Forty years after the Fall of Saigon, a young Vietnamese woman is among the Vietnam War's uncounted casualties. Born near fields where American planes sprayed Agent Orange, Thao lives with severe physical deformities. Halfway around the world, a woman in New York is struggling to cope after the sudden death of her famed younger sister. In the midst of her crippling depression, a friend shows Elizabeth a black-and-white photograph from a recent trip abroad. The image haunts Elizabeth.
Forty years after the Fall of Saigon, a young Vietnamese woman is among the Vietnam War's uncounted casualties. Born near fields where American planes sprayed Agent Orange, Thao lives with severe physical deformities. Halfway around the world, a woman in New York is struggling to cope after the sudden death of her famed younger sister. In the midst of her crippling depression, a friend shows Elizabeth a black-and-white photograph from a recent trip abroad. The image haunts Elizabeth.
Forty years after the Fall of Saigon, a young Vietnamese woman is among the Vietnam War's uncounted casualties. Born near fields where American planes sprayed Agent Orange, Thao lives with severe physical deformities. Halfway around the world, a woman in New York is struggling to cope after the sudden death of her famed younger sister. In the midst of her crippling depression, a friend shows Elizabeth a black-and-white photograph from a recent trip abroad. The image haunts Elizabeth.
Hippie Chick
신경계 근육 질환을 앓고 있는 15살 소녀 조지아는 온 몸이 마비되기 전에 사랑을 하고 싶어한다. 어머니의 사진 작품을 팔러 벼룩시장에 나오게 되고 그곳에서 고등학교 영양사로 일하고 있는 비글을 만다. 그녀를 편견 없는 시선으로 대하는 비글과 데이트를 즐기는 조지아. 한편 비글의 형 가이는 록스타를 꿈꾸며 뉴욕으로 떠났지만 실패하여 돌아온다. 어머니 장례식마저 놓친 그는 애인이었던 스테파니가 가정을 이루고 살고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 조지와와 비글의 가족 구성원들은 사랑과 상실에 관한 문제로 고민하고 다투지만 화해하고 서로의 대한 사랑을 깨닫게 된다.
Life, love, and the fear of failing... Lilli Black, battling her painful memories and the secrets surrounding her dying father, collides into the complicated and obsessive life of Morrison Wiley on the streets of New York City. This peculiar love story exposes Lilli's internal bouts and her nightmarish "bad luck". We weave in and out of eight defective lives and go for a turbulent mental ride where Lilli's reality spirals out of control and we're lead to an unforgettable climax where some fall apart and some piece themselves together.