Documenting the collaboration between world renowned chef Yotam Ottolenghi and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the film follows five visionary pastry makers as they endeavor to construct an extravagant food gala based on the art exhibit "Visitors to Versailles." Exploring the relationship between modern-day social media and the open court of the French Monarchy, the film studies the alarmingly cyclical intersection between food, culture, and history.
Alberto has fled as far as possible from his conservative family. He lives in Berlin with his partner, and works as a comics illustrator. But an unexpected event forces him to return home and face the past.
B급 영화의 신화 로저 코만에 대한 흥미진진한 다큐멘터리. 코만은 존 세일즈, 마틴 스콜세즈, 조나단 드미, 제임스 카메론 같은 거장들이 영화에 입문하는데 결정적으로 영감을 줬다. 그의 작품들과 영화사에서 차지하는 의미를 짚어보는 수작으로 잭 니콜슨이 눈물 흘리는 장면은 감동적이다.
When a beautiful woman and her roommate cross the line from hot blooded passion to chilling seduction, they enter a realm where their dreams are forbidden and their appetites become insatiable for blood.
A man of mystery with no memory is haunted by a vicious crime lord and a band of lethal assassins from a secret government agency. A "Protector"...from an unlikely source joins the man in the battle to save the economic world and recapture both a past and a kidnapped son.
Samantha Vance inherits the Tiki Hotel when her father dies. She decides to fix it up but has problems drumming up business. Her friends throw a party at the hotel and an idea is born to make it the "Bikini Hotel" with all of the staff members wearing bikinis. This elicits jealousy in the nearby Regent Hotel who wish to turn Samantha's hotel into a parking lot. It all culminates in a competition where the winner gets to stay.
A runaway human slave from Earth's future escapes to the present day.