The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
A ghost helps the Bowery Boys capture a gang of crooks led by a mad doctor.
Slip, Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) think an air-raid test is for real and join the Army.
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
Bowery Boy #5, slender
Slip and Sach take the rap for a robbery they did not commit in order to uncover the real robbers, whom they suspect are led by a convict who gives orders to his gang outside via a short-wave radio stashed somewhere in the prison.
Slip and Sach's boss, David J. Thurston, has allegedly committed suicide. Slip finds a book of matches with the name of a local nightclub on his boss' desk and finds out from Gabe that a gambling casino is being run out of it. Slip comes to the conclusion that the club had something to do with his boss' death and sets out to find his murderer. The boys get jobs at the club and Louie poses as a rich cattlemen as they gather the information to convict the murderers.
While Louie is on vacation, the boys turn The Sweet Shop into an escort service, and soon find a group of beautiful girls as their first clients.
Magazine Clerk (uncredited)
밸보아 마을에서 살고 있다. 어느 이른 아침, 하퍼 부인(Lucia Harper: 조안 베네트 분)은 급히 차를 몰고 LA로 향한다. 하퍼 부인은 LA의 허름한 한 호텔에서 테드 다비(Ted Darby: 셰퍼드 스트루드윅 분)를 만나 더 이상 딸을 만나지 말 것을 경고한다. 다비는 그린 부인에게 돈을 요구한다. 집으로 돌아온 하퍼 부인은 비트리스(Bea Harper: 제랄딘 브룩스 분)에게 다비가 돈을 요구했다는 사실을 말하지만 이미 다비에게서 전화를 받은 비트리스는 엄마의 말을 믿지 않고 오히려 화를 낸다.
그날 밤 다비는 비트리스를 찾아와 돈 얘기를 꺼낸다. 엄마의 말이 사실임을 깨달은 비트리스는 말다툼 끝에 다비를 밀치고 도망쳐 집으로 돌아온다. 비트리스는 엄마에게 사실대로 말하고 다시는 그를 만나지 않겠다고 약속한다. 그 다음날 아침 보트 창고로 확인을 하러 나갔던 하퍼 부인은 닻에 찔려 숨져있는 다비를 발견한다. 딸의 짓이라고 믿는 부인은 시체를 보트에 싣고 늪지대로 가 시체를 유기한다. 그 다음날, 도넬리(Martin Donnelly: 제임스 메이슨 분)라는 사람이 찾아와 비트리스가 다비에게 쓴 편지를 건네며 5,000달러를 주지 않으면 경찰에 편지를 제공하겠다고 협박한다. 그때부터 하퍼 부인은 동분서주 돈을 구하러 뛰어다니지만...
Vendor at Drive-in (uncredited)
코디 자렛과 그의 어머니를 포함한 갱들은 열차 강도를 한 후 산 속에 숨는다. 코디는 발작적인 두통에 시달리고 있다. 한편 갱의 일원 중에는 보스가 되길 원하며 코디의 부인인 버나를 탐내는 빅 에드라는 인물이 있다. 경찰에 체포된 코디는 감옥에서 빅 파도와 친해진다. 그러나 빅은 사실은 비밀 수사를 하고 있는 경찰이다. 코디는 빅 에드와 버나가 자신의 어머니를 살해했다는 사실을 전해 듣고 충격을 받는다. 그는 빅의 도움을 받아 탈옥을 감행한다. 30년대 갱스터 영화와 전후 필름 느와르의 교차점에 위치하는 범죄영화의 걸작. 라월 월시의 대표작일 뿐만 아니라 영화사상 최고의 터프 가이로서의 제임스 캐그니의 연기도 눈여겨볼 만하다.
WB Messenger Boy (uncredited)
A waitress at the Warner Brothers commissary is anxious to break into pictures. She thinks her big break may have arrived when actors Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan agree to help her.
Messenger Boy
Slip and Sach are working as cleaners in a high rise building. They enter an office to clean it when a messenger hears them use Slip's given name, Terrance Mahoney. The messenger has a letter for "Terrance Mahonoey, Esq." and mistakenly delivers it to Slip. The letter informs Slip that he has inherited a mansion in Long Island. The boys then make their way to the mansion and find that it is inhabited by diamond smugglers. The real owner of the house shows up and helps save the day and defeat the smugglers and gives the boys the house as a reward.
Andrew T. 'Andy' Miller
Slip invites his cousin Jimmy to stay with his family after he is released from prison. However, Jimmy soon gets mixed up with an auto-theft ring.
Sammy (as Bud Gorman)
The police commissioner asks some local street kids to toughen up his sissy son.
Bud Gorman
After having been framed by gamblers, Muggs is barred from riding in horse races. Snce he can no longer race, he takes up a collection so Ma Brown, who owns the horses won't have her stable foreclosed on. However, one of the gamblers involved in the frame falls for Ma Brwn's daughter, and decides to come clean and confess to the police about the frame. The other gamblers hear about it and set out to shut him up and discredit Muggs and Ma Brown once and for all.
The East Side Kids are pursued by killers seeking a stolen necklace.
Sgt. Rusty Curtis of the U.S. Cavalry is unhappy about the Army's plan to replace horses with tanks so, after a medical discharge, he tries to buy his old military mount Sireson. Unfortunately, the father of wealthy socialite Sally Crandall outbids him with plans to train Sireson for a steeplechase race. Sally and Rusty develop a rivalry because she has a favorite horse of her own, but when her horse is hurt she and Rusty declare a truce and begin a romantic relationship.
Sidney Gorcey (uncredited)
이듬해 봄에 열릴 만국박람회로 떠들썩한 세인트 루이스의 여름. 네 명의 딸과 아름다운 아내를 둔 스미스 씨는 부유한 비즈니스맨이다. 그의 승진과 함께 온 가족이 뉴욕으로 이사를 가야만 하는데, 가족들은 이 소식이 그다지 반갑지 않다. 더구나 몇 달만 지나면 그들이 고대하던 만국박람회가 드디어 열리는데, 이를 놓칠 수는 없지 않은가. 과연 스미스 씨 가족은 뉴욕으로 가게 될까?
Skinny Bogerty
Muggs and Glimpy, two East Side Kids in the army, return to their neighborhood, supposedly on furlough; actually, Muggs has been honorably discharged with a physical defect, but he tells no one of this. Danny, another East Side kid, is in jail because a large amount of medical supplies have been stolen from the warehouse where he works. Muggs see Spider, a new member of the gang, flashing a large amount of money around, and Muggs shrewdly turns toughie, boasting that he has a dishonorable discharge because of thievery. This leads Spider to confide in Muggs that he is the one who has been aiding in the theft of supplies from the warehouse, and he gets paid for the loot by Larry, operator of a nightclub where Muggs' sister, Milly, is an entertainer. Fingers, a henchman for Larry, kills Spider when he learns that Muggs has been let in on the operation. The police then suspect Muggs of killing Spider.
Ordered by a judge to get a job, Muggs McGinnis is hired by wealthy Mrs. Murray, who has a penchant for picking up trouble-prone servants. At an engagement party for Mrs. Murray's spoiled daughter Brenda, Muggs enlists his pals as extra help.
Brokerage Firm Office Boy (uncredited)
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right. He is aided by a cabaret singer, while placating a jealous wife.