Arthur E. Cooper


Arthur E. Cooper works as a cinematographer and camera operator for film and television productions.

참여 작품

Claws of the Red Dragon
When the CFO of a Chinese multinational tech giant is arrested on Canadian soil and faces extradition to the United States, the claws come out in a heated political battle over which nation will rule the 5G cyber space. "Claws of the Red Dragon" is based on true events.
Second Unit Director of Photography
사고로 동생을 잃은 코트니는 의대생 친구들과 함께 사후세계에 대한 궁금증을 풀고자 위험한 실험을 하게 된다. 바로 자신의 심장을 잠시 동안 정지시켜 죽음의 세계에 들어갔다가 다시 의식을 깨우는 실험인데, 코트니는 제일 먼저 이 위험한 실험에 나선다. 심정지 상태에 있던 코트니가 위태로운 고비를 넘기고 의식을 회복한 후, 내면에 잠재되어 있던 능력들이 함께 깨어나 엄청난 지능을 갖게 되자 이를 부러워한 친구들도 앞다투어 실험을 감행한다. 그러나 위험천만한 이 실험은 잘못된 욕망으로 인한 과거의 죄책감까지도 함께 깨우게 되는데…
Camera Operator
사고로 동생을 잃은 코트니는 의대생 친구들과 함께 사후세계에 대한 궁금증을 풀고자 위험한 실험을 하게 된다. 바로 자신의 심장을 잠시 동안 정지시켜 죽음의 세계에 들어갔다가 다시 의식을 깨우는 실험인데, 코트니는 제일 먼저 이 위험한 실험에 나선다. 심정지 상태에 있던 코트니가 위태로운 고비를 넘기고 의식을 회복한 후, 내면에 잠재되어 있던 능력들이 함께 깨어나 엄청난 지능을 갖게 되자 이를 부러워한 친구들도 앞다투어 실험을 감행한다. 그러나 위험천만한 이 실험은 잘못된 욕망으로 인한 과거의 죄책감까지도 함께 깨우게 되는데…
해필리 에버 애프터
Director of Photography
When Heather and Sarah Ann were growing up they told each other every secret. But Heather left their small town on the last day of high school vowing never to return. Forced to come back when her father becomes ill, the young documentary filmmaker is pressured into filming Sarah Ann's wedding video. Heather is convinced that the edgy filmmaker and bubbly pink-wearing bride have nothing in common, but as the big day approaches she finds that no one is quite what they seem – especially the old friend she thought she knew better than anyone.
Hit by Lightning
Director of Photography
When Ricky Miller, a single, quiet 40-year old aspiring writer and manager of Debbie's (think Denny's) and probably the last person you'd notice in a crowd is 'hit by lightning' and meets the love of his life, the beautiful Danita on, he is catapulted into a relationship online but it's a lot more than what he bargained for - this includes being asked to kill! Hounded by his best friend Seth who thinks no "10" would even go out with a guy like Ricky unless she had ulterior motives (or needed glasses), Ricky starts to get skeptical himself. Turns out, Danita confesses she's actually married to a handsome affable crime novelist and former Rabbi, Ben Jacobs. Is Danita telling Ricky the truth when she says wants to leave her husband but fears for her life if she does? Will Ricky go through with the plan to kill him so he and Danita can live happily ever after?
The Birder
Director of Photography
A mild mannered birder seeks revenge on a younger rival, after losing the highly coveted Head of Ornithology position at the National Park.
Old Stock
Director of Photography
After two years hiding out in his Grandfather's retirement residence, Stock Burton is forced back into his small town where he must come to terms with the troubled past that led to his early retirement.
Second Unit Director of Photography
미국 네브래스카 주의 경찰인 캐스린 볼코박은 돈이 필요하다는 지극히 개인적인 이유로, 정부에서 파견하는 평화유지군 임무에 지원하게 된다. 캐서린은 보스니아에 파견된 후 얼마 지나지 않아, 숲에서 상처투성이로 발견된 한 여자아이를 조사하게 되고, 그 아이가 보스니아 인신매매의 피해자라는 것을 알게 된다. 하지만 사건의 진실을 파헤치는 과정에서, 인신매매에 가담한 사람이 포주 한 명에 불과한 게 아니라는 것을 알게 되는데…
원 위크
Director of Photography
그녀도 세상도 모두 두고 떠나는 1주일! 사랑하는 약혼녀와의 결혼을 앞둔 선생님 벤은 어느 날 갑자기 암으로 시한부 선고를 받는다. 지금 당장 치료를 시작해도 생존 가능성이 희박하다는 의사의 진단을 받은 그에게는 모든 것이 힘겨울 뿐인데… 병원을 나온 벤은 우연히 모터사이클 마니아 노인을 만나게 되고, 그에게서 평소에 가지고 싶어했던 모터사이클을 사게 된다. 사랑하는 연인과 가족 그리고 세상 모든 것을 두고 홀홀 단신의 여행을 시작하게 되는데…
영 피플 퍼킹
Director of Photography
On a Tuesday night, five couples have separate sexual adventures. Matt and Kris, friends for years, want to have an only-once, no-strings good time. Abby and Andrew, married, celebrate his birthday, but it's marred by angst and miscommunication. Mia and Eric are exes, making sure they are over each other. Jaime and Ken work together and this is a first date. Inez and Gord invite his roommate, Dave, to join them. By the time each couple has gone through a prelude, foreplay, sex, an interlude, orgasm, and afterglow, they've answered basic questions: can sex be anonymous, are we bored, is our marriage really finished, does anyone tell the truth, and how do we make someone happy?
Big Girl
Playfully competing with Mom's new boyfriend, nine-year-old Josephine learns that letting people in can lead to wonderful things.
Pink Ludoos
Director of Photography
Straight In The Face
Long-term couple Steve and Elias are undergoing a relationship shift and discovering the complications of a non-monogamous arrangement. In the meanwhile, their daughter Nicoletta, has just brought home a potential suiter named Daniel, who may be closer in spirit to her fathers than she cares to know.
Saint Monica
Director of Photography
Saint Monica centers on a young girl named Monica, whose fervent desire is to return to the Toronto church with which she grew up. Determined to play an angel in its annual Christmas procession, Monica steals a pair of wings and prepares to join the rest of the cast. Complications arise when an eccentric old woman steals them back.
Spinning Out of Control
Director of Photography
A popular TV sitcom actress struggles with her drug and alcohol-addled private life while her manager does "damage control" for her own protection from the press, which is becoming increasingly difficult.