Ellen David

Ellen David

출생 : , Montreal, Quebec, Canada

프로필 사진

Ellen David

참여 작품

Office Games
Maureen Spearhead
A socially awkward and obsessive gamer dwelling in the comforts of his parents' basement is forced to embark on a quest, to get a life. In order to do so, he will have to LVL UP, survive RL and become a true hero by slaying corporate mobs.
아빠가 되는 중
Dr. Jarvis
아내를 잃었다. 그와 동시에 아빠가 되었고. 맷은 슬픔과 싸운다. 우는 딸에게 자장가를 불러주고, 분유를 먹이고, 쉴 새 없이 기저귀를 갈면서. 마음을 울리는 실화 바탕의 이야기.
마이 뉴욕 다이어리
Placement Agent
1995년 작가를 꿈꾸는 조안나는 뉴욕에서 가장 오래된 작가 에이전시에 CEO 마가렛의 조수로 입사한다. 출근 첫날, 호밀밭 파수꾼의 작가 J.D. 샐린저의 팬레터에 기계적으로 응대하라는 지시를 받지만, 조안나는 그들에게 진심 어린 답장을 보내려 한다.
Christmas Ever After
Kim Simmons
Popular romance novelist Izzi Simmons spends every Christmas at her favorite snowy bed & breakfast, but this year, she's faced with an impending deadline and a severe case of writer's block. Luckily, inspiration strikes in the unlikely form of the B&B's new owner Matt, who bears an uncanny resemblance to the handsome hero from Izzi's novels. As both partake in the lodge's annual itinerary of Christmas activities, Izzi's writer's block is cured and the first pages of her and Matt's own love story may just be beginning.
My Very Own Circus
A girl who comes from a long line of circus performers tries to fulfill her dream of going to private school.
Tuning the Brain with Music
Where does music live in the human brain? How and in what form, does a sound, a song, a musical piece become an embedded emotion, image, memory or unforgettable melody? How and why does music succeed, often very quickly, in transforming the physiology and neural connections of the human brain, from a baby in gestation to our last breath? Tuning the Brain with Music is a documentary film that introduces us to the spectacular transformative powers that music has on the plasticity and anatomy of the human brain in a sustainable way. The stories at the heart of the film are many and varied: there are premature babies who in intensive care units are appeased by music therapy sessions; Canadian veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress that music has saved from suicide; autistic girls who have formed a rock band; survivors of cancer and stroke for whom music has been an integral part of their medical healing protocol; and homeless youth for whom music is their lifeline.
Double Holiday
Ruth Hoffman
Rebecca must throw the company holiday party with office rival, Chris. It coincides with Hanukkah, so she must juggle her work, family traditions, and nemesis to make the party a success.
존 F. 도노반의 죽음과 삶
Adam's Mother
가상의 할리우드 스타 도노반과 팬이 교신한 편지가 매스컴에 노출되면서 벌어지는 일을 그리는 영화
A Majestic Christmas
Christmas in the charming town of Briar Falls will be bittersweet this year when architect Nell goes back to her hometown having been given the job of turning the historic Majestic Playhouse into a modern multiplex, much to the town’s objections. The Playhouse has been home to their annual Christmas tableaux, which will now have to end after a long and historic tradition to the town. This job is Nell’s first promotion, and one she wishes she hadn’t been chosen for, especially when she meets the new owner of the theater, Connor, whose vision and ideas clash with Nell’s. Since Connor hasn’t had much experience celebrating Christmas, Nell hopes that if she can give him a crash course in Christmas during the town’s Twelve Day Festival, that he might just change his mind about modernizing the Majestic.
원펀치 2
Mrs. Glatt
믿는 건 주먹하나. 우연한 기회에 하이렌더스에 들어가게 된 대니(숀 윌리엄 스코트). 구단에서는 그의 열정적인 모습에 이번 시즌부터 그를 주장에 임명한다. 그러나 라이벌 레딩과의 경기 도중, 상대팀 선수 케인(와이어트 러셀)과 맞붙게 된 대니는 모두의 예상과는 달리 처참하게 패하고 만다. 설상가상으로 오른 팔에 심각한 부상까지 입으며 프로 선수를 은퇴하게 된 상황. 지인의 도움으로 보험사에 취직하게 된 대니. 팀에서는 대니의 빈자리에 그를 다치게 만든 케인을 영입하게 되고, TV를 통해 그 모습을 지켜 본 대니는 가슴이 찢어지는 것을 느끼게 된다. 결국 오래 전 케인에게 도움을 줬던 로스(리브 슈라이버)를 찾아가게 되고, 그의 도움으로 대니는 왼팔 사용법을 익히게 된다. 그리고 '전직 하키 선수 몸싸움 대회'를 통해 화려하게 컴백하게 되는 대니. 케인의 합류에도 불구하고, 점점 무너져가는 팀은 대니에게 SOS를 보내며, 대니의 프로 인생은 또 다시 기회를 얻게 된다.
이스케이프 런
아동 심리학자 ‘메리’는 뜻하지 않은 사고로 인해 남편을 잃고 하나뿐인 아들마저 식물인간 판정을 받는다. 아들의 간호를 위해 집에서 아이들의 상담을 시작한 ‘메리’. 그런 그녀의 앞에 청각 장애를 지닌 아이 ‘톰’이 나타나고 상담을 반복하며 긴밀한 관계를 맺어갈수록 ‘메리’의 주변에는 섬뜩한 존재가 느껴지기 시작하는데…
미스터 캣
Tom's secretary
연간 수입 1조, 북미 최고층 빌딩의 건물주, 예쁜 아내와 귀여운 딸까지 모든 걸 가진 억만장자 CEO ‘톰 브랜드’! 가족보다 일이 우선인 워커홀릭 ‘톰’은 막내딸 ‘레베카’의 생일선물로 고양이를 사주기 위해 펫샵으로 향하게 되고, 심상치 않은 분위기 속 묘한 인상을 풍기는 가게 주인을 만난다. 그런데! 어느 순간 가게 주인의 수상한 주문과 함께 순식간에 암흑 속에 갇힌 ‘톰’ 가까스로 정신을 차린 그의 입에서 나온 첫 마디는 ‘야옹~’?! 대.략.냥.감! 지금 내가 CAT됐냥? 사고뭉치 고양이 ‘복실이’의 고군분투가 시작된다!
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Mrs. Fiorello
아일랜드 시골에서 뉴욕 브루클린으로 이민 온 엘리스(시얼샤 로넌)는 이방인으로서 미국 사회에 적응하기 위해 애쓴다. 그녀는 이탈리아계 미국인 토니(에모리 코헨)와 사랑에 빠지지만, 여동생의 죽음으로 다시 아일랜드로 돌아온다.
My Internship in Canada
Guibord is an independent Member of Parliament who represents Prescott-Makadewà-Rapides-aux Outardes, a vast county in Northern Quebec. As the entire country watches, Guibord unwillingly finds himself in the awkward position of holding the decisive vote to determine whether Canada will go to war. Accompanied by his wife, his daughter and an idealistic intern from Haiti named Sovereign, Guibord travels across his district in order to consult his constituents. While groups of lobbyists get involved in a debate that spins out of control, the MP will have to face his own conscience. 'My Internship in Canada' is a biting political satire in which politicians, citizens and lobbyists go head-to-head tearing democracy to shreds. Film starring Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard and Mardy Men
세기의 매치
Party Guest #1 (Fischer Apt.)
6세, 체스 입문 13세, 미국 체스계 제패 15세, 최연소 그랜드 마스터 타이틀 획득 체스 천재 ‘바비 피셔’의 목표는 오직 단 하나 국제무대에서 우승해 세계 정상에 등극하는 것! 이제 챔피언 자리까지 남은 사람은 단 한 명 무패 신화 체스 황제 ‘보리스 스파스키’를 넘어야만 한다! 드디어 전 세계의 시선이 집중된 역사적인 경기가 열리는 날, 마치 제 3차 세계대전을 방불케 하는 긴장감이 도는 무대 위 ‘바비 피셔’의 모습이 보이지 않는데…
Still Life: A Three Pines Mystery
Brigette Cohen
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team arrive in Three Pines to solve the unusual murder of a much-loved woman and find dark secrets shadowing this usually peaceful village.
Mrs. Glatt
명문 집안의 둘째 아들인 '더그 글랫'은 내세울 거라고는 강한 주먹밖에 없다. 형인 '아이라'는 촉망 받는 외과의인데 반해, 글랫은 별다른 직업없이 주먹을 쓰는 일을 전전한다. 그러던 어느 날 친구와 함께 우연히 가게 된 아이스하키 경기장에서 관중석으로 난입한 선수를 단방에 때려눕힌다. 글랫의 강한 주먹을 눈여겨 본 감독은 주먹다짐이 암묵적으로 허용되는 '인포서'로서 그를 영입하게 되는데... 과연 스케이트도 타지 못하는 글랫이 아이스하키 선수로 거듭날 수 있을까?
Face Divided
Nurse Sue Wilcox
Summer of 1989, twenty one year old Debbie is a young wife and mother, desperately longing for her carefree, teenage ways after being thrust into motherhood. She is confined to a hospital exam room after her 4-year-old daughter has been in an accident. Feeling helpless to her present situation and her looming future, the only thing Debbie finds comfort in is her husband Freddie and their illustrious past. Based on the play by Edward Allan Baker.
세번째 사랑
Massage Parlour Madame
당신에겐 있었나요? 잡고싶은 단 한사람 사랑...그 이상의 감동을 만나다
Final Verdict
Judge Mary Adler
The successful prosecution of a man accused of murdering his wife catapults a young attorneys career into the position of assistant D.A. for a major city. Eight years later, alarming new evidence suggests that the jailed man may actually be innocent of the murder, and now hes gunning for the woman who put him away. Eight years ago, State’s Attorney Megan Washington (Erica Durance) made her career with the high profile conviction of restaurateur William McCauley for the murder of his wife. When nearly a decade later, new evidence emerges which raises doubts about the case, the conviction is overturned and William McCauley is once again a free man, awaiting a new trial and suing Megan and the District Attorney’s office for fifty million dollars. Now, as Megan re-opens the case, she quickly unearths a mystery long since buried and uncovers a secret which has her in danger of losing her career, her relationship and possibly…her life.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Detective Newcombe
Dr. Henry Jekyll is a well-regarded physician whose evenings are spent researching a rare and sacred Amazonian flower so potent it's said to literally separate the soul, giving life to man's Dark Self. The obsessive experiments to isolate its psychotropic properties happen to coincide with a series of brutal murders gripping the city with fear. Jekyll knows it's no coincidence. While his nights are lost to him, he awakens with bloody mementos and violent memories of the screams of his victims.
Surviving My Mother
Clara's mother is on her death bed as she tells her daughter that she regrets they are not closer. This revelation causes Clara to pursue a closer relationship with her own daughter, Bianca.
Joan, l'intermédiaire
Louis is "repo man" who is no stranger to strong-arm tactics in his work, but he has dreamed of becoming an actor since he was a child. When cousin helps him get an audition, he gets the help of a fam... read more ous actor to him secretly rehearse his scenes. He doesn't even tell his girlfriend Suzie But, Suzie also has a secret. She's pregnant and doesn't want her child to grow up in an atmosphere of violence.
Pinocchio 3000
House (voice)
This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat: Feline, Friends and Family
Mama Shao Fun Miao
This DVD comprises two full-length videos: SAGWA'S FELINE FRIENDS and SAGWA'S FAMILY TREE. Sagwa is a small cat who learns some very big lessons about friendship as he is rescued by Fu-Fu, the bat, and plays hide-and-seek with the mice. Sagwa's big brother, Dongwa, learns the lessons of being too easily impressed and the value of just being who you are. Sagwa also learns how exciting family history can be when he discovers that the Miao family's ancestors were royal cats, learns the power of art through the magical story of his ancestor, the artist Ming Miao, and the folly of the Foolish Magistrate who nearly gave away a member of the Miao family
Sagwa, The Chinese Siamese Cat: Great Purr-formances
Mama Shao Fun Miao
Sing along with Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa as they learn to resolve conflict over purr-fect performances and join them as they make friends with a roaming panda, a whistling pigeon and other animals! This DVD includes two full-length videos: Kitty Concerto and Sagwa's Petting Zoo.
Wicked Minds
Detective Clarkson
Holden returns home from college and is surprised to find his overpowering competitive father married to a much younger woman Lana. Holden quickly falls for the beauty and charisma of his step mother. A passionate affair begins between son and stepmother.
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat: Sagwa's Storybook World
Mama Shao Fun Miao
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat is an Chinese and Canadian-American animated television series based on a 1994 novel by Amy Tan which aired on PBS Kids. Set c. 1840, during the Qing Dynasty, the young Sagwa and her siblings have fun in her their day-to-day lives while learning and teaching valuable life lessons. This single DVD contains two full-length programs: Cat Nights, Flights, and Delights including the episodes "Firefly Nights," "Fu-Fu's Full Moon Flight" and "Shei-Hu's Secret" Feline Frenzy including the episodes "Explorer's Club," "Treasure Hunters," and "Sick Day"
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat: Cat Tales and Celebrations
Mama Shao Fun Miao
This double bill of engrossing fun features the adventurous feline from the mind of celebrated author Amy Tan. Includes the episodes in "Cat Tales" ("How Sagwa Got Her Colors," "Fur Coat" and "Stinky Tofu") and "Feline Festivities" ("New Year's Cleanup," "By the Light of the Moon" and "Ba-Do and the Lantern Festival"). All in all, they're purrfect!
Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll
Bitzi Baxter (voice)
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned.
Savage Messiah
Woman / Curling Team #1
Savage Messiah is a docudrama about Roch "Moïse" Thériault, the charismatic former leader of a small religious group based near Burnt River, Ontario, Canada. Between 1977 and 1989 he held sway over as many as 12 adults and 26 children. He used all of the nine women as concubines, and probably fathered most of the children in the group. During his reign, Thériault mutilated several members. His major crime was to kill Solange Boilard, his legal wife, by disembowelment while trying to perform surgery on her. He was arrested for assault in 1989, and convicted of murder in 1993. Along with Clifford Olsen and Paul Bernardo, Thériault is considered one of Canada's most notorious criminals.
The Stork Derby
Gina Bonagio
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
Arthur's Perfect Christmas
Bitzi / Old Woman (voice)
Arthur, D.W., and their family and friends prepare to make the best Christmas ever in Elwood City - but obstacles get in their way.
2001: A Space Travesty
Spaceport Customs Officer
When odd reports are received through official channels stating that the President of the United States is being held captive on a secret international moon base called Vegan and that he has been replaced on Earth by a clone, the US Marshall Service immediately sends their 'best' man, Dix, on the mission.
Home Team
Woman in Funeral Home
Henry Butler is a professional athlete with a little Pete Rose in him. His athletic interests go beyond the playing field and into the gambling dens. Convicted for his addiction, the soccer player is assigned to community service at a children's home as a condition of his parole. The home attempts to exploit his soccer skills by forming a team. Butler takes no interest, though, until the home burns down and the team begins playing for their homes instead of personal pride or a payoff.
Requiem for Murder
Andrea Farquar
A thriller starring Molly Ringwald
워크 온 더 문
Eleanor Gelfand
칸트로위츠 가족은 여름이 되면 우드스탁 근처에 있는 방갈로촌에서 휴가를 보낸다. 텔레비전 수리공인 불쌍한 아빠 마티는 주중에는 일을 해야 하기 때문에 주말에만 가족들과 지낼 수밖에 없다. 마티가 달착륙 중계를 보려고 몰려든 손님들을 처리하느라 정신이 없는 동안, 그만 펄은 가끔 방갈로 촌을 찾아오는 잘생긴 블라우스맨 워커와 눈이 맞아버린다. 펄이 정신없이 갈팡질팡하는 사이 우드스탁의 열풍이 찾아오고, 그 때문에 이 짧은 불륜의 열정은 점점 도를 더해간다. 결국 칸트로위츠 가족은 10여년 만에 최악의 위기 상황을 맞게 되는데....
Midnight Man
British soldiers force a recently captured IRA terrorist to cooperate with them and then assign him to go undercover with a gang of terrorists and prevent them from killing the U.S. President. But the spy isn't in long before he realizes that the first plot is but a ruse for a more sinister scheme that could result in trouble between China and Great Britain. - Written by Ørnås
In the Presence of Mine Enemies
In the Warsau ghetto of 1943, one man's struggle to keep his family together leads him to the ultimate crisis of faith and one final chance at redemption.
Suspicious Minds
Jack Ramsey (Patrick Bergin) is a private detective in the vein of Philip Marlowe who finds himself romantically involved with the woman he's supposed to spy on, and she's no good! Multiple murders take place and Ramsey makes it his goal to solve the complicated case while still retaining his own sanity, which is hard to do. Meanwhile the mysterious Vic Mulvey (Gary Busey) hides out in the woods touting an assault rifle, might he somehow be involved? You better make yourselves ready for one hell of a neo-noir-istic thrill ride, because this is it!
Poverty and Other Delights
Pénitente de l'Oratoire
Marcel and Joseph are tireless walkers. Their itinerary is an invitation to discover improbable places and fascinating people. Everlastingly looking for Stanley, Marcel’s only friend, they meet an unlikely crowd of extravagant characters. Each has a story to tell, his hope to share.
Everything to Gain
Rosa Winters
After losing her husband and two daughters in a robbery, Mallory must face up to her bereavement and ensuing depression.
Rowing Through
Based on the real-life story of American rower Tiff Wood (Colin Ferguson), an athlete determined to realize his goal of winning gold at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. Wood's dream is shattered when the U.S. boycotts the games, and he must refocus his life towards making the team four years later, with the odds against him.
미세스 파커
New Yorker Secretary
1931년, 헐리우드는 영화산업이 성장하면서 수많은 스타들을 배출하고 있었다. 잡지사 '베니티 페어'에 근무하던 여성 작가 미세스 파커(제니퍼 제이슨 리 분)는 전쟁에 참전했던 남편(앤드류 맥카시)이 되돌아 오자 그를 다시 만나게 된다. 남편이 돌아온 생활, 결혼 생활은 예전처럼 행복하지는 않다. 책상위에 올려진 주사기. 남편은 전쟁 후유증을 잊기 위해 주기적으로 몰핀 주사를 맞는다. 그녀 또한 배니티 페어에서 해고를 당하고 직장 동료였던 로버트 벤칠리(캠벨 스콧 분)와의 관계는 계속 유지한다. 미세스 파커의 친구들은 거의 매일같이 호텔 알곤퀸의 레스토랑에 모여앉아 예술과 사랑, 정세에 관한 이야기를 나눈다. 여기 모인 이들은 헐리우드에서 일하고 있는 예술가와 작가, 기자들. 결혼 생활에 염증을 느끼고 있는 그녀는 새로운 사람 찰스 맥아더(매튜 브로데릭 분)를 만나게 되고 그들의 운명적인 만남은 1930년대 재즈의 시대를 울리는 사랑이 되어가는데...
Love & Human Remains
In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.
The Final Heist
David King is an art thief who has retired to devote his time to his daughter on whom he dotes. He hasn't counted, however, on a mysterious gang who don't believe he is ready for retirement and who kidnap his daughter Gillian. If he doesn't do one more heist for them Gillian will be murdered.