
1989년, 야심 찬 젊은 여성이 이미지에 집착하는 음악 방송계에서 성공하기 위해 헤어스타일을 바꾼다. 하지만 새로 심은 타인의 머리카락에 영혼이 있다는 사실을 알아차리고, 승승장구할 것만 같았던 음악 경력은 곧 대가를 치르게 된다.
Executive Producer
사랑받는 뉴욕 로슬린 학군의 교육감과 그의 직원, 친구 및 친척은 미국 역사상 가장 큰 단일 공립학교 횡령 스캔들의 전개에서 유력한 용의자가 되는데...
Executive Producer
다이앤은 매사추세츠 서부에서 홀로 살아가며 언제나 스스로는 뒷전으로 둔 채, 다른 사람을 챙기며 하루하루 살아간다. 강물처럼 빠르게 흘러가는 시간 속에서 그녀는 돌이켜본 자신의 인생이 눈앞에서 소멸해가는 모습을 지켜본다. 영화는 평범한 동시에 비범한 경험을 하는 한 여성의 삶을 추적한다.
Executive Producer
After capturing an illegal act of police violence on his cellphone, a Brooklyn street hustler sets off a series of events that alter the lives of a local police officer and a star high-school athlete.
Five friends – a poet, an actor, a painter, an architect and a primitivist film director – are five red avant-garde artists who try to find the embodiment of their hopes and dreams in the young Soviet state. The Revolution is boiling up like a bottle with apple cider: winged service dogs and heart-shaped potatoes, dead Semashko, the People’s Commissar for Health, and cheerful angels, love for the Tsar and love for the young secretary Annushka, executions and pregnancies – everything is interlaced and inseparable!
Executive Producer
명문대에서 영화를 전공하고 있는 샘 화이트는 독설 라디오 쇼 '디어 화이트 피플'과 자신의 저서 '에보니 앤 아이비'를 통해 대학 내의 인종차별을 비판하며 단숨에 스타로 떠오른다. 한편 백인학생들의 리더 ‘커트’는 차기 학생회장으로까지 급부상한 ‘샘’을 깔보다 전교생 앞에서 씻을 수 없는 굴욕을 당한다. 이에 분노한 커트 일당은 ‘흑인 코스프레 파티’ 라는 상상초월의 복수극을 준비하는데...
He was called the Champion of Champions. The strength and strong-willed character Poddubniy composed legends. And 50 great fighter effortlessly overcame young athletes, and questions of honor and justice did not know compromises. And only love could put Russian Heroes on both blades
Executive Producer
파키스탄에서 영국으로 이민 온 모나는 펀자브 청년 탠빌을 만나 깊은 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 가족들은 모나가 혼전순결을 지키지 않아 가족의 명예를 더럽혔다며 명예살인을 저지른다. 죽은 줄 알았던 모나는 간신히 탈출에 성공하지만 연인 탠빌에게 마저 버림받고 시시각각 위협이 더해지는데… 한편, 모나가 살아있다는 사실을 알고 가족들은 현상금 사냥꾼 바운티를 고용한다. 하지만 모나에게 연민을 느낀 바운티는 그녀를 구해주려고 하고.. 가족들의 위협은 점점 더 잔혹해지는데.. 모나를 구하기 위한 바운티의 처절한 액션이 시작된다! [명예살인 : 집안의 명예를 더럽혔다는 이유로 가족 구성원을 살해하는 관습]
Victor Sluzhkin signs on as a teacher of geography in a secondary school in his native Perm (in the Urals) and gets lost in a haze of hard vodka, desperate love for a nymphet-like student and the stress of educating teenagers. Geographer, as the students immediately dub Sluzhkin, attempts to escape from the grueling, dull, stultifying reality of Russia's provincial life in a rafting tour to the Urals. Accompanied by wild, adventure-seeking adolescents, faced with the numerous grim surprises of the nature, Geographer is poised to find himself and his own truth.
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Marij women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous Republic of the Marij El serves as a backdrop for the collective history of a people of ancient tradition. A journey into a mysterious and unknown part of the world.
Kir, Leya, Dasha and Max are student. Almost every experience is for a first time to them - first love, first disappointment, first betrayal...
Three young guys are spending their days and nights trying to pick up as many girls as possible.
Two people play out a story of love and desperation that's enacted through music in this drama from writer and director Ivan Vyrypaev. Sasha (Alexei Filimonov) is a man in his twenties who lives in the small town of Serpukhov and has fallen in love with a woman who is also named Sasha (Karolina Gruszka).
철의 장막을 배경으로 하는 러시아판 '헤어 스프레이'. 스탈린이 죽은 지 2년이 지난 1955년. 흐루시초프가 가져온 해빙의 분위기도 젊은이들이 미국음악과 패션에 열광하는 것을 막지 못한다. 학생 멜은 모스크바의 브로드웨이라 불리는 고르키/츠베르스카야 거리에서 만난 무리에 합류하고 폴리야를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 힙스터즈는 소비에트 시절 사회를 보내던 사람들의 다양한 심리와 라이프 스타일을 재치 있으면서도 과장된 장면들로 보여주면서 복고풍 뮤지컬의 향수를 불러 일으킨다. (2010년 제4회 충무로국제영화제)
On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.
Roman Shilo, a known criminal, suddenly must deal with his fourteen years old daughter and not only with her but with her little stepbrother and stepsister as well.
The life of a characters of this movie can be described as a swing - up and down, up and down; each day, each week...
The film follows Denis, a young aspiring DJ who, although poor, has everything else in his favor: a calling in life as a musician, good friends and a faithful companion. Denis's fall from grace begins with a drug deal, which he agrees to out of the need for money. The decision leads to deadly consequences for almost everyone else around him, as Denis is subsequently forced to work as a drug dealer for a mafia boss and as an informer for the police chief of his city. Despite his attempts to “work off his sins”, Denis cannot escape the world of drugs and violence...
This beautifully photographed Russian drama set in St. Petersburg centers on Alexander Larin, a Russian native who has spent the last six years living in the US. He went there to escape a relationship before it developed into an unhealthy love triangle between himself, his fiancee Anna, and her lovely daughter Masha. Now a successful businessman, Alexander has returned to bring Masha back with him. Unfortunately, she is already engaged to Mitia, a photographer. Anna, also does not approve of Macha going with Alexander.