"It's simple! We do as we're told." This disconcerting reply comes from a Swedish employment office employee when asked how the country’s most unpopular government agency works. And that’s not all: in this creative documentary, case workers, receptionists and psychologists reveal how the Swedish employment system is failing. They complain about inadequate software and mystifying error messages, excessive caseloads and demoralizing results—on average, each case worker helps just 10 people find work each year, and only one in 10 clients will find a new job. To assure the anonymity of the interviewees, they're all represented by cardboard puppets. Thanks to visible puppeteers, expressive eyes and recognizable gestures, these puppets quickly take on the appearance of real people. The result is a fascinating, comical and artistic study of human strategies to get along in an irrational bureaucracy.
우연히 친구들을 따라간 은밀한 장소. 아이리스는 사회 고위층의 간부들에게 하룻밤을 제공하기만 하면 그 대가로 화려한 사치를 누릴 수 있다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 가족에게, 친구들에게, 세상에게 모두 외면 받는 그녀지만 이곳에서는 아름다운 얼굴과 몸매만으로도 누구보다 사랑 받고 찬사 받는다. 그 값비싼 명품과 뜨거운 욕망 모든 것에 중독되어가는 그녀. 그러나 어느 새 자신도 모르게 점점 더 위험 속에 빠져들기 시작한다.
"Dificult People" - About the production process when Suzanne Osten directs the theater play ”Difficult people”, written by Nils Gredeby. It is a play about people who fail in their professional careers by ”being difficult”. It all starts with the author attending a course about how to spot the difficult people and how to fire people who sabotage or create problems at the working place. In the process the ensemble has to face questions about how we view our fellow human beings and who is considered expendable.