Sissy Höfferer

Sissy Höfferer

출생 : 1955-04-23, Klagenfurt, Austria

프로필 사진

Sissy Höfferer

참여 작품

Treibjagd im Dorf
A terrible accident occurs while 13-year-old Franzi is doing target practice in the quarry . A bullet misses its target and hits his grandfather, old farmer Anton Wolf. While Anton falls into a coma , the true remainCircumstances of the fact unknown for the time being . Instead , the rumor spread in the village that Franzi 's father Franz was the shooter, especially since there were constant arguments between father and son about running the farm . A real drive hunt in the village begins .
Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder
Amalie Kemmer
Irene, the mayor of a Styrian community, also helps her mother and stepfather in their small department store and takes touching care of her 17-year-old brother. But when Paul Berger, an innovative cook, wants to take over the old village inn, wounds of the past break open and a dark secret slowly comes to light...
Familie Sonntag auf Abwegen
SOKO: Der Prozess
Karin Reuter
Not My Daughter
Gabriele Bauer
Hinter blinden Fenstern
Ann-Kristin Seeliger
Ann-Kristin Seelinger
Noch einmal zwanzig sein
Charlotte Görres
Große Lügen!
Mary Lou
Rufer, der Wolf
Liebe Amelie
After moving to Munich with her parents Kristin and Bernd, the 16-year-old Amelie has problems adjusting to her new school. Although the family seems to be happy, her parents are too busy themselves to notice how depressed she is - until she tries to commit suicide. Amelie survives, but her disease worsens...
Friedrich's Mother
1942년, 프리드리히는 엘리트 소년 사관학교인 ‘나폴라’에 권투 특기생으로 입학하게 된다. 아버지의 반대에도 불구하고 프리드리히는, 이 입학이 지긋지긋한 가난한 삶과의 이별이며 신분상승의 좋은 기회로 여긴다. 하지만 정작 그의 앞에 펼쳐진 ‘나폴라’에서의 생활은 나치의 엄격한 규율과 강요된 정신교육만 있을 뿐이다. 이때, 자신과 같은 생각들로 적응하지 못하는 알브레히트를 만나게 되고, 둘도 없는 친구가 된다. 그리고 어느 날, 한 사건으로 인해 알브레히트는 자살하고 만다. 절규하는 프리드리히, 그리고 아무도 위로하지 않는 친구의 죽음! 과연 이 전쟁은 누구를 위한 전쟁인가?!
Die Rückkehr des Vaters
Rosmarie Haller
After nearly two decades of wedded bliss, Rosemarie and Hubert Haller's marriage is a shambles. While Rosemarie begins an affair with Bernd, a self-proclaimed guru, adventuresome charmer Hubert finds refuge in the arms of Monica. At the last moment, Hubert and Rosemarie realize that they still have a chance for a future together.
Thema Nr. 1
A movie about the hottest topic in Germany
Der Wald
Das Hochzeitsgeschenk
Vera Kronenberg
Rosamunde Pilcher: Das Haus an der Küste
Marla Reesa
Nicholas Breen had a car accident while preparing to move from London to Cornwall. Veronica, Nicholas's wife, nevertheless moves to Cornwall with her two children in the house left by Aunt Cleo. There she meets her childhood sweetheart Frank again.
Nach uns die Sintflut
A disaster-movie made in Germany.
Theresa Bayer
Der Mörder und sein Kind
Anna: Under the Spell of Evil
Dr. Burckhard
Das Milliardenspiel
Elsa Maybach
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Eine unheimliche Karriere
The Second Victory
Lotte Wikivill
Le dernier civil
Das Veilchen
Fräulein Markus