Burton L. King

참여 작품

When Lightning Strikes
Lightning the German Shepherd dog stars in this wilderness melodrama.
The Gambling Sex
A wealthy young socialite gets the gambling bug, and soon it goes from being just a fun pastime to an addiction, and she begins to lose more and more of her fortune.
Mark of the Spur
A young ranch foreman, Bud Drake aka The Kid, is wrongfully arrested for the theft of six-thousand dollars from ranch-owner "Hardshell" Beckett. He escapes and with the aid of Beckett's adopted daughter, Alice, sets out to clear his name.
Daughters of Desire
When widowed attorney Richard Tucker refuses to defend bootlegger Julius Molnar in court, the latter swears revenge. Tucker pays no heed to Molnar, concentrating instead on his impending marriage to his secretary Irene Rich. After his release from prison, the bootlegger begins his campaign of vengeance by leading Tucker's beloved daughter Janet Vale astray.
The Dream Melody
Richard Gordon is an aspiring composer who can't get arrested in his field of endeavor. Upon meeting nightclub singer Mary Talbot, Gordon is inspired to write his greatest melody. The song catches the ear of impresario George Monroe and before long Gordon has scaled the heights of fame and fortune. Mary despairs that she's been forgotten.
The House of Shame
Harvey Baremore is upset with any perceived extravagance from his demure wife Druid, while he is secretly stealing from his boss John Kimball to ply his mistress Doris with gifts. Yet when he fears that he may be discovered he counts on his wife to entreat his boss for leniency on his behalf. Kimball agrees to overlook Harvey's theft in exchange for Druid's company, but despite this strange arrangement Kimball's intentions may in fact be true.
The Adorable Cheat
The daughter of a wealthy industrialist wants to take over the company when her father retires, but the father--an old-fashioned sort who doesn't believe that "girls" belong in business--is planning on leaving the company to her wastrel playboy brother. In order to prove to her dad that she can handle the job, she disguises herself as an ordinary "working girl" and gets a job in her dad's plant. There she meets and falls in love with a clerk. She brings the young man home to meet her folks, but during the evening the family safe is robbed, and all signs point to her new boyfriend.
Ermine and Rhinestones
Long Island socialite Billy Kershaw (Niles Welch) is engaged to wealthy Peggy Rice (Ruth Stonehouse), but she prefers to "play the field" with other men. When Billy tires of Peggy's randy behavior and returns to his ex-sweetheart Minette (Edna Murphy), the suddenly possessive Peggy heads to Minette's home, hoping to bribe the girl into giving up the boy. At that very moment, one of Minette's jealous ex-boyfriends breaks into her house, ties and gags the poor girl, and turns on the gas. Library of Congress holds a complete negative.
The Mad Dancer
The Streets of New York
Badger, a clerk at a Wall Street brokerage, discovers that his boss Gideon Bloodgood has swindled an investor, Fairweather, out of his money. Fairweather dies of a heart attack after an argument with Bloodgood, and Badger uses this knowledge to blackmail him. By a strange coincidence, Bloodgood's daughter Lucy runs over Fairweather's son, Paul, and cripples him.
The Man from Beyond
The Arctic, 1922. After being buried under the ice for a hundred years, Howard Hillary is thawed and revived. When he meets Felice Strange, he recognizes in her the same woman he once loved deeply. But is it really her?
Everyman's Price
The story of Ethel Armstrong and her father Henry looking forward to her marriage to the ambitious attorney Bruce Steele. Bruce is elected district attorney and goes after a group of food profiteers. Ethel breaks the engagement when her father falls under suspicion as one of the food hoarders.
The Discarded Woman
Esther Wells is dumped by her husband, Martin, just as she's boarding a train. She gets off at the next stop, wanders into a cabin owned by Samuel Radburn, who happens to have been swindled out of a mine by Martin.
The Common Sin
Wall Street financier Frederick Searles goes bankrupt, prompting his mercenary wife to marry their eldest daughter Needa to the wealthy, disreputable John Davis Warren, despite Needa's love for Hugh Stanton.
The Lost Battalion
World War I, October 1918. The more than 500 men of the 77th Infantry Division of the United States Army, who have been recruited in New York City and trained in Yaphank, are sent to France, to help break down the German defenses located in the Argonne forest…
The Master Mystery
In this action-packed serial, government agent Quentin Locke infiltrates a corrupt patents company, only to run into the gleaming terror of its robot protector, the Automaton. In order to save the beautiful Eva Brent and find a cure for the dreaded Madagascar Madness, Locke suffers an inhuman array of tortures and physical restraints. He is chained, tied with barbed wire, padlocked in a crate and thrown in the water, tied beneath a descending elevator, strapped to an electric chair, and bound in an elaborate Oriental torture chamber.
Engrossed in the perfection of a new high power explosive, the husband seems to neglect his wife. She is further piqued by the introduction into their home of a man whose presence is unexplained, but who is really a Secret Service operative guarding the invention. The Government has asked that the wife be kept in ignorance. In this frame of mind the wife lends a ready ear to Aachen, who suggests that the husband be taught a lesson by the abstraction of this all-absorbing formula. Through this means he gets the formula, but in the end the Government gathers him in, and the only permanent result is a needed lesson to the innocent little traitor.
Her Husband's Honor
Nancy Page is a frivolous socialite until her husband Richard becomes entangled in his employer David Davenport's shady business dealings.
Won in the Stretch
George Hughes (Ed Brady) and Harry Cook (Robyn Adair) are millionaire owners of rival horse-racing stables. Jimmy Abbott (Martin G. Cox)is a jockey for Hughes and is secretly in love with Hughes' daughter, Mary (Louella Maxam), and he assures her he will do everything he can to win the big sweepstakes race. He wins and as Mary hands him a rose after the race, he understands that he is only a jockey and can not hope to win the love of a millionaire's daughter.
The Waiting Soul
This morality play of the starts off with Grace Vaughn running off with married man Dudley Kent (Wyndham Standing). While sailing to England, they meet Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove. Mrs. Hargrove tries to talk Grace out of ruining her life, but the girl won't listen. After a few months, Kent leaves Grace and she gets mixed up with a woman who runs a house of ill repute.
The Black Butterfly
Sonia Smirnov, a Paris opera singer known as "The Black Butterfly", starts an affair with young Alan Hall. Hall, however, is still pining over his previous lover, a young peasant girl.
Raised in the lap of luxury, Norma Russell is ill-prepared for her father's financial reverses. In exchange for a $25,000 loan, Norma's dad promises her hand in marriage to bank president Howard Dundore.
The Flower of Faith
Traveling evangelist Ephram Judson (Albert Tavernier) is met with some formidable opposition in the person of avowed atheist Hugh Lee (Frank Mills). It seems that Lee disavowed the existence of God when his beloved sister was stricken with blindness. Judson's daughter Ruth (Jane Grey) does her best to convert Lee, but it's a losing battle. Even worse, a series of bizarre coincidences leads the villagers to conclude (wrongly) that Lee has tried to "have his way" with the virginal Ruth. On the verge of being lynched by the angry townsfolk, Lee is saved by a timely bolt of lightning -- whereupon he embraces that Old Time Religion in a real hurry. Cast as Ruth's ne'er-do-well brother Tom is diminutive Percy Helton, best known to latter-day film buffs for his raspy-voiced character roles in such talkies as The Robe, Kiss Me Deadly and The Music Man.
The Devil at His Elbow
The Eternal Question
Pierre Felix, a couturier, makes a $25,000 bet with Ralph Courtland that he can take a girl from the streets, dress her appropriately, and within three months have her accepted into society.
The Reapers
Albert Jordan, publishing house manager, lavishes his salary on his adored wife, Rita, and little daughter Edna. She is a churchgoing woman, while his home and his family is his religion. While returning home one day, Jordan sees his little daughter in the path of an auto. He runs to snatch her from instant death. He saves her but is seriously injured himself.
Across the Footlights
Larry Moore is a young amateur actor and lives at the same boarding house with Adele Lawrence, a rising young star, who has just secured the leading part in a play called "The Love Behind the Throne." Moore has been unsuccessful in his attempts to get a place and Adele sympathizes with him deeply.
The Efficacy of Prayer
Because White Dove, daughter of the Indian Chief, and Moccasin, her half-breed husband, are baptized by Donald McTavish, the new minister of Gray Rock, Ariz., they become subject for the vengeance of the Medicine Man.
The Impostor
Jim Owens, a sergeant in the Union army, finds the body of a dead Confederate, whose resemblance to himself is so great that he is startled. He makes an examination of the man's clothes and finds a letter addressed to John Calhoun, 7th Regiment, Virginia Volunteers. The letter is from the man's mother, telling him that her world is very narrow now that she has lost her eyesight. Never having known a mother's love, Owens decides to impersonate Calhoun, feeling that the mother will not recognize that he is not her son, now that she is blind.
For Mother's Sake
For Mother's Sake is a 1913 silent film.
The Reaping
The Reaping is a 1913 silent film.
Loaded Dice
Loaded Dice is a 1913 short film.
Past Redemption
Through the efforts of the Rev. John Drummond, who comes to a small western mining town with his little boy, all the saloons are closed. Jim Howe and his daughter, Nell, being unable to carry on a liquor business in the town, move to the mountains, where he runs an illicit still and continues to supply whiskey to the Indians. The sheriff gets on his trail and he is soon placed in the custody of the law. Nell, determining to avenge herself for the capture of her father, fires n shot into a party of hostile Indians, secreting herself in a bush as she does so. The Indians, seeing the soldiers coming, and thinking that they fired the shot, rush at them, but are defeated. This plan of revenge having failed, she makes her way to the minister's home, but is prevented from doing any harm to him by the maternal instinct which rises in her when she sees his little boy praying for his mother in heaven.
The Grey Sentinel
Tom Carson, a southerner, with his daughter, Grace, is the keeper of the Grey Sentinel Lighthouse. John Adams, the sweetheart of Grace, returns from West Point and joins the southern cause; he, however, spying for the Union Army. A fierce battle takes place between the Confederate and Union forces in which the former are victorious. Hal Peters, a southern officer and an admirer of Grace, is surprised to find among his captives. John Adams.
The Sheriff's Mistake
Big Bill
A Secret Service agent is looking for a bandit who has just held up the stage coach. A rancher's daughter, hears a description of the outlaw and mistakes the secret Service agent for the crook.
The Detective's Conscience
To gain access to a moonshiner, a detective marries the moonshiner's sister. He abandons her after the arrest is made but his conscience haunts him.
A Mexican Courtship
Within the sunny little Mexican City of Juarez, Alonzo, the famous bull-fighter, is to match his skill against the bull from Chihuahua. Pretty Dolores wanders one day without the Plaza El Torres, hoping to get one peep at the wonderful animals. Juan, a young Mexican employed at the Plaza, sees the girl and attracted by her beauty, offers to show her the bulls. He takes her within the Plaza and shows her all the interesting sights. The young people are mutually interested in each other and it proves a case of love at first sight. Alonzo also meets the girl and proposes for her hand. While Dolores loves Juan, she is quickly given to understand by her parents that Alonzo is a much more desirable match and that she must give up poor Juan. This Dolores reluctantly agrees to do. Finally the eventful day arrives. Alonzo, however, reaches the Plaza far too drunk to enter the arena and the management is in despair.
Captain Kidd
Swashbuckling serial starring Eddie Polo.