Adélaïde Leroux

Adélaïde Leroux

출생 : 1982-12-30, Hazebrouck, Francia

프로필 사진

Adélaïde Leroux

참여 작품

Tout le monde a raison
A woman argues that she possesses a sixth sense about the lies of men. Her boyfriend is convinced that she's only known bad liars and sets out to prove her wrong.
At the darkest hour of the night, a young woman takes shelter in her bathroom. Haunted by nightmarish visions, she slowly loses her sanity to memories she won’t accept. What reality lies beyond the mirror?
Song of the Blackbird
Les fleurs bleues
Adelaide and her two children Jean and Sacha spend a few days together in the mountains. As she takes her family on lengthy hikes, she is hoping for them to discover the trace of a hidden memory.
Pieces of Me
A crazy father old before his time, a tyrannical, sick mother, a sister who disappeared four years ago and me, Erell, who films everything, all the time... A fine family portrait. I live in the same town I've always lived in. You're born here, you die here. And between the two, there's nothing to do except hang out with my buddies, Gabin, Javier and The Major. One night, my sister Sarah reappears. The pieces of me are put together again.
The Day When Raïner's Son Drowned
Night falls slowly… The inhabitants of the village have found the body of Rainer's youngest son, drowned in a river. In front of the family home, through a window, the villagers observe Rainer and the rest of the family seated peacefully in the parlor. Who will give them the terrible news?
Cigarettes et bas nylons
France, Normandy, towards the end of World War II: Young French women are recruited as wives for American GIs. In US Army recreation camps, the so-called "Cigarette Camps", they are being prepared for their trip to the US - to men who have married them.
Living on Love Alone
Julie Bataille is fed up with student jobs. At 23, with a 5-years university degree, she wants to work for real. She meets Ben by chance at a job interview. He's a guy who chose to live by the day, getting by with whatever crosses his path and small-time trafficking. Ben asks her to come and spend the summer with him in the South. Julie declines. Then one day, on an impulse, she leaves everything behind and joins him.
IVUL is the extraordinary story of Alex (Jacob Auzanneau), a young man who climbs on to the roof of his house and refuses to ever come back down to earth. His actions devastate his beloved family and we watch as their world falls apart. A dark and mysterious gardener (Tchili from This Filthy Earth) keeps watch over the family but is powerless to exorcise the curse that he feels has befallen them. Meanwhile the twin sisters (Manon and Capucine) provide light but sometimes macabre relief. The world of IVUL is a world of both fairytale and nightmare with the family manor house and forest landscape providing a compelling backdrop to the story.
파리에 사는 뤽은 자전거를 타고 시골길을 달린다. 그런데 자전거가 고장나자 뤽의 계획은 틀어진다. 우연히 만난 실뱅이 그를 도와주지만, 뤽의 기분은 나아지지 않는다.
One night, three young women, the neon lights of the boulevards, empty streets, a mall, quiet gardens, the tower plaza, the esplanade of the station, a farewell coffee, a camera, a concert, a terrace, then the city waking up, Montparnasse.
평화롭게 살던 가족이 집에서 얼마 떨어지지 않은 곳에 고속도로가 개통되면서 위협을 받는다. 하지만 마르타와 미셀, 그리고 이들의 세 아이는 이주를 거부하고 새로운 환경에 적응할 수 있는 혁신적인 방법을 찾아낸다.
The tragic story of French naïve painter Séraphine Louis aka Séraphine de Senlis (1864-1942), a humble servant who becomes a gifted self-taught painter. Discovered by prominent critic and collector William Uhde, she came to prominence between the wars grouped with other naïve painters like Henri Rouseau only to descend into madness and obscurity with the onset of Great Depression and World War II.
드메스트르는 프랑스 북부의 플랑드르에서 엄마와 단 둘이 농장을 경영하며 단조로운 일상을 보내는 우직하고 과묵한 청년이다. 그는 어린 시절 친구인 바르브를 남몰래 사모하지만, 그녀는 친구의 여자친구다. 드메스트르의 마음을 아는 그녀는 간혹 그에게 적선을 베풀듯 몸을 내주는 천연덕스런(?) 모습을 보이는 동시에 남자친구와의 사랑 또한 이어간다. 그러던 어느 날 드메스트르는 마을 친구들과 함께 군대에 지원하여 야만적인 살육이 자행되는 먼 전쟁터로 떠나게 되고, 삼총사 중 바르브 혼자만이 남는다. 현재 프랑스의 가장 뛰어난 감독 중 한 명인 브뤼노 뒤몽은 네 번째 장편 에서 그의 전작들이 보여준 인간본성 및 폭력에 대한 탐구를 계속해 나간다. 광활한 시골 평야를 배경으로 한 인간 내부의 치열한 부대낌이 배우들의 절제된 연기와 표정, 대사를 통해 전개된다. 뒤몽 영화를 일관적으로 특징짓는 과장 없는 엄격미를 보여준다. - 제11회 부산국제영화제 (이수원)