Povilas Budrys

참여 작품

Le père de Jana
야나는 파리에서의 30년 망명 생활 후, 리투아니아 공화국의 수도이자 자신의 고향인 빌뉴스를 방문한다. 그녀는 숲으로 가려져 비교적 인적이 드물었으며, 그녀의 첫사랑이었던 파울리어스가 '월든'이라 명명했던 호수를 다시 보고 싶다. 희미한 기억에 의존해 호수를 찾아가는 여정은 그녀가 처음으로 느꼈던 사랑의 감정과 공산주의 몰락 전의 암시장 그리고 자유를 갈망했던 30년 전의 기억을 다시 되새기는 과정이 된다.
And He Bid You Farewell
Film based on Eduardas Cinzas novel Moris Bred’s Notes. After car crash Marius finds himself in the pension house, together with it\s weird inhabitants. Marius recovers his memory but he cannot return to his previous life.
The Beast Rising from the Sea
Based on a novel by Evgeny Zamyatin.
Aš esu
Mokytojas, vienuolis Albijus
The Eternal Light
Lithuanian countryside in the 1950s. People live with mixed memories of an independent Lithuania, no one believes in the myths of a future Soviet Lithuania, but everyone clings tenaciously, out of inner inertia, to the opportunities offered by even the smallest personal farm. This is a film that subtly tells the story of love and the beginnings of a peaceful life in the countryside: the surveyor is tormented by Pranė, who has fallen in love with him unrequitedly, Amilia, who has fallen in love with Zigmas, but is married to the surveyor, Anicetas, the village philosopher, Bernasius, knows it all: if there is an eternal darkness, there is also an eternal light...