A professional hitman returns to Brazil and is hired to eliminate an Argentine Delegate in a Rio de Janeiro convention. Inspector José da Silva realizes the plot and starts to pursuit him.
Max Varnel’s British mystery thriller. After discovering a famous painting is a forgery, a noted art critic is killed by a hit-and-run driver. Starring Ray McAnally, Catherine Feller and Yvonne Buckingham.
When Edgar sees his girlfriend Betty getting up close and personal with his best friend Carl, he murders Carl in a jealous rage and hides the corpse under the floor of his piano room. Comes the night, and Edgar begins to hear strange sounds coming from under the floor...
연방국가에서 온 이주자들에게 인종적인 적대감을 공공연히 표출하던 1950년대 런던. 임신한 한 음대학생이 살해되는 일이 발생한다. 경시청의 형사 2명(니겔 패트릭, 마이클 크레이그 분)이 수사에 나서게 되면서, 피살자 주변에 있던 모든 사람들이 용의선상에 떠오른다. 실상 그녀는 백인으로 행세하던 흑인 여성이었고, 여자가 흑인임이 밝혀지면 자신의 인생마저 망가질 것을 두려워하는 백인 애인과 그녀의 부모, 그리고 그녀가 백인 사회에 받아들여졌을 때 버림받은 소년들까지 광범위한 수사가 진행되는 동안 형사들은 자신이 갖고 있던 사회적 편견들과 하나하나 만나게 되는데...
Unassuming planning engineer David Webb finds himself on the Queen Elizabeth to New York with instructions to negotiate a high-powered loan. His lack of confidence means he is completely out of his depth, at least until he finds his personality changes every day during the hour the ship's clocks stop to make allowance for their westward passage.