Pit Bukowski

Pit Bukowski

출생 : 1988-11-30, Berlin, Germany

프로필 사진

Pit Bukowski
Pit Bukowski
Pit Bukowski

참여 작품

The Fox
The true story of Franz Streitberger, the director’s great-grandfather, a motorcycle courier for the Austrian Army. At the beginning of the Second World War, this introverted young soldier comes across a wounded fox cub that he looks after and takes to occupied France with him – and through this unique friendship, his own past as an outcast farmers son slowly catches up with him.
Homeshopper's Paradise
Ghost Island
Zero - Sie wissen, was Du tust
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
Die Jägerin - Nach eigenem Gesetz
Marco Kretschmer
더 포가튼 배틀
Friedrich Fisher
세 젊은이가 2차 세계 대전의 포화 속으로 들어간다. 연합군의 글라이더 조종사, 네덜란드 출신의 독일군 그리고 레지스탕스로. 방법은 달랐지만, 이들이 원한 건 오직 자유, 그 하나였다.
Chasing Paper Birds
Mia, Keks and Ian are at a turning point in their lives, searching for happiness but not sure of what will happen if they actually find it. Over a long night in Berlin, their storylines weave into one another.
여전히 밤은 깊지만
DJ Bastian
Karen sings and plays the trumpet in a vigorous rock band in Brasilia, but no one there is interested in it. At 27, she has lost hope in the city her grandfather helped to build. She follows in the footsteps of her ex-partner in the band, Artur, and tries her luck in Berlin.
Ottilie von Faber-Castell - Eine mutige Frau
Johann Bürger
Head of the famous pencil corporation tries to make his 16 year old granddaughter ready to take his place.
Ms Stern
Set in modern Berlin, "Ms. Stern" is a dramedy about a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, who is unable to choose her own fate. However, while trying her best to find a way out of this life, she spends her time joyously with her spirited granddaughter, Elli, and her eclectic group of friends, living it up to the fullest.
토막살인범의 고백
천재적인 재능으로 교수님의 총애를 듬뿍 받고 있는 프로그램 개발자 피트. 연구에만 몰두하며 외톨이로 지내지만 언제나 밝고 환한 클라라에게 마음을 빼앗기게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 클라라와 함께 논문 과제를 하게 된 피트는 그녀와 가까워졌단 생각에 고백을 하게 되지만 클라라는 거절하고, 두 사람의 사이는 어색해진다. 실연의 상처로 방황하던 피트에게 미안한 클라라는 그를 위로해주기 위해 집으로 찾아간다. 그러나 클라라가 피트의 집으로 갔던 그날 이후, 그녀의 모습은 그 어디에서도 찾을 수가 없게 되는데…
평범한 토요일 아침, 해군 대위 미하일(마티아스 쇼에나에츠)은 핵잠수함 쿠르스크에 승선한다. 출항 직후 예기치 못한 폭발로 잠수함이 침몰하고, 두 번째 폭발로 쿠르스크 선체에 큰 구멍이 뚫린다. 그 시각 남편의 소식을 들은 미하일의 아내 타냐(레아 세이두)는 그의 생사를 확인하려 하지만 아무 소식도 들을 수 없고, 러시아 정부는 영국군 준장 데이빗(콜린 퍼스)의 구조 지원도 마다한 채 시간만 보내는데... 한편 대부분의 승조원이 사망하자 미하일을 포함한 23명의 생존자는 살기 위한 사투를 시작한다.
작가 미상
1937년 드레스덴. 꼬마 쿠르트는 이모 엘리자베스가 심신미약자라는 오명을 받고 강제 이송되는 광경을 목격한다. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 쿠르트는 미술학교에 진학할 기회를 잡지만, 소련 치하의 동독은 사회주의 리얼리즘에 입각한 화풍만을 요구할 뿐이다. 그러던 중 그는 패션 전공인 엘리를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만, 엘리의 아버지인 지반트 박사는 둘 사이를 탐탁지 않게 여기며 떼어 놓으려 한다. 예술과 사랑의 자유를 찾아 서독으로 도주하는 쿠르트와 엘리는 새로운 기회를 맞지만, 쿠르트의 작업이 계속되면서 두 사람 그리고 지반트 박사 사이를 묶어주던 불행한 과거가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
"Kruso" tells of the last summer before the Wall came down on the small island of Hiddensee in the Baltic Sea. Beyond state-organized tourism, the isolated island became a kind of artist colony every year and a place of longing for dropouts and alternatives. Due to its proximity to Denmark, Hiddensee was also the starting point for the flight across the Baltic Sea.
Early one summer morning a young man, with a secret stashed away in a duffel bag, emerges from the forest. In a nearby village he asks around for work, but the farmers, suspicious to the point of hostility, are not very forthcoming. Only when Lucy, the mayor’s unruly daughter, takes a liking to him, does the village change its attitude: he is promptly offered a job as a farmhand and a caravan to live in. As time passes and he is gradually integrated into the community, it emerges that he’s not the only one with a past to hide. Something sinister is lurking under the immaculate surface of this picturesque little world - and it is slowly drawing him in.
Hit Mom – Mörderische Weihnachten
Hanni works around the clock as a cleaning lady. She has to because her husband, whom she loves, has not exactly shown himself to be a support financially. They also have their son Viktor. One day Hanni witnesses an attempted murder on an old lady. The killer now has an involuntary confidante and must eliminate her. But it doesn't come to that because Hanni uses her cleaning agents at the right moment, with her presence of mind. The killer falls unhappy and falls into a coma.
인 타임스 오브 페이딩 라이트
Arbeiter 2
Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.
The relationship of Alex and Teresa has hit hard times. After 15 years of marriage, the passionate football coach and the sensitive psychoanalyst do not respect each other's needs anymore, and thus they are arguing constantly. Even a divorce seems possible, but then something unbelievable happens: After another ugly fight during a big thunderstorm, they switch bodies. Trapped, they have to play each other's roles, and chaos is bound to follow.
Zorn - Wie sie töten
Melvin Pryhl
One night, a person is pushed in front of the S-Bahn. There is no witness, and the police assume suicide. Even Chief Inspector Claudius Zorn paid no attention to the incident. He's busy persuading Schröder to become his partner again. What neither Zorn nor Schröder suspect: The culprit is very close to her. And has a number of new victims in the sights. People who are close to the two investigators.
An anarchist young woman breaks the tacit contract with civilization and fearlessly decides on a life without hypocrisy or an obligatory safety net.
Mordkommission Berlin 1
A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.
Besuch für Emma
Berlin, the vibrant life. Only cashier Emma feels really lonely. There is nothing wrong with her, she just goes underground in the big city. Her desire to meet people has brought Emma to a strange idea: she lets go in the supermarket purses of customers and later presents herself as a hospitable finder, who invites you to pick up at the laid table. Unfortunately, the visit remains short. Only the shrewd homeless August who sees through her starts to get interested in Emma.
우리가 꿈을 꾸면서
다니는 마약 중독자가 된 마크를 오래전 극장이었던 곳에서 찾아 영화를 보고 음악을 들으며 같이 꿈을 꾸던 그 시절을 회상한다. 베를린 장벽이 무너지고 통일이 되자 다니, 리코, 마크, 파울 4명의 친구들은 새로운 삶을 찾아 테크노 나이트클럽을 연다. 그러나 그들은 계속 문제에 부닥친다.
더 벙커
A student moves in with a family that lives in an underground house in the middle of the forest, far from civilization. His hopes of peace and quiet are soon shattered, when it becomes apparent that both the parents and their son have a screw loose.
Die Schlikkerfrauen
Inbetween Worlds
Jesper is a soldier in the German army, who reports for a new tour of duty in Afghanistan. His unit is to protect a village from the Taliban.
Young lovers Ann and Gero are travelling through Europe when their car breaks down in the Eifel mountains. Vinzent and Franz invite them to spend a carefree weekend partying in a remote holiday cabin. But after a playful ‘séance’ their initial bright mood soon becomes uneasy as strange occurrences start to take place with alarming regularity...
Agnes, a teacher from the Hessian provinces, has come to Berlin to identify a dead girl who might be Lydia, her runaway daughter. It turns out not to be Lydia, but Agnes stays in the city anyway. Still frantically looking, she comes a young stray called Ines who no longer leaves her side...
더 사무라이
Der Samurai
독일과 폴란드의 국경 부근, 늑대 한 마리가 마을로 자주 출몰한다. 경찰 제이콥은 늑대의 뒤를 쫓다가 어둠 속에서 무언가를 감지한다. 사람으로 보이는 그것은 야수의 눈과 단단한 몸을 지닌, 사무라이 검을 휘두르는 드레스 차림의 남자이다. 살벌한 피의 세계가 서늘한 화면으로 표현되어 독특한 분위기를 자아내는 작품.
로스트 플레이스
1982년 독일의 어떤 미군기지에서 전자파를 이용, 날씨를 변화하는 실험이 행해지고있었고, 어마어마한 전자파가 송출되는 타워가 설치되고 실험이 시작되자 인근에 거주하던 28명의 사람들이 죽는 사고때문에 실험에 대한 모든것이 폐쇄된다...
A comedy about a crazy summer of young provincial guy in Berlin.
1945년 봄 연합군의 폭격 후 독일의 저항은 붕괴된다. 나치였던 아버지는 자살하고 어머니가 감옥에 간 뒤 로어는 여동생 리즐, 쌍둥이 남동생 귄터와 위르겐 그리고 막내 페터와 함께 남겨진다. 그들은 살아남기 위해 전쟁의 상흔으로 피폐해진 독일 땅을 가로질러 900km 떨어진 북부지역의 할머니 집으로 가야만 한다. 패배한 조국의 혼돈을 목격하면서 로어는 신비스러운 분위기의 젊은 유태인 난민 토마스를 만난다. 환영 받지 못한 채 토마스는 로어의 가족을 따라가게 되고 로어는 혐오와 열망이 교차하는 미묘한 감정을 느낀다. 유태인인 토마스에 대해 로어는 저항과 편치 못할 친절함을 느끼지만 토마스의 도움을 받아가며 점차적으로 로어와 그녀의 동생들은 가까워진다. 하지만 로어가 토마스를 믿어야 할까? 믿지 않는다면 그녀의 동생들은 어떻게 될까? 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까? 로어는 전쟁 후 황폐화된 현실을 직시하며 사랑, 죄 그리고 용서의 본질에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
Shifting the Blame
In a project with the concept of open-prison, Benjamin is given the unique chance of a new beginning. As one of seven juvenile offenders he should adopt social skills and experience security in a family-like community. But when he meets his house-mother Eva, he is shocked. She was one of his victims, but cannot recognize him because he was hidden by a mask. His brutal assault on her was never resolved. Ben does his best not to attract attention. But Eva's suspicion is aroused.
Dr. Ketel
Berlin’s notorious Neukoelln district. The near future. A time in which the health system has collapsed. A man works in the shadows and without license as a doctor. He has no practice, no appointments system. He treats people in the courtyards and streets – everywhere he’s needed, stealing medicine from pharmacies. Nobody knows his name or that by day he’s the caretaker of a shabby tenement building. He pushes boundaries and suffers defeats that cost him the last of his strength. Forced to adopt the role of a shadow, an outlaw, he is confronted with the question as to whether he really is a doctor.
The Fire
Judith decides to go on her own to the salsa-dancing night, even though her boyfriend, with whom she goes there every week, can’t accompany her. A stranger, with whom she briefly dances, offers to walk her home. Next morning, upon returning home, Judith refuses at first to accept that she’s a rape victim, but in the end decides to go to a doctor and press charges - which prove inadequate to have the rapist convicted. Under the influence of sweeping bodily and mainly psychological oscillations, Judith decides she has to follow an unorthodox path in order to prove the perpetrator’s guilt.
Jessi is eleven and longs to go back to the place where she spent her early childhood. She has an important role to play in the life of her mother, who has been in prison for several months. Since her older sister Bibi broke off all contact with their mother Jessi is now her mother’s only contact to the outside world.
The Boy Who Wouldn't Kill
Sid Schick
It is the summer of 1984 in Schmalenstedt, in the middle of Holstein Switzerland, directly on the Baltic Sea. The 17-year-old Malte Ahrens, who calls himself Roddy Dangerblood, lives with his elderly parents in a farmhouse, is trained as a potter and has discovered for himself the punk that has made its way into Schmalenstedt with some delay.
Boys On Film 2: In Too Deep
Cowboy (segment "Cowboy")
Created by gay directors and actors, Boys On Film features numerous award-winning shorts that deal with all aspects of gay life. Volume 2: In Too Deep contains nine complete films: Till Kleinert's "Cowboy" starring Oliver Scherz and Pit Bukowski; Håkon Liu's "Lucky Blue" starring Tobias Bengtsson and Tom Lofterud; Matthieu Salmon's "Weekend In The Countryside" starring Théo Frilet, Pierre Moure, and Jean-Claude Dumas; Soman Chainani's "Kali Ma" starring Kamini Khanna, Brendan Bradley, and Manish Dayal; Julián Hernández's "Bramadero" starring Cristhian Rodríguez and Sergio Almazán; Craig Boreham's "Love Bite" starring Will Field and Aidan Calabria; "The Island" featuring director Trevor Anderson ; Arthur Halpern's "Futures (and Derivatives)" starring Kelly Miller, Cam Kornman, and Bill Barnett; and Tim Hunter's "Working It Out" starring Simon Kearney, Paul Ross, and Glaston Toft.
Der Großvater
Real estate agent Christian travels the countryside scouting for investment prospects. In a forgotten, seemingly abandoned village far off the main roads, he finds more than he is looking for. Getting entangled in an encounter with a taciturn teenage farmhand, he confronts his sexual frustrations and, in the process, gets drawn into the undergrowth of a bloodthirsty rustic community.
Yuppy Cars
Two young men participate in a radical left-wing demonstration in Berlin. Afterwards, they cruise the streets on their bikes. When they pull up next to a luxury car, it looks like the night isn't over for them yet.
Max and Moritz Reloaded
Sascha Bartels
Max and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.
They've Got Knut
Set in the early '80s, a time when a new wave of leftist political consciousness and activism had swept German youth (and was just about to disappear as quickly as it arrived), this satiric comedy follows a young couple, Ingo (Hans-Jochen Wagner) and Nadja (Valerie Koch), as they travel to Austria for a weekend of skiing near her parent's luxurious chalet. While Ingo and Nadja have an open relationship, he thinks its time that they commit to one another exclusively, and is hoping this weekend will convince her this is a good idea. However, their privacy is interrupted when several guests arrive -- friends of Nadja's brother Knut (Ingo Haeb), a noted political activist, who, unbeknownst to her, has also planned a ski weekend. As the guests await Knut's arrival, they get the unpleasant news that he's been arrested during a demonstration; several propose that they should come to his aid, while the majority decide instead to go skiing as a way to pay tribute to his commitment to the cause.
Dr. Thaddäus Brodskij
Wilfried Wils is an auxiliary policeman in Antwerp at the start of the Second World War. The city is in the grip of violence and distrust. Wilfried does what he can for himself, avoiding paths that are too slippery. He receives attention and material support from a man who has sided with the German occupier, Meanbeard, but he also enjoys the confidence of his anti-Nazi colleague Lode, brother to Wilfried’s love Yvette. Wilfried struggles to survive as the persecution of the Jews proceeds unabated.