Executive Producer
Two South African boys, one white, Rhino, and one black, Zulu, go their separate ways after an incident. Many years later, they meet up again as adults, when one, after living for years in the United States, is now a wanted criminal. The two end up being a part of a madcap chase involving a check for a large amount of lottery money, pursued by Gen. Diehard and Rhino's ex-wife Rowena, who was the cause of the rift between the two protagonists.
An MBA goes to Africa to make a deal, but comes out with a Princess.
A U.S. agent saves a journalist and her son from an East German-Libyan chemical warfare plot in Africa.
Executive Producer
A large motor yacht becomes the focal point in this action tale when a group of mercenaries decide to capture the vessel. The original owner, who was delivering it to Sydney, Australia, is believed dead but is in fact very much alive, and determined to recover the yacht...
Executive Producer
The acclaimed drama based on Dalene Matthee´s award-winning novel. "Fiela se Kind" (Fiela's Child) is the story of a white foundling boy that is raised by a brown family. But the childs life changes irrevocably when white census officials discover him living across the established borders of society, and he is removed from his foster parents. "This is the moving story about a close family being torn apart by the social convictions of the day. It is the story of a mother´s enduring love and hope to see her taken son again. Fiela is a down to earth woman farmer who does not let anyone step on her. She raised a white castaway child, Benjamin, and teaches him the simple things in life."
Associate Producer
지구가 핵 전쟁으로 인해 황폐되어버린 서기 2030년. 군의 장교였던 노마드(Nomad: 패트릭 스웨이지 분)는 쇼 일당에 의해 살해된 상관의 복수를 위해 길을 떠난다. 그러던 중 가장 중요한 자원인 깨끗한 지하수가 무진장나는 부락에 도달해 그곳의 젊은 미망인 카샤(Kasha: 리사 니에미 분)와 그의 아들 적스(Jux: 브렛 훌 분)를 알게 된다. 카샤는 노마드에게 사랑을 느기게 되고, 함께 무진장한 지하수를 이용해 새로운 도시를 건설하려 하나 그 지역의 악당인 담보의 습격을 받아 무산되고 만다. 담보는 자신의 습격이 노마드에 의해 번번히 무산되자 쇼를 불러 마을을 습격, 카샤의 아들 적스를 볼모로 데려간다. 카샤는 아들을 구하기 위해 담보를 찾아가 물이 나오는 장소를 알려주는 대가로 아들을 놔줄 것을 요구한다. 이를 안 노마드는 카샤를 구하기 위해 담보의 본거지로 달려가고 쇼와의 치열한 격전 끝에 쇼를 죽이고 카샤와 적스를 구출한다.