It tells that Tang Yongqiang lives with his wife and children in a village house in the New Territories. Although his wife has a job, Tang Yongqiang is unemployed and has no income. He lives on CSSA. The relationship between the two couples gradually faded, and his wife even went out of the wall. Tang Yi was angry and beat his wife. The wife left Tang and ran away with her lover. When two female social workers followed up the case of Tang’s troubled family, they discovered that Tang Zheng was holding their children at home and demanding to meet with his wife. In the end, LPG was detonated. The police searched evidence and gave confessions at the scene, and discovered the bodies of the victims of the missing girls in two recent cases. Everyone was terrified.
Wu Ma ( who played the awesome singing and dancing Taoist ghostbuster from the Chinese Ghost Story movies) is slumming it here as a King of Gamblers who gets knocked down my his rival and then dies at the hand of his son's terrible soup...or something.
Hong Kong ghost story.
Two absolute strangers both desperately struggling to find themselves make a hilariously funny partnership for money. Their plan - a bank robbery! Meet Ah Lee, a well-educated middle-class professional who is deep in debt because of a so-called friend. Then there's PaPa, an inexperienced and very outdated crook who is heartbroken by the recent break-up with his girlfriend. When PaPa decides to teach Ah Lee the art of robbing a bank, the two men discover more than just a thing or two about themselves!
Mimi Chan
호도문은 광동 가극에서 무대 뒤와 무대를 구분하는 가상의 선을 말한다. 일단 배우가 호도문을 넘어서면 자신을 잊고 자신이 맡은 인물이 되어야 하는 것이다. 또한 광동 가극에서는 여성이 남자의 역할을 하는 전통이 있다. " Shining Sword Troup" 의 극단주이며 배우인 랑 김숨은 성공한 남편과 착한 딸을 가진 성공적인 가극배우이다. 하지만 실상은 그녀의 가족관계는 경직되어 있으며 근심으로 가득차 있다. 그녀는 그녀에게 닥친 새로운 운명의 선을 어떻게 건널 것인가?
(1996년 1회 부산국제영화제)