Harry Cleven

Harry Cleven

출생 : 1956-08-19, Liège, Belgique

프로필 사진

Harry Cleven

참여 작품

Gaspard is the last man on Earth. Zeria, his grandson, is the first human to be born on Mars. Gaspard tells him about his life, his fears and his loves in the hope that Zeria will come to see him before he dies. Zeria would be the first human being to return to Earth without having ever known it.
Gaspard is the last man on Earth. Zeria, his grandson, is the first human to be born on Mars. Gaspard tells him about his life, his fears and his loves in the hope that Zeria will come to see him before he dies. Zeria would be the first human being to return to Earth without having ever known it.
나의 엔젤
앞이 보이지 않아 늘 혼자인 소녀 ‘마들렌’ 에게 몸이 투명한 소년 ‘엔젤’이 찾아온다. 보이지 않지만 ‘엔젤’의 모든 것을 느낄 수 있는 그녀는 어느새 ‘엔젤’에게 깊은 감정을 느낀다. 하지만 두 사람은 ‘마들렌’의 눈 수술 때문에 이별하게 되고, 몇 년 뒤 시력을 회복해 집으로 돌아온 ‘마들렌’은 ‘엔젤’을 애타게 찾지만, 그의 흔적조차 찾을 수 없는데.. 과연 ‘마들렌’은 ‘엔젤’을 다시 만날 수 있을까?
나의 엔젤
앞이 보이지 않아 늘 혼자인 소녀 ‘마들렌’ 에게 몸이 투명한 소년 ‘엔젤’이 찾아온다. 보이지 않지만 ‘엔젤’의 모든 것을 느낄 수 있는 그녀는 어느새 ‘엔젤’에게 깊은 감정을 느낀다. 하지만 두 사람은 ‘마들렌’의 눈 수술 때문에 이별하게 되고, 몇 년 뒤 시력을 회복해 집으로 돌아온 ‘마들렌’은 ‘엔젤’을 애타게 찾지만, 그의 흔적조차 찾을 수 없는데.. 과연 ‘마들렌’은 ‘엔젤’을 다시 만날 수 있을까?
이웃집에 신이 산다
Passant micro-trottoir
유럽 브뤼셀의 수상한 아파트, 그곳에는 못된 심보의 괴짜 신이 살고 있다. 어엿한 가정까지 꾸리고 있지만 인간을 골탕 먹이기 좋아하고, 아내와 자식들에겐 소리 지르기 일쑤,‘진상’ 그 자체가 바로 ‘신’이다! 심술궂은 아빠‘신’의 행동에 반발한 사춘기 딸 ‘에아’는 아빠의 컴퓨터를 해킹해 지상에 있는 모든 사람들에게 죽는 날짜를 문자로 전송하고, 세상은 일대 혼란에 빠진다. 세상을 구원할 방법은 오로지 신약성서를 다시 쓰는 것뿐! 에아는 새로운 신약성서에 담을 6명의 사도를 찾아 나서는데…
Welcome Home
This is the story of two childhood friends - Lucas (a 16-year-old high-schooler) and Bert (a mechanic’s apprentice) - who flee the suffocating fish bowl that their killjoy families’ lives have become. Lucas, still quite immature, finds a “big brother” in Bert, a guide who is going to take him straight to the brink of catastrophe. But very quickly, boredom resurfaces and the freewheeling sense of being on an adventure evades them. Should they return to the fold, or keep moving on? Their drifting logic compels them to blindly forge ahead.
A Better World
Journaliste 1
Henry, dedicated citizen of a pitiless dictatorship, has always worked intensely at the Denunciation Ministry. But suddenly, the regime collapses; the cold, technocratic and paranoid world becoming at once an idyllic and caricatured countryside. Henry, panicked without the rules he was addicted to, seems to be the only one to regret the old regime. As if it was going to come back, he continues to follow the rules and clings to his useless work...
미스터 노바디
Man in Black 2
2092년 죽음을 눈앞에 둔 118살 '니모'는 한 기자와의 인터뷰를 통해 인생의 첫 번째 선택을 떠올린다. 9살의 '니모'가 이혼하게 된 부모님 중 한 명을 선택하게 된 것. 그 선택을 시작으로 '니모'는 각기 다른 아홉 가지 인생을 살게 된다. 어머니를 선택한 15살의 ‘니모’는 새아버지의 딸 '안나'와 깊은 사랑에 빠지지만 어른들의 거센 반대에 부딪히고, 아버지를 선택한 15살의 '니모'는 또 다른 소녀 '앨리스'와 '진'을 만나며 첫사랑의 아픔을 겪는다. 그리고 34살의 니모는 헤어진 '안나'를 찾으러 다니는 수영장 관리인, '앨리스'와 결혼한 다큐멘터리 진행자, '진'과 결혼한 성공한 사업가로 각각 다른 인생을 살아간다. 이야기를 마친 118살 '니모'는 무엇이 진짜 인생이었는지, 무엇이 더 행복한 인생이었는지를 묻는다.
The Taxi Driver
영화는 아나의 삶을 바꿔놓은 세 번의 순간을 따라간다. 금방이라도 무너질 듯한 저택에서 보낸 어린 시절의 공포, 눈부시게 아름다운 소녀가 되어 어머니와 함께 걷는 시골길, 그리고 성인이 되어 다시 고향으로 돌아가는 심리적 서스펜스는 70년대 이탈리아 영화의 완벽한 오마주이면서 그 모두를 뛰어넘는 힘을 가진다. (2010년 제14회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Les Héritières
In 1945, Corsica, an important landowner named Ottavio Della Rocca decides to marry her youngest daughter, Vanina, the son of the Caponi family. Because the old Della Rocca intends to consolidate its power while the Liberation redistributes the cards. Vanina but does not want this union. During the war, she met a jazz musician in Marseille and can not imagine marry another - even to save the family estate. At night, she fled and left the island. Enraged, Ottavio decides to disinherit. But the idea to sell all his property to his two eldest, Antonia and Flavia, do little delights. In fact, he despises blithely ...
France in the fifties. The teenage orphan Sylvie is put in an institution for "fallen" or endangered girls, subjected to harsh treatment by the bigoted nuns who run the institution like a prison. Sylvie befriends a girl who wants to escape.
The photographer and family man Matyas is married and has a happy life with his beloved wife Claire, who is pregnant and near the delivery, and his young son Pierre. Matyas was raised in an orphanage, and he believes his mother died when he was six. However, he receives a correspondence and discovers that his mother has just passed away and that he has a twin brother, Thomas. Matyas does not recall his childhood with his mother and brother and has problems with blood. When Thomas visits his family, Matyas becomes paranoid, believing that his sibling wishes to takeover his family.
Pour le plaisir
Maurice Weckmann
Dans une petite ville du Nord, François, le garagiste, va consulter Vincent, le psy. À la question posée : "Ma femme me dit qu'elle ne peut prendre du plaisir qu'avec les assassins. Pas de crime. Pas d'orgasme. Que dois-je faire, Docteur ?. La réponse du praticien est simple : "Entrez dans son fantasme. Inventez-vous un crime !"
Why Get Married the Day the World Ends?
Juliette is frantically running away from a man when a car hits her. Lying in the street, semiconscious and stunned, she commences counting. She knows that if no one helps her by the time she reaches 100, something terrible will happen.
The Wall
le gréviste
This is a surrealistic film about a local small town 'hot chips' owner who finds his store cut in half by a newly erected wall in Belgium that is meant to separate the Flemish speakers from the Walloons (French Speakers) . Unfortunately for Albert, he finds himself on the wrong side of the wall after a long night of new millennium partying and the beginning of a love affair with a gorgeous Flemish girl. (from IMDB.com)
포에버 모차르트
Harry, le Grand Écrivain
고다르는 이 영화를 1996년 칸 영화제에 출품하여 건재를 과시했다. 뮈세의 연극, 보스니아 전쟁, 그리고 늙은 감독의 작품 만들기와 그 실패가 모차르트의 음악과 어우러진다. 고다르의 분신이기도 한 노감독을 통해 고다르는 상업이라는 이름으로 감독에게 가해지는 폭력을 보스니아 전쟁과 병치시킨다. 유럽의 장래에 대한 고다르의 우려가 엿보이는 작품.
L'auberge de la Jamaïque
Lou Didn't Say No
The turbulent relationship between a filmmaker and a volatile actor.
The Chess Game
Le Dandy
In 19th century, a disillusioned priest helps a young boy drifter who's a chess wunderkind to move on up in life and social structures using his talent. Years later, he's a success, but game of life and love has higher stakes than chess.
As an amateur magician, Phil is probably okay, but as a small-time criminal, he is definitely not destined for the big-time. When he is granted a twenty-four-hour furlough from prison in order to attend his mother's funeral, he is aware of this and intends to keep out of trouble. Furthermore, he has the same intention for when he finishes his prison term. Thus, his brothers' attempts to get him involved in a really neat theft they have dreamed up do not at first meet with much favor in his eyes. Eventually, their enthusiasm and the almost overwhelming assortment of pleasures they have arranged for him to enjoy soften him up enough for him to cooperate with them. Predictably, things don't go well, but an unsought chance to renew lost love also comes to him at this time, and good fortune finally intervenes on his behalf.
The Secret of Sarah Tombelaine
Legend has it that Archangel Michael confronted the Dragon and imprisoned him under a huge stone called today Mont Saint Michel. Winter 1991, the Mount is deserted. Unaware of the curse that keeps her there, Sarah transforms herself every night into a strange creature that feeds the dragon the dreams of sleeping men.
The Day of the Cat
A woman has difficulty dealing with the death of the family pet.
The Abyss
The Inquisition is in full swing in 16th century Flanders. Wanted for his dissident writings, the alchemist doctor Zeno has been wandering Europe under an assumed name for twenty years. But he remains a non-conformist. He returns to his native Bruges, where he thinks he has been forgotten. In this silent labyrinth where the faces of the past resurface, he rediscovers his identity and thus signs his death warrant.
A respected police commissioner has a reputation as a opera lover, but by night he also enjoys plunging into the transvestite scene. In addition, he harbors a longing for his very own sister. When he learns that his wife has been murdered, he tries to implicate the set designer who has designs on his sister.
디즈니랜드로 가장한 갱스타 미티 형제들은 부다페스트에서 홀드업을 한탕 치르고 빠리행 기차에 오른다. 기차에서 연극배우인 사촌을 찾아가던 레옹과 만나 그들은 친구가 된다. 미키는 빠리에 도착 후 브냉 형제집을 찾아가 애인 마리를 빼앗고 둘의 약혼 축제를 벌이며 일대소란을 피운다.
Barbarous Street
In this strange and beautiful crime drama, Bernard Giraudeau is Daniel Chetman, someone who wants to leave the life of violence he knew in his neighborhood -- and cannot do so because his nemesis, a strutting street gangster now involved with organized crime, continues to terrorize the inhabitants of Chetman's turf. After much spilled blood, a parade of ugly underground types, and various sexual scenes, Chetman reduces the forces of evil to a reasonable level of opposition -- but who knows if the neighborhood will be different in the end...
Salt on the Skin
After a computer operator has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves - photography and model planes - to challenge him anyway. However, one day a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother with her 10-year-old daughter come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished.