Barry Atsma

Barry Atsma

출생 : 1972-12-29, Bromley, England, UK


Barry Atsma is a Dutch actor. The family into which he was born moved many times, because Atsma's father worked as an expat for the Dutch-British multinational Unilever. Barry Atsma spent part of his youth in United Kingdom, Greece, Brasil and the Netherlands.

프로필 사진

Barry Atsma

참여 작품

Hugo Warmond
Marius and Kitty have been living in Italy for some time now, where they managed to get their hands on a vineyard in Tuscany. Marius has improved his life, so Hugo leaves in good spirits to drop off his daughter Suus with best friend Chrissie for a long-awaited reunion. But something is wrong with the purchase of the vineyard.
Schlaflos in Portugal
킬러의 보디가드 2
킬러 다리우스(사무엘 L. 잭슨)를 호송하느라 경호 면허를 잃게 된 마이클(라이언 레이놀즈)은 스트레스로 인해 정신과 상담마저 받아야 하는 상황. 침착하게 마음을 달래며 명상의 삶을 살려던 그의 앞에 난데없이 다리우스와 결혼했다고 주장하는 킬러의 아내 소니아(셀마 헤이엑)가 나타난다. 절대 총을 들지 않겠다면서 자발적 안식년을 주장하는 마이클은 소니아에게 반강제로 이끌려 다리우스 구출 작전에 합류하게 되고, 그와 동시에 그리스의 혁명적 부활을 꿈꾸는 악당 아리스토텔레스(안토니오 반데라스)에게도 쫓기게 되는데...
Angel is a shy, clumsy girl who can't say no to anything. When she finds a beautiful special watch, which can make all her wishes come true, she suddenly is incredibly popular but will her new life truly make her happy?
레지스탕스 뱅커
Walraven van Hall
자신의 미래도, 가족의 생명도, 나치와의 전쟁에 모두 걸었다. 비밀리에 지하 은행을 만들어 레지스탕스 지원에 나선 네덜란드 은행가. 그의 위험한 작전은 성공할까.
킬러의 보디가드
영국 최고 실력을 자랑하는 사설 경호원 마이클 브라이스(라이언 레이놀즈)는 어이없는 실수로 의뢰인을 죽게 만든 후 하루아침에 일감이 뚝 끊긴다. 한편 역사상 최악의 독재자로 악명을 떨치던 벨라루스의 두코비치 대통령(게리 올드먼)이 인터폴에 체포되어 헤이그에서 국제사법재판을 받게 된다. 재판 시효가 다가올 때마다 범죄를 증명할 증인이 하나둘 죽어나가자, 사태의 심각성을 파악한 인터폴은 두코비치 대통령의 민간인 학살 범행을 증명할 희대의 킬러 다리우스(새뮤얼 L. 잭슨)를 교도소에서 빼내와 법정에 세울 계획을 세우는데...
철의 심장을 가진 남자
Karl Hermann Frank
1938년 체코는 독일에 의해 합병을 당한다. 나치는 체코를 독일 3제국 보호령으로 임명을 하고, 해군에서 불미스런 사건으로 강제 전역을 당한 하이드리히(제이슨 클락)를 총독 대리로 파견하게 된다. 그리고 시작된 유대인 학살 정책들. 런던에서는 하이드리히를 암살한 두 명의 요원을 파견하게 되고, 그들은 체코에 있는 비밀 결사 조직의 도움을 얻어 계획을 준비하게 된다. 점점 다가오는 하이드리히 암살 작전. 하지만 그들이 계획을 실행하기 직전 체코 비밀 조직이 적들의 습격에 당하게 되면서 계획에는 큰 차질을 빚게 된다. 과연 그들은 하이드리히의 암살 작전을 무사히 성공 시킬 수 있을 것인가?
Charlotte Link - Die letzte Spur
Marc Reeves
Siv Sleeps Astray
Seven-year-old Siv’s first night sleeping over at her new friend Cerisia’s place turns out to be a magical one. In the early evening, many things are already beginning to seem odd, the exotic food, all of the animals ... At night though, the unfamiliar flat really starts to become a realm full of secrets.
In My Father's Garden
Hans Sievez
The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.
Men in the City 2
A lot has changed in the lives of our men, but in the sequel to Men in the City, finding their true love turns out to be everything but a fairytale. So the search continues in full swing.
Zurich is a musical roadmovie about Nina, who discovers after the death of her great love, truckdriver Boris, he led a double life. Struggling with her feelings she comes to an almost unforgivable deed, and flees. She submerges into the truckers scene – not capable to express herself, except by singing.
Hunters in The Night
Richard Landen
One morning, a Japanese monk shows up in a village: He does not speak a word, has a head injury and is evidently on the run. Chief Inspector Louise Bonì immediately senses that the young man is in grave danger. However, her supervisor Bermann does not believe her word - because since a deadly use Bonì is psychologically struck and is mainly due to an alcohol problem. Nevertheless, she continues to investigate on her own. The trail leads to a mysterious Zen monastery and a private children's aid organization, which mediates Asian adopted children. Soon Louise awakens a terrible suspicion.
제독: 미힐 드 로이테르
Johan de Witt
17세기 신흥 강국으로 부상한 네덜란드. 2만 척의 배로 전세계를 누비며 교역으로 부를 쌓고, 정치적으로는 공화국 체계를 구축하며 국민에게 자유를 장려하던 네덜란드는 왕당정치를 고수하던 유럽 열강국들에게 위협적인 존재로 성장하기에 이른다. 이에 영국은 함대를 보내 네덜란드의 교역로를 차단하려 하고 끝내 교전이 빈번하게 일어나는데… 영국과의 해전 중 전사한 트롬프 장군은 선장에 불과한 미힐에게 그의 뒤를 부탁한다는 유언을 남기고 이에 힘입어 선원들 사이에서 뛰어난 지도력과 전략을 선보여 인정을 받았던 미힐은 왕당파의 반대에도 불구하고 새로운 장군으로 취임하게 된다. 미힐이 장군이 됨으로써 처음으로 영국과의 해전에서 승리를 거두고, 그 뒤에도 미힐은 계속해서 네덜란드에게 승리를 안겨주지만 그를 향한 왕당파의 시선이 곱지만은 않다. 이렇게 나라 안팎의 적들을 상대하며 미힐은 네덜란드 함대를 유럽 최강으로 올려놓기 위해 고군분투하는데… 위대한 업적으로 혁혁한 공을 세우며 지금까지도 역사상 가장 위대한 제독으로 기억되는 장군 미힐 드 로이테르는 과연 마지막까지 네덜란드에게 승리를 선사할 수 있을 것인가.
Alles muss raus
Oskar Etsch
In Your Name
A perfectly happy couple believe they live their dream when they expect their first child. That dream is shattered when the child dies, leaving them to cope with their loss, their environment, and ultimately themselves.
꾸뻬씨의 행복여행
매일 같이 불행하다고 외치는 사람들을 만나는 런던의 정신과 의사 ‘헥터’, 과연 진정한 행복이란 뭘까 궁금해진 그는 모든 걸 제쳐두고 훌쩍 행복을 찾기 위한 여행을 떠난다. 돈이 행복의 조건이라고 생각하는 상하이의 은행가, 가족과 행복하게 살고 싶은 아프리카의 마약 밀매상, 생애 마지막 여행을 떠난 말기암 환자, 그리고 가슴 속에 간직해둔 LA의 첫사랑까지 ‘헥터’는 여행지에서 만난 수많은 인연들을 통해 그는 리스트를 완성해 나간다. 설레고 흥겹고 즐거운 그리고 때로는 위험천만하기까지 한 여행의 순간들, 진정한 행복의 비밀을 찾아 떠난 정신과 의사의 버라이어티한 어드벤처가 시작된다!
Göttliche Funken
Matthias, who is about to lead his beloved Diana in front of the altar, cannot believe his eyes: Lily, the former love of his life, appears as the pastor who has stepped in at short notice! The convincingly played love drama sends its protagonists on an exciting emotional balancing act with a constant risk of falling.
피의자: 사라진 증거
Jaap van Hoensbroeck
아동 병원의 간호사로 일하고 있는 루시아는 고집스러운 성격이지만 나이 든 노인과 허약한 아기들을 돌보는 것을 자신의 사명으로 여기는 평범한 여성이다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀가 돌보던 아기가 갑작스럽게 죽는 사건이 발생하고, 이를 수상하게 여긴 병원은 경찰에 사건을 의뢰한다. 패기 넘치는 젊은 여검사 유디스는 적극적으로 나서서 사건을 파헤치고 루시아의 이전 행적들이 심상치 않음을 발견, 그녀를 살인사건의 용의자라 확신한다. 루시아가 계속해서 무죄를 주장하는 가운데 여론까지 가세해 그녀를 ‘죽음의 천사’라 부르기 시작하고, 결국 그녀는 4건의 살인사건 혐의로 종신형을 선고 받는다. 그러던 어느 날, 모든 것이 완벽해 보이는 사건에 한 두 가지 허점이 보이기 시작하고, 자신의 판단을 확신했던 유디스는 수사가 어디서부터인가 잘못되었음을 직감 하는데… 유럽을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 충격실화가 공개된다!
Wigbold Ripperda
While she fights a heroic battle against the Spanish besieger with her female army, Kenau, driven by hate and sorrow of the execution of her youngest daughter, is threatened to also lose her eldest daughter, because her fear and pain are covered by her stubborn closeness.
Men in the City
Following the love lives of different types of men in Amsterdam.
미피의 동물원 보물찾기
Vader Pluis
미피와 친구인 멜라니, 그런티는 미피의 엄마 아빠와 함께 동물원에 놀러간다. 동물원에서 엄마 아빠가 내주는 찾기놀이를 하며 다양한 동물들을 만나는 미피와 친구들. 다섯 가지 동물들을 모두 찾은 친구들에게 주어지는 보물과 또 다른 깜짝 선물은 과연 무엇일까?
Leo van der Molen
A famous game show host is being harassed in a restaurant by a strange man who claims to have kidnapped his wife and daughter. A morbid game ensues in which the game show host turns out to be the contestant.
언제부턴가 서로에게 소원해진 요한과 사라. 서로 사랑했던 시절로 돌아가기 위해 둘은 함께 아르헨티나로 관계 회복 여행을 가게 된다. 꿈에 부풀었던 여행은 그러나 예상하지 못했던 끔찍한 살인 사건을 목격하게 되며 망가진다. 사건의 현장을 우연히 카메라에 담은 부부는 가해자가 비리 경찰임을 알게 된다. 부부의 존재를 눈치챈 잒혹한 살인범은 이제 그들을 쫓는다. 숨막히는 추격전! 살기위한 사투가 시작된다!
Matthias Stevens
Five best friends, all married, decide to share a loft apartment. In this loft they meet their mistresses and conquests. Everything seems perfect, until one morning the body of an unknown young woman is found in the loft. The group of friends begin to suspect each other and it soon becomes clear that they know far less about each other than they had initially thought. Dutch remake of the Flemish movie Loft (2008).
Two Eyes Staring
Nine-year-old Lisa discovers her sinister new friend is the ghost of the dead twin of Lisa's mother. Then Lisa's father also begins to suspect his wife of hiding a terrible secret, resulting in deadly consequences…
Handsome Dutchman Stijn is the star of an advertising agency with his buddy Frenk and a hot womanizer. The boys start their own agency and Stijn marries colleague Carmen, who accepts his incurable greed for truly meaningless one-night-stands. Even fatherhood and a move to the boring country go well, until Carmen gets breast cancer. Now their lives are turned upside-down, maybe wrecked
The Storm
Aldo Hendriks
A fictional story within the historical context of the disastrous flood that engulfed the Dutch coastal province of Zeeland in 1953. When their farmhouse is destroyed by the flood, teenage mother Julia gets separated from her baby boy, whom she kept hidden in a box. She is saved from drowning by a young air force lieutenant, who agrees to go help looking for Julia's little son.
Jos is mentally-challenged and still living with his mother. On his 34th birthday his life is about to change dramatically.
Morrison krijgt een zusje
Morrison is a pathetic little boy of five years. A very happy little boy until the new baby comes. Because there is no place for Morrison, then to his aunt in the convent. Morrison makes every effort to prevent it. First he runs away, but if that fails he has a better plan. Not he should go, the baby must go. And that plan succeeds. All great people are in panic.
De Prins en het Meisje
Prins Constantijn
Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...
Hotel Paradijs
Every day Paul crosses a canal that separates the Amsterdam city center from the north side, where his lover Christiaan lives and waits for him. A dear routine for both - until one day Paul meets Claire, who starts seducing him into her very own universe, the Hotel Paradijs. Claire makes Paul the audience of her own play: a play where the roles are reversed and into which Paul is undeniably drawn.
Night Run
Detective Nijdam
Dennis is a taxi driver trying to start out his own company. One day, he gets the opportunity to buy a scarce and expensive but lucrative license.
A Thousand Kisses
Rising, rather autobiographical novelist Giph has a hot girlfriend, doctor and model Samarinde. His crude, domineering and progressive mother Ria's suffering an incurable decease in which she suffers from paraplegia. Her inevitably ensuing death is brought forward with euthanasia. Giph is struggling to handle the situation with his mother. Shortly after his mother has passed he away, he decides to join his fun loving friends on La Palma for a holiday. There Samarinde tells her boyfriend she's expecting his baby
Years ago, Lepel's parents left an hot air balloon world tour. He stays with granny Koppenol, a mean bitch who constantly exploits him for domestic chores, in her buttons shop and even as accomplice in the department store where she steals the buttons from clothes. After she won't even leave him the balloon kind salesman Max gave him, Lepel, now 9, runs away. He meets Max's slightly older daughter Pleun. Schoolmaster Bijts is also looking for him, but only as arithmetics talent for an academic schools contest. Max accidentally finds out the sad truth about Lepel's family.
Le Ciambelle
When a woman realises that her life is lived for her by her husband and children and she falls under the spell of southern smells, sounds and tastes, she hallucinates her way to her Fata Morgana.
Father's Affair
Armin is in crisis. One fateful day he discovers he is infertile and has been throughout his life. From this he discovers his first wife, Monika, was unfaithful before she died. How else could she have the child that Armin always thought was his? His paranoia drives him to find the truth.
Rita Koeling
For the first time in his life timid Anton, an eleven-year-old pubescent, falls madly in love with one of his classmates, precocious Rita Koeling. But Anton shrinks from openly telling his tough friends about his romantic feelings.
Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent
생전에 단 한 작품만 팔렸다. 유일한 전시회는 술집이었다. 고갱 때문에 귀를 잘랐다? 자살했다? Vs 타살됐다? 광기와 열정이 넘친 강렬한 삶과 명작 탄생의 비밀이 밝혀진다!
로테르담, 아이 러브 유
Several love stories set in one of the most interesting new cities in the world, Rotterdam.