LeMarc Johnson

참여 작품

Roach (as LaMarc Johnson)
겉으로는 평화로워 보이지만 각자 오해와 사소한 거짓말들로 서로에게 신뢰감을 잃어버린 가족. 연기자를 꿈꾸는 애슐리는 불안한 가정 속에서 불량한 친구들과 어울려 다니고 오빠 제이슨은 마약에 빠져 하루도 마약없이 살수없는 지경에 이른다. 부부는 각자 다른 생가으로 겉잡을 수 없을 정도로 가족위기에 처한다. 그런 가족에게 집 수리공 맥이 찾아오면서 맥에게 자신의 불안한 심정을 조금씩 털어 놓으며 안정감을 찾아가는데... 점차 변화된 모습을 보이는 애슐리는 아이들에게 크리스마스 맞이 연극을 가르치게 된다. 크리스마스에 연극을 보러 온 이 가족... 다시 사랑하며 행복한 가족을 만들 수 있을까?
Pros and Cons: A Fantasy Football Movie
Tyrice 'TD' Donovan
Jack will do anything to win his league - even take out his opponents players. Jack Snow is a family man obsessed with winning his high stakes fantasy football league. He's a huge fan of fantasy football and professional football, but his wife forbids him to play. Steve-O, Jack's friend, convinces him to play one more time. Jack keeps it secret from his wife and son. He must take home the league championship in order to win the $60,000 payout.
A Swingin' Trio
Homer Garcon is an unpublished and frustrated science fiction writer living off the success of his wife, Trude Garcon-Moore, a busy Hollywood producer. As a result, he finds himself "trapped" in lavish surroundings - his luxury jail - and with publisher rejection letters piling high, Homer has convinced himself of his wife's infidelity. Phillips' darkly-comic script follows Homer as he dives into the prickly territories of self-awareness and self pity, in his quest to find the truth about his possibly cheating wife--and himself--all at a Valentine's Day dinner decidedly set for three. A largely dialogue-driven film, A Swingin' Trio is about four things: love, music, betrayal, and one really good dinner.