Paul Welsh

출생 : , Scotland, UK


Paul Welsh is a producer, developer and commissioner based in Glasgow. He founded DigiCult in 2001 and continues to lead on development and production for the company. Over the last twenty years, Paul has built a strong reputation for developing new and emerging film talent, distilling his approach into a process-based workshop THE STORY ROOM. As producer, Paul’s debut feature SKELETONS (Nick Whitfield, 2010) won the Michael Powell Award for Best New British Feature, EIFF 2010, and was BAFTA and BIFA nominated the following year. His second feature LORE (Cate Shortland, 2012) premiered at Locarno and TIFF, winning numerous awards including Australian and German Academy Awards. Lore was Australia’s nominee for Foreign Language Oscar in 2013 and co-produced by Porchlight Films (Sydney) and Rohfilm (Berlin). In documentary, Irish-Scottish co-production LOST IN FRANCE (Niall McCann, 2016) premiered at CPH-Dox, EIFF and GFF, and is distributed by Curzon Artificial Eye in the UK. Over the last decade Paul’s live action shorts and animations include BAFTA in Scotland winners Battenberg (Stewart Comrie, 2010), Fixing Luka (Jessica Ashman, 2012), Monkey Love Experiments (Ainsley Henderson, Will Anderson, 2014), No Place Like Home (Cat Bruce, 2016), The Inescapable Arrival of Lazlo Petushki (Sven Werner, 2017), My Loneliness Is Killing Me (Tim Courtney, 2018) and Widdershins (Simon Biggs, 2018). Most recently, Paul developed and exec produced The Fabric of You (Josephine Lohoar Self, 2019) which is currently long-listed for the 2021 Oscars for Best Short Animation.

참여 작품

In a small provincial Iranian town, the children work hard to support their families. One day nine-year-old Yahya and his friend Leyla find a precious statue. Sharing a passion for cinema, Yahya's boss Naser Khan decides to help them find the owner.
A Glimpse
Executive Producer
A young mother accidentally opens a window on her past self, at a time when she was struggling with a series of miscarriages. How can she now help her past self through this distressing time and see hope in the future?
You Were There
Executive Producer
A father grieves for his deceased daughter and meets an old friend of hers.
Expensive Shit
Executive Producer
Tolu has a choice: save herself or save her friend. As a nightclub toilet attendant, she is both overlooked by and integral for a group of depraved men set on a hideous act.
Executive Producer
After years of estrangement, two brothers encounter their father living in a mysterious Scottish community.
Look Up
Executive Producer
A superstitious widow looks at the stars every night in the hope of understanding her late husband's last words to her. Meanwhile a homeless man discovers some interesting items discarded in a bin.
My Loneliness Is Killing Me
Executive Producer
When Elliott lures the animalistic Jack to his apartment for a late night hook up, he unexpectedly unearths a dark emotional connection.
Executive Producer
An emotionally repressed and traumatised young man is challenged by disruptive outsiders to face up to his delusion, and risks losing the final bond to his dead mother.
Lost in France
A new documentary explores the rise of Scotland's independent music scene in the '90s, led by cult label Chemikal Underground. On the journey, we revisit a defining, chaotic trip early in the musicians' careers, re-staging a concert in Brittany that connects the characters in life (and on stage) for the first time in many years.
Jack is utterly fed up with living at home. He longs for love, freedom and the music by KISS.
Executive Producer
Ryan moves from one village to the next with a merry-go-round. It isn't easy to keep finding new friends.
The Last Time I Saw Richard
Script Editor
Jonah is proud to be the loner at the teenage mental health clinic, taking pleasure in making the other patients uncomfortable. But when he is forced to share a room with the newly admitted Richard, the boys become locked in a battle of wills.
1945년 봄 연합군의 폭격 후 독일의 저항은 붕괴된다. 나치였던 아버지는 자살하고 어머니가 감옥에 간 뒤 로어는 여동생 리즐, 쌍둥이 남동생 귄터와 위르겐 그리고 막내 페터와 함께 남겨진다. 그들은 살아남기 위해 전쟁의 상흔으로 피폐해진 독일 땅을 가로질러 900km 떨어진 북부지역의 할머니 집으로 가야만 한다. 패배한 조국의 혼돈을 목격하면서 로어는 신비스러운 분위기의 젊은 유태인 난민 토마스를 만난다. 환영 받지 못한 채 토마스는 로어의 가족을 따라가게 되고 로어는 혐오와 열망이 교차하는 미묘한 감정을 느낀다. 유태인인 토마스에 대해 로어는 저항과 편치 못할 친절함을 느끼지만 토마스의 도움을 받아가며 점차적으로 로어와 그녀의 동생들은 가까워진다. 하지만 로어가 토마스를 믿어야 할까? 믿지 않는다면 그녀의 동생들은 어떻게 될까? 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까? 로어는 전쟁 후 황폐화된 현실을 직시하며 사랑, 죄 그리고 용서의 본질에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
Mike picks up his teenage son on his birthday so they can spend a rare day together, but soon realizes that there is a lot they don't know about each other anymore.
해골을 청소해드립니다
수다쟁이 파트너인 데이비드와 베넷. 그들은 사람들의 벽장에서 해골을 꺼내 청소하여 영혼을 달래주는 독특한 엑소시스트다. 여느 때와 같이 숨겨져 있던 해골을 청소하던 그들은 해골의 영혼이 살아남은 사람들의 삶에 다시 끼어들려고 한다는 것 알게 되는데… 영국 시골을 배경으로 엑소시즘이라는 공포영화의 소재를 영국식 유머로 풀어내는 코미디. (2010년 제14회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Deliver Me
Executive Producer
A desperate woman with an optical tumor seeks out a faith healer as a last resort solution, but it works a little too well.
The Taxidermist
A shop worker discovers how far she will go for love when the Taxidermist next door is threatened with eviction.
Executive Producer
13-year-old Nico is badly beaten by his brother while playing with fireworks. To gain revenge, he steals his brother's cat. Unable to return home, he meets up with some other kids, and they head to the railway track where two of the boys commit an act of mindless brutality. Nico is compelled by the frenzied horror of earlier events to join in. As the day draws to a close, the boys break up and head home and Nico is left to contemplate his actions.