Live performance, new production season 1984-5. BBC 2 Television relay on 30 March 1985 of performance of February 11.
Cherubino in 'The Marriage of Figaro' (singing voice) (uncredited)
1823년 눈보라치는 밤, 한 노인이 자살을 시도하다 실패하고 신부에게 자신의 죄를 고백한다. 비엔나 왕실의 궁정음악가 살리에리는 새롭게 떠오르는 천재 작곡가 모차르트의 소문을 듣고 그의 천재성을 확인하려 한다. 모차르트가 그의 약혼녀를 범하고 오만하고 방탕한 생활을 거듭하자 그러한 모차르트에게 천재성을 부여한 신을 저주하고 그를 증오하기 시작한다. 한편 빈곤과 병마로 시달리던 모차르트는 자신이 존경하던 아버지의 죽음에 커다란 충격을 받고 자책감에 시달린다. 살리에리는 이를 이용해 모차르트가 아버지의 환상에 시달리도록 하면서 진혼곡의 작곡을 부탁하는데...
"La Clemenza di Tito" was Mozart's last stage work. It was commissioned for an Imperial coronation ceremony while Mozart was at work on "Die Zauberflöte" and was composed in great haste. Indeed, time was so short that composition of the secco recitatives was assigned to Mozart's pupil Süssmayr. As in the earlier "Idomeneo", Mozart sought to produce an opera seria that was dramatically viable. He enlisted the poet Mazzolà to substantially revise the Metastasio libretto, which had already been set some fifty times. The number of arias was reduced from 25 to 11, and ensembles and choruses were added to enliven the proceedings. Though perhaps not the very top-drawer Mozart, the music is wonderful.